Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 34 Native players!


"Humans get out!"

"You are not welcome here!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

In the venue that accommodated tens of thousands of people, the sound was filled with boos and cheers.

At the same time, the countdown on the big screen at the venue quietly returned to zero.


The alloy pillar that bound the Elastooth Rhinoceros Aoife Enoch has been lowered.


Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros who had been restrained for a long time, could not wait any longer, and his roar could not be suppressed even by the roar of thousands of people.

The enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch, who rushed out of the beast cage, did not rush towards the crowd, but towards the nearest truth!

"Truth, I will never let you die in a place like this!"

Qian Qiao pulled the Faiz phone in his hand, switched it to blaster mode, and aimed it at the two chains that imprisoned the truth.

Bang bang! !

With two gunshots, the bullet hit the iron chain binding Truth, allowing Truth to return to freedom.

In Lu Ziye's field of vision, the message of truth is fully revealed.

[Mari Sonoda (transformation), female, 20 years old]

[SMART LADY, Butterfly Enoch, Apostle Regeneration]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[The secretary to the president of the Intelligent Brain Group, and also the advertising star of the Intelligent Brain Group, responsible for receiving humans who have become Orphenoch]

"Isn't it the truth?" Lu Ziye was shocked when he saw the message.

This mysterious woman named SMART LADY has never shown her appearance as Orpheus Enoch. She did not expect to be Orpheus Enoch the butterfly.

"Qianqiao, help me!" Seeing the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch approaching, 'Truth' shouted anxiously.

"Attack that truth, be 'careless'" Lu Ziye whispered while putting on his knight's belt.

"Understood!" Xia You didn't question it and put on the Amazon drive directly.

Ever since he called Lu Ziye daddy, he no longer had any doubts about Lu Ziye. The main thing was trust!

Qian Qiao was speechless. The situation was critical, so he immediately switched the mode of his Faiz phone and entered the "555" command.




Three soft shouts sounded, and in an instant red light, blue light and purple flame suddenly appeared.

"Complete! (Complete)"

"Henshin! (Transformation)"

"SI·G·MA! (Sigma)"

The three of them completed their transformation, and were immediately greeted by the boos of tens of thousands of people.

At this time, the enamelled rhinoceros Opei Enoch opened his big mouth and was about to bite the 'truth' that was right in front of him.

Lu Ziye's two Vulcan cannons rotated, and the plasma fireball bombs roared out. The two fireball bombs flew straight towards the Elasmodon Offei Enoch.


Two fireballs hit Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, in the mouth and exploded with a bang.

The nearest 'truth' was knocked to the ground by the heat wave on the spot.

"There are still people here, can you be careful?" The 'Truth' lying on the ground shouted in great grievance.

It was the raised face that looked scorched yellow after the impact of the heat wave.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Xia You shouted softly, and his whole body exploded like a cannonball.

I saw the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch regaining his composure, and raised his right foot to slap the lying 'truth'.

The next moment, Xia You shot out, and his right fist suddenly met the giant foot of the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch.

The imagined collision between the two did not happen, but they were perfectly staggered, and Xia You avoided the landing point of the giant foot with a strange posture.


With a dull sound, the giant foot of Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, fell to the ground.

But Xia You's fist fell in front of 'Truth', and even the plastic floor collapsed and cracked due to the punch.

"Oops, I missed the target," Xia You said embarrassedly.

"." But the 'truth' who suffered the visual impact couldn't stop the cold sweat on his forehead.

She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this punch landed on her face.

"???" Gan Qiao, who could clearly see from behind, was in a complicated mood.

Lu Ziye and Xia You's attacks were obviously aimed at Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, but they accidentally affected the 'truth'.

It can only be said that the accuracy of their attacks was poor, and I can't find a precise reason to blame them.


The Elastodon Offei Enoch roared, and sharp needles suddenly shot out of his nose.

"It's dangerous here, leave quickly!" Xia You dodged a sharp needle, turned her body, took the 'truth' into her hand, and threw it out.

"Ahhhh~~~!" The scream of 'Truth' resounded throughout the venue.

"I'll pick him up! I'll pick him up!" Seeing this, Lu Ziye deliberately shouted loudly, signaling to everyone to let him come.


Lu Ziye opened his arms, but missed the falling 'truth'.

‘Truth’ fell firmly to the ground, and the eyes that almost popped out showed how painful the fall was!

"Damn it! The calculation was wrong!" Lu Ziye regretted, but there was a hint of smile in his words.

"Do they have any conflicts?" Kiba couldn't help but ask Qian Qiao.

"I quit! You guys can do whatever you like!"

The extremely sharp words sounded, but they came from the mouth of 'Truth'.

"Truth.?" Gan Qiao instantly realized something was wrong.

This voice and tone are definitely not the truth.

Then, the ‘truth’ shook, revealing her true appearance.

“SMART LADY!” Kiba recognized this person after a brief surprise.

It was she who asked Keitaro to bring them the message, asking them to go to the Zhinao Group to see the Emperor’s Belt.

Then the butterfly monitors sent out followed them and exposed the camp of the human resistance army.

If it weren’t for the help of Lu Ziye and Xia You, they would definitely be hated by other humans even more!

“Tell me, where is the truth.” Lu Ziye half-crouched down.

The muzzle of the rotating Vulcan cannon was aimed at SMART LADY, and the threat was obvious.

“Humph, so you already knew it.” SMART LADY turned her head away, unwilling to speak again.

Now she understood that this person already knew her identity, and that person named Xia You was deliberately playing tricks on her!


The crisp applause rang out in the venue, and the boos of thousands of people instantly quieted down.

A man in the stands was still applauding, but his eyes were looking at Lu Ziye.

"Don't embarrass me, ma'am. When we decide the winner, I will tell you where the truth is." The man smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes. "To be honest, I am really grateful to you. If you hadn't ruined their plan, I wouldn't have gotten what I wanted." Hearing this, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the man in the stands. The power of authority was immediately activated, displaying the man's information. [Zhang Xin, male, 25 years old, player-Orphnoch] [Level judgment: D-level monster] [Swordfish Orphnoch, native species] [Having blade-like protrusions all over his body, he is good at wielding a pair of long swords that can emit vibration waves. 】

[Players who have cleared the Knight Realm nine times have a certain level of accomplishment in swordsmanship and a certain degree of self-confidence in their own minds]

[Items held: Orga Gear (Earth Emperor Driver)-a driver separated and strengthened from the Delta driver, with the highest level of golden photon blood output to date, and performance surpassing other Faiz series drivers. Only the superior Orphino can transform]

[Accele Vent (Accelerated Advent)-a special advent card that super-accelerates to attack in an instant, disappears immediately after use]

[Advent (Contracted Beast Advent) (Replica)-summons the contracted beast Wildboarder (Violent Boar), can be used three times, and has been used once]

[Violent Boar: a boar-type bipedal walking mirror monster, good at hitting the enemy with its body, and the force generated by the charge reaches 200 tons. The four sharp horns protruding from the chest can fire light bullets to attack]

[Reflect-a consumable item that can be activated by touching the energy badge to create a reflective barrier that bounces back enemy attacks within a certain period of time]

[Freezing-a consumable item that can be activated by touching the energy badge to lower the temperature around the enemy to freezing point, freezing its actions]

". Native species?"

Lu Ziye's face under the mask was stunned. There was actually a native species of Orphino among the players.

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