Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 43 Listen to me, no sand!

As the locomotive rushed into the venue, the figure on the locomotive put his hands up, and the locomotive immediately flew forward.

The figure jumped off the motorcycle on the spot and rolled on the ground several times before stopping. The movement was quite smooth.

"What a coincidence! I'm here to help."

The figure's voice gradually decreased until finally it was silent.

It seemed that the scene in front of him made him understand something.

"Keitaro, what are you doing?" Mari asked in confusion.

Qian Qiao, who was standing next to him, smiled and shook his head, barely looking at it.

"I came here to give this away. A girl named Mina said it was a coincidence."

Keitaro was so aggrieved that he took out the Faiz Blaster from his arms and showed it to everyone.

"You came a little late."

At this moment, the two people who were the most silent were Lu Ziye and Xia You.

After thinking for a while, Xia You said seriously: "Lao Lu, I am very sure that you are the leader."

"." Lu Ziye did not refute this.

He fully expected that the blaster would appear at this time, which meant that as long as they delayed for a while, they would not need to take action.

Immediately afterwards, a virtual screen popped up in front of the two people.

[Congratulations on completing the final stage of the task, the rating will be integrated with the total rating]

[This Knight’s Realm will be opened to other players in the future]

[Players will be teleported out of this knight's realm in three minutes, please take your belongings with you]

"Personal belongings?" Lu Ziye was confused for a moment, and then his eyes fell on the Sidecar Slammer who fell on the ground in the distance.

I don’t know if the motorcycle is considered a personal belonging, but it would definitely be great if I could take it back with me.

Sensing Lu Ziye's gaze, Xia You immediately said, "Anything you touch can be taken back, but living things are not allowed!"

"Tsk" Lu Ziye's eyes didn't even light up before he was choked back by the second half of Xia You's sentence.

"Old Lu, go and touch the Sidecar Slammer. I want to take that thing back." Xia You said, walking directly towards the body of Ophir Enoch.

But the moment Xia You stretched out his hand and touched it, the Elasmodon Offei Enoch instantly melted into the sand and collapsed.

Even he himself was half buried in the sand.

"You, listen to me, we don't want sand." Lu Ziye thought about many sad things, but he still couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

After a long while, Xia You regained his composure and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "It took me a lot of time to get excited, but I lost so completely. blanch!"

At this time, Kiba came to Lu Ziye's side first.

"Thank you for helping us so much and for being willing to believe in us."

Kiba smiled and handed the three belts in his hand to Lu Ziye.

"Well, your ideal will eventually come true one day." After receiving the three belts, Lu Ziye nodded in response.

Hearing this, Kiba's face showed brief shock. He didn't expect Lu Ziye to say that, but his face quickly changed to a smile.

"Maybe." Qianqiao came back, Kiba was much more confident than before, "What about you, what are your plans in the future?"

"Let's go see more places." Lu Ziye said nothing more.

Kiba understood the meaning of the words, nodded and said: "I hope we can meet again in the future."

After saying this, Kiba said goodbye to Lu Ziye and walked towards his partner.

"I'm so envious. You've gained so much." Xia You came to Lu Ziye's side and her eyes fell on the three belts.

"Even if you beg me, I won't give it to you." Lu Ziye retracted his small hands and protected the three belts in his arms.

"I" Xia You choked and could only swallow back what she was about to say.

Buzz buzz—!

The engines of the motorcycle and the jeep sounded, and Gan Qiao and his group left from the passage.

In the passage, a group of people relied on each other and gradually disappeared in a white light.

Whether it is to move towards a future of coexistence with Aoife Enoch, or to create a new world, Lu Ziye has no way of knowing.

But there was one thing he knew very well, the Kiba trio had a good ending.

After this battle, human beings may truly accept them, which is the first step towards a future world where Orphenoch and human beings coexist.

"Lao Lu, stop looking, they are all gone." There was not much time left, Xia You warned.

"I know." Lu Ziye responded.

After taking a deep look at the direction of the passage, he and Xia You got into the sidecar Slammer.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I have a hunch that my rating will definitely be high this time!" As soon as she sat down, Xia You started rubbing her hands together excitedly.

"I don't know whether your rating is high or not, but my hidden branch rating is definitely the highest." Lu Ziye launched a precise attack on Xia You without mercy.

"Old Lu, it's meaningless for you to say this." Xia You covered her chest, looking uncomfortable.

"Okay. Then I can only say that there are quite a lot of belts." As he said that, Lu Ziye raised the three belts in his hand.

"." Xia You stopped talking. If he continued to speak, he was afraid that his saliva would flow out.

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable power enveloped the two of them, including the Sidecar Slammer, and they disappeared from the venue in an instant.

After the two teleported away, a fallen figure stood up quickly in the stands.

"Lu Ziye, Xia You. I remember you." The person who stood up was Xu Yinong, who had never acted before.

And Xu Yinong's body was also enveloped in power, and he began to escape from the realm of knights.

call out--!

Just when Xu Yinong was about to leave, a tentacle pierced Xu Yinong's heart.

"!!!" Xu Yinong's eyes widened and he looked down at his chest in disbelief.

The blue fire on his chest quickly faded away, and he turned his head to look at the source of the attack.

Not far away, SMART LADY had a smile on her face and retracted her raised index finger.

"What a pity. The higher-ups have told you that losers like you can't stay." SMART LADY pouted slightly and said in a cute way.

"You." Xu Yinong's words turned into gravel in the blink of an eye before he could finish his words.

Before the gravel fell to the ground, an inexplicable force teleported some of the gravel away from the Knight's Realm.

The scene in front of him quickly changed into a familiar luxurious room.

It is similar to the room after leaving the Zerg Factory, the only difference is that the exit door is not in the same position.

"Well~~~ It feels good to be back!" Xia You stretched hard, and then fell down on the sofa behind her.

“It’s better than over there”

boom! !

Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, there was a loud noise, and the two of them watched the Sidecar Slammer fall in front of them.

"This is how big things come. You'll get used to it." Xia You waved her hands, obviously showing that she was used to it.

Lu Ziye curled his lips and sat down on a separate sofa next to Xia You.

A familiar virtual screen popped up, showing their respective information to the two of them.

[Internal beta of Knight’s Realm—The Lost Paradise unified rating begins.]

[Comprehensive first-stage tasks, second-stage tasks, and final stage task completion are integrated and completed]

[The Lost Paradise Clearance Rating——S Level]

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