Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 47 Do you know how I lived?

Hearing Ran Ge talk about squeezing the driver, Lu Ziye actually moved slightly.

But just for a moment, mainly because squeezing the driver will squeeze the brain out.

Although he had the bonus of getting a girlfriend, in comparison, he definitely chose to have brains!

Besides, the squeeze drive requires a minimum hazard level of 4.0. It is unknown whether he can use the Build drive now, so naturally he will not consider the squeeze drive.

After a long time, Ran Ge finally looked away from Lu Ziye.

I think back then, she had experienced the realm of knighthood eight times before inheriting Hibiki.

But not only did Lu Ziye obtain the Knight System for the first time, he also obtained the first Build-type Knight System for the second time!

Nowadays, novices are too weird, right?

"Then I'll leave first!" Lu Ziye said and put the drive back.

He was not going to try to transform here. It would be too embarrassing if he failed.

"I have something to do next, so I won't send you off." Ran Ge nodded in response.

Immediately, Lu Ziye put the urea bag on his shoulder and left.

After leaving the Eternal Courtyard, Lu Ziye returned to Huan Meng Wushuang.

As soon as he entered the store, he saw Xia You sitting inside, her posture straight and her whole body exuding well-behavedness.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ziye was confused when he saw Xia You's obedient appearance.

Mainly, Xia You has always been very out-of-the-box, not like a well-behaved person.

"Lao Lu"

The moment Xia You saw Lu Ziye, she jumped up from her seat, trotted faster, bent her legs, slid on the ground, knelt down and hugged Lu Ziye's thigh.

"Twenty minutes. Lao Lu, do you know how I spent these twenty minutes?" Xia You's aggrieved eyes were very much like those of a resentful woman.

"Are you being ruined?" Lu Ziye finished speaking and pulled Xia You's hand away.

"What are you talking about! What are you talking about! I'm still a young lady!" Xia You's face darkened and she immediately defended herself.

"Okay, okay, I have business to do." Lu Ziye walked around Xia You and came to the counter.

Tan Lidou behind the counter stopped what he was doing and his eyes fell on Lu Ziye.

"Follow me." Without any nonsense, Tan Lidou left the counter and walked to the door next to him.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye immediately followed Tan Lidou, leaving Xia You behind with his mouth wide open.

"Damn it! The relationship between Lao Lu and the boss is so good?"

Xia You not only knew the rumors about Huanmeng Wushuang, but also knew that the props here were hard to find.

No matter how many players have stepped through the threshold here, it is difficult to get a prop here.

Moreover, the worst props leaked from Fantasy Wushuang, whether they are on the black market or the flea market, are all priceless!

At this time, Lu Ziye followed Tan Lidou to the room behind the store.

The room is very simple, except for some strange instruments, there is only one computer.

"There's no problem with the data we agreed on before, right?" Tan Lidou said, sitting down in front of the computer in the room, taking out a blank game cartridge from the side and inserting it into a device.

"Hmm." Lu Ziye put down the urea bag in his hand and took the Build Drive and Croziron from it.

Then, place the Build driver on your waist, and the driver immediately extends out of the belt and wraps around your waist.


With a gentle breath, Lu Ziye shook the Longman bottle in his hand.

Da da da.

There was a crisp shaking sound, turn the cap on the full bottle, and insert it into the Crozier.

"Wake Up! (Awakening)"

A dragon-shaped crest appears on Crozier's body and an exciting sound effect sounds.

At the same time as the sound effect sounded, he inserted it into the drive socket again.

"Cross-Z Dragon! (Dragon of the End)"

The sound effect fell, and Lu Ziye knew that he had succeeded.

If it fails, there will be a mismatched arc that repels the shapeshifter.

Now turn the rocker on the side of the drive to fully activate it.

In the extremely dynamic standby sound, a blue-purple pipe-like high-speed workshop extends from the drive.

"Are You Ready? (Are you ready?)"


When the transformation was shouted, the armor built on the front and rear high-speed workshops closed in the middle.

"Wake Up Burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah! (Awakening Burning! Get the power of the Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!)"

Under the sound effects, Lu Ziye has completed his transformation.

The armor is mainly dark blue with orange flame patterns.

The knight armor with dragon as the element naturally has dragon characteristics all over the body. The head is an orange dragon-shaped crest, the shoulders are shaped like dragon claws, and the armor on both arms is shaped like a dragon spine.

"It feels... completely different."

Lu Ziye, who had completed his transformation, clenched his fists slightly.

Compared with the steel bucket, the fit of the armor is not much different, but the force output method is completely different.

Steel Dou uses more of his transformer's movements to increase his strength, while Crozier collects intelligence in real time and makes simultaneous adjustments to stimulate his body's functions, keeping him in the most appropriate state to fight at any time.

The field of view is also different. Compared to Gangdou's wide field of view, Crozier's field of view is slightly smaller.

It can be seen that the application of different technologies in armor is completely different.


On Tan Lidou's side, after Lu Ziye completed his transformation, he tapped on the keyboard.

The surrounding instruments started simultaneously, and blue light began to scan Lu Ziye's body.

"I need your data, so get ready to start if there's no problem." With that said, Tan Lidou turned around and looked at Lu Ziye.

"Okay." Lu Ziye agreed without hesitation.

With Tan Li Dou's test, he can better understand the current knight system. Naturally, he will not refuse the offer of killing two birds with one stone.

"Come in." Tan Lidou called softly, and then a figure walked into the room.

".Is this appropriate?"

The god of gaming is actually a tester.

It really makes me cry to death.

"Just do your best and leave the rest to me." Tan Lidou kept tapping the keyboard with both hands, preparing to collect various data.

With Tan Lidou's words, Lu Ziye immediately turned the drive rocker.

With the rotation of the drive rocker, the shadow of a blue dragon suddenly appeared around him.

Flames rose from the surrounding blue dragon's body, and its power surged in an instant, even causing the temperature of the room to rise.

"Ready Go! (Ready to go!)"

The moment the sound resounded, Lu Ziye jumped up, and the dragon behind him simultaneously opened its mouth and spurted out flames. The flames turned into the driving force and sent him out.

"Dragonic Finish! (Dragon's End!)"

Lu Ziye, who was in mid-air, was approaching the game god and kicked out his right leg.

The kicked right leg burst out with majestic energy, even dyeing the entire room with a blue light!

After Lu Ziye released the knight kick, he fell behind the game god.

"The output system is very good." Tan Lidou commented objectively, "Go on."

After receiving Tan Lidou's instructions, the Game God immediately left the room.

"." Lu Ziye's mood was complicated.

The knight kick he used with all his strength only made the game god move his shoulders.

"According to your level, with your current contribution, you can reach the E+ level." After saying this, Tan Lidou typed on the final keyboard to complete this data collection.

I'm stuck. It's quite uncomfortable.

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