Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 58 Danger! Super dangerous!

Looking at the dangerous trigger activated in his hand, Lu Ziye did not hesitate and inserted it directly into the side slot of the drive.

"Dang Dang Dang"

During the standby sound of the dangerous trigger, Lu Ziye placed his right hand on the drive rocker.

As the joystick rotates, a blue arc instantly fills the body.

"Humph" The electric arc pulsed on his body, and Lu Ziye couldn't help but groan.

"Are you ready? (Are you ready?)"

It wasn't until the sound effect sounded that the arc on his body gradually dissipated.

"Over Flow! Wake up burning! Get CROSS-Z DRAGON! YABEEI! (Overflow state! Awakening and burning! Get the power of the Terminator Dragon! Super dangerous!)"

Stimulated by the power of the dangerous trigger, Lu Ziye felt his body feel more relaxed than ever before.

This feeling of pleasure continues to spread throughout the body, as if it is about to come out.

"It didn't turn black.?"

Lu Ziye looked at the armor on his body and did not find the black armor unique to dangerous forms.

He could probably guess the reason. It should be that the best combination was not carried out.

From this point of view, the ingredients of the full bottle alone will not cause the armor to change, but can only increase the danger level and combat effectiveness.

Then, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the smoke and dust that was about to disperse in front of him.

He didn't have much time, and he didn't know whether he would go berserk or not. But what he has to do now is to completely defeat Yang Dongchuan in the shortest possible time!

At the same time, the rising smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the scene inside

Xia You among them was seen falling to the ground, and only Yang Dongchuan stood up slowly.

"It's a little stronger than I thought, just a little bit." Yang Dongchuan said after turning his neck slightly.

But the next second, Lu Ziye's figure suddenly appeared on the right side of Yang Dongchuan.

Yang Dongchuan reacted very quickly and immediately waved his right hand towards his side!


With a dull sound, Yang Dongchuan's right fist was held by Lu Ziye in his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye swung his right hook and hit his chest directly.

But just as the right hook was about to hit, Yang Dongchuan also reached out and caught Lu Ziye's fist.

But the impact that followed made Yang Dongchuan couldn't help but take a step back.

"Huh? How do you have such power?" Yang Dongchuan couldn't help but be surprised.

He knew his own strength very well, how could he be repelled by the opponent's basic power?

His eyes quickly swept over and immediately locked on the dangerous trigger on Lu Ziye's drive.

After seeing the dangerous trigger, Yang Dongchuan immediately understood Lu Ziye's sudden burst of power.

"I see, then I will play with you."

Before Yang Dongchuan finished speaking, Lu Ziye's knee hit his waist.

At such a close distance, even if Yang Dongchuan reacted, he could only twist his body to avoid a slight knee impact.


The knee collided with Yang Dongchuan's side, making a sharp friction sound with the armor.

Even so, Yang Dongchuan was very unhappy and immediately took out his hand to distance himself.

The moment he withdrew his right hand, Lu Ziye's left hand was also pressed on the dangerous trigger.

"Max Hazard On!"

"Ready Go! Over Flow YABEEI! (Ready! Overflow state! Super dangerous!)"

Yang Dongchuan's left hand still held Lu Ziye's fist, and a strong blue arc suddenly bloomed from it.


A blue arc of electricity erupted from Lu Ziye's fist and poured into Yang Dongchuan's body in an instant.

"Ah" Yang Dongchuan couldn't help but hum as the electric arc poured into him.

The electric arc kept beating on his body, with no intention of fading away, so that strong sparks kept bursting out from Yang Dongchuan's body.

Because of the arc, Yang Dongchuan was unable to move at all for a short period of time. Lu Ziye, who saw this opportunity, turned the joystick of the drive again!

"Ready Go! Hazard Dragonic Finish! (Ready Go! Hazard Dragonic Finish!)"

As the sound effects sounded, Lu Ziye's right foot was wrapped with black flames. He stood still and kicked out, landing directly on Yang Dongchuan's chest.

Boom—bang! ! !

The moment his right foot landed, the flames of the explosion instantly engulfed the two figures.

Not only that, there was another explosion in the flames, and the sparks that erupted could even be clearly seen.

"Sparking Giraffe!"

The sudden sound of sound effects startled Lu Ziye, who was in the flames, and he immediately jumped back.

Boom! Boom! !

When he jumped away, a kick landed at the original position, and the golden arc instantly filled up, blasting the ground into a depression of several meters.

"Not bad, not bad, I approve of you!" What followed was Yang Dongchuan's sneer.

The flames and arcs dispersed in the blink of an eye, leaving Na Yang Dongchuan standing intact.

But there was a pale golden barrier in front of him that was slowly fading away. It was that barrier that helped him resist the attack.

"Did I use it when I kicked him out?" Lu Ziye thought about it and came up with the answer.

"If it weren't for me, you two would definitely be able to complete the first phase of the mission." Yang Dongchuan paused at this point and stepped on Xia You next to him, "It's a pity that you met me. "

"Let go of you"

Before Lu Ziye finished speaking, his vision blurred.

Then, he felt a strong sense of dizziness. This strong sense of dizziness made him feel like giving up controlling his body.

The emergence of this feeling made Lu Ziye realize something instantly. Without any hesitation, he bit the tip of his tongue directly.

As the tip of his tongue was bitten, a rusty smell filled his mouth. It was this rusty smell that made him sober in an instant!

"Even if I don't let go, what can you do?" Yang Dongchuan became even more arrogant and even stepped down harder.


The ground Xia You was lying on collapsed. It can be imagined that the force Yang Dongchuan used was not small.

At this moment, Lu Ziye came out again, and the anger in his heart made him want to release it.

Seeing Lu Ziye's attack, Yang Dongchuan immediately threw out a whip kick to meet Lu Ziye's attack.


The whip leg was swung inexplicably, leaving only a cracking sound in the air.

"Why did the speed become faster?" Just when Yang Dongchuan was surprised, a figure appeared beside him.

boom! ! !

He swung his fist and hit Yang Dongchuan firmly on the side of his face.

Yang Dongchuan was seen taking a few steps back, and then he stabilized his body and stood still.

"The strength has also become stronger. What's going on?" Yang Dongchuan was puzzled as to why such a situation suddenly occurred.

On the other hand, Lu Ziye's movements still remained at punching.

"Huh?" Yang Dongchuan noticed something was wrong and found that Lu Ziye didn't make any move.

"." Standing there, Lu Ziye felt his consciousness getting increasingly blurry. Even if he bit the tip of his tongue again, it would have no effect.

With a buzzing sound in my mind, I completely lost my vision.

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