Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 80 The guarantee is triggered! ?


The Winged Spearman landed on the Odin card box and burst into a ball of sparks.

"Huh?" Lu Ziye was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention penetrating Odin, the Winged Spearman didn't even leave a scratch on the card box.

"Is it possible that the piercing attribute of the Winged Spearman is triggered probabilistically?" Lu Ziye fell into deep thought as he looked at the Winged Spearman in his hand.

Then, he thrust the Winged Spearman in his hand into the ground, and first reached out to push away Odin's approaching hand.

"Is it okay if I pull out the card cassette?" After muttering, Lu Ziye started to pull, but there was no movement.

"Hey, it's a little tight."

Lu Ziye stepped on Odin's body, clasped his hands on the cassette and pulled it out, but there was still no sign of loosening.

"Look at the official game. This guy is not cheating on me. Cough."

Lu Ziye couldn't help but pant, and he used all his strength to suck the milk. The cassette seemed to be welded to it.

After a while, the virtual screen did not pop up. Instead, the golden summoning machine appeared in Odin's hand again.

".I don't believe I have bad luck."

Pulling out the winged spear again, Lu Ziye began his great cause of triggering the penetration attribute.

Clang, Clang, Clang—!

Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of countless metal collisions.

Sparks flew all over Odin's body, but his figure was unable to move at all.

".My special meow, the Winged Spearman is about to be cut off, so I should trigger it!"

Lu Ziye's chest kept rising and falling, and the wing spear in his hand was covered with various scratches. On the other hand, the armor on Odin's body is so clean that it doesn't look like it has been attacked at all.

"How can there be such thick armor? Use magic to defeat magic?"

Lu Ziye's mind suddenly became active, and he reached out and took away the golden summoner.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

"You are such a bitch, you don't even have a golden saber left." Lu Ziye complained, adding the scissors feature to the golden summoner in his hand.

Suddenly, a layer of energy appeared on the golden summoner. He did not hesitate to use the golden summoning machine to greet him on the chest.

Boom--boom! !

At this time, the golden summoning machine turned into a mallet, hitting Odin's chest, lower abdomen, face, and neck one after another.

After dozens of blows, Lu Ziye stopped what he was doing and stared at the place where Odin was attacked.

"Okay, okay, Master Lu can't scrape anymore."

Master Lu, who had worked hard for a long time, was lying on the ground, leaving only an extremely inconspicuous small scratch on Odin's chest.

".I'm tired, let's destroy it!" Master Lu didn't want to play tricks.

"Um, destruction?" Suddenly, Lu Ziye sat up, a strange thought flashed through his mind.

The task is to let Odin use Time Fall, and every time he uses Time Fall, it is nothing more than what Kanzaki Shirou wants to correct, or to continue the knight's battle.

"Perhaps something unexpected happened!" Under the mask, Lu Ziye's eyes became brighter.

The next moment, Lu Ziye's right hand took out the blank ticket contract card he had obtained before.

[Blank Ticket (Contract) - You can input energy into it to form your own image and usage time on the blank ticket. If subjected to a fatal attack, this ticket will be automatically activated and the user will be sent back to the time of use]

After scanning the information with his eyes and confirming that it was correct, Lu Ziye held the blank ticket contract card between the fingertips of his left hand and held a full bottle of destroyer in his right hand.

"Start." After taking a long breath, Lu Ziye once again released the special power of the scissors.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

At the same time, the steel bucket full bottle in the full bottle destroyer is activated again.

"FullBottle Break! (Full Bottle Break)"

The tachyons of a single steel bucket are diverged, and the energy of the scissors on the blade converges and merges.

". Accelerate to the extreme!" While muttering to himself in a low voice, Lu Ziye began to emit rich red energy from the armor on his body.

With the blessing of this energy, Lu Ziye swung out the full bottle of Destroyer in his hand, creating a scratch in the space in front of him.

Despite this, his movements did not pause at all, and he slashed again. The moment it completely overlapped with the previous slash, his speed began to increase.

At this moment, Lu Ziye turned into red afterimages, continuously striking at the place where he first struck!

"Beep beep!" As the speed continued to increase, the screen in the mask flashed red and a load alarm sounded.

But this did not stop Lu Ziye's movements. Instead, he continued to speed up, as if he was going to completely chop up the space in front of him.

"Now!" The moment Lu Ziye's speed reached the limit, the energy in his left hand surged towards the blank ticket contract.

In an instant, Lu Ziye's current state and time were printed on the blank ticket contract, and then calm returned.

After doing all this, Lu Ziye immediately collapsed on the ground, and the broken space in front of him began to repair when the special power of the scissors disappeared. And his current state is almost out of control.

"The three elements of the universe."

"The axioms of time, space, and mass, time is endless and eternal. Space is unbounded and eternal. Quality is infinite and eternal."

"Time and space are connected to each other. Odin, I will defeat you this time!"

Lu Ziye stood up with difficulty. He would not be satisfied just by completing the task.

He is greedy and wants Odin's time to come.


The winged spear was pulled out from the ground by Lu Ziye, and the tip was pointed at his lower abdomen.

Now is the most important part. We are not in the mirror world now. As long as we don't die in Odin's hands, the opponent will most likely not be able to collect his life force. In this way, Odin will inevitably use Time Advent to reverse time and resurrect him.

From this, all plans start completely at this moment!

"I don't know how many times it will take to succeed." Lu Ziye sighed, not to mention his luck just now.

Be mentally prepared, Lu Ziye will violently stab the Winged Spearman into his lower abdomen!


I saw the winged spear piercing Lu Ziye's lower abdomen unimpeded.

"Did I trigger the guarantee?" The severe pain coming from his abdomen made Lu Ziye gradually lose his mind.

Who would have thought that in just one move, the Winged Spearman would successfully pierce through. At least Lu Ziye couldn't accept it.

As the scene before Lu Ziye's eyes gradually blurred, his physical strength was gradually exhausted, and a cold feeling hit his body.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

The sound effect of the end of time rising sounded, and everything around him returned to its original state. Lu Ziye, whose abdomen was penetrated, immediately fell to the ground.

"Even if you end yourself, you are not willing to give your life. But, I will not let you get your wish." Odin, who resumed his actions, took out the advent card and put it into the golden summoner.

And Lu Ziye, who had the last trace of consciousness left, knew that he had succeeded after hearing Odin's words!

"Time Vent! (Time is coming)"


Intangible energy spreads, and the entire world falls silent at this moment.

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