Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 83 Oops! God-killing gorilla diamond!

"Oh, let's put it this way, it's really not easy." Lu Ziye lay on the sofa and listened to Xia You's story.

According to Xia You, after he eliminated other players, countless high-speed knights spewed out from the mirror world, and had to fight against countless high-speed knights. If he hadn't happened to be teleported back, he would have ended up inside.

"Yeah. I definitely don't want to experience it again." Until now, Xia You still has lingering fears.

The high-speed knight's intensive missile bombardment almost caused him to shed a layer of his skin.

"I don't want to experience that bird food again." At this point, Lu Ziye let out a long breath.

If he hadn't obtained a blank contract ticket by chance, he would have no way to deal with Odin. It can only be said that his luck is really good this time. If anything goes wrong, he will probably be trapped in the reincarnation of Dragon Rider forever.

However, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. The harvest from this trip is also quite heavy!

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye took out the advent card he grabbed from his body.

The power of power in the eyes unfolded simultaneously, and the message of the advent card emerged.

[Time Vent (Time Advent) - a special card with the ability to freely control time. After activation, the user can control time as they wish. 】

[Time Rewind: Rewind the existing timeline, and you can choose any time point]

[New Timeline: Change some factors through the arrival of time to achieve different events unfolding]

[Time extension: Extend the survival time in the mirror world. You can also extend the time to achieve the effect of individual time acceleration]

[Time stop: Stop an individual’s actions and let yourself be in normal time]

[This special card is a special arrival card of the Dragon Cavalry system, and is only available to Dragon Cavalry knights]

"Good guy!" Lu Ziye didn't expect that Time Come has so many abilities.

But what I didn't expect was that the special weapon could only be used by dragon knights.

"If Tan Lidou can do a pause, he should be able to handle this Advent Card, right?" After thinking for a short time, Lu Ziye thought of a way.

"What's wrong? This is...?" Xia You came over from the side, her eyes lingering on Time Coming for a few minutes, "Time Coming. What is this thing?"

"It's a tool that most knights can never defeat." Lu Ziye was not joking about this.

No matter where time is, it has an extremely domineering ability.

"Holy shit, shit! Then aren't we taking off?" Xia You opened her mouth wide, and what followed was joy.

"It almost took off. There's no need for it now." Lu Ziye shook his head and put the time back in his bag.

"What a shame, I'm so happy." Xia You lost interest in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, two virtual screens popped up in front of the two of them, and they came to the settlement of this challenge to the Knight's Realm.

Xia You also became energetic and began to scan his harvest this time.

Lu Ziye, on the other hand, did not look at the virtual screen immediately because there were too many questions lingering in his mind.

For example, the fate of the official personnel this time, the alien King of Time named Tongzhou, made him feel very strange.

After all, who the good guy uses alien knights as official personnel?

Furthermore, it was Tong Zhou who said to him, ‘You, not him.’ He felt that there must be something hidden in this. But now he has no way to find out.

"This game official doesn't look like a good person." No matter how he thought about it, Lu Ziye felt that there was a big problem.

"Lao Lu, I seem to have really taken off!!"

At this time, Xia You's trembling voice sounded, interrupting Lu Ziye's thoughts.

"Huh?" Lu Ziye then turned his head and saw an injection falling from Xia You's hand.

[Evolution factor injection - allows Amazons cells to gain stronger adaptability and evolution. They need to continuously eat stronger organisms to make Amazons cells resonate and evolve (note: this injection has a certain risk and will cause Amazons cells to collapse)]

Lu Ziye frowned slightly after scanning the information about injections.

This injection can be said to be a double-edged sword. If it fails, Xia You may never be able to transform again.

But once you succeed, you can continue to evolve and enhance your own strength. And for Amazons like Xia You, eating stronger creatures is quite suitable.

But for this evolutionary factor, he had no relevant settings in his mind. There are not many knights who have evolved, such as Black (Black Sun), Kuuga (empty self), Agito (Yajituo), etc., but the term evolutionary factor is completely unreasonable.

After thinking this way, Lu Ziye came up with some guesses: "There is a high probability that it is an official prop, and there is a certain risk in it."

"I know, but I want to give it a try." As he said this, Xia You already raised the evolutionary factor injection in his hand.

"Why be anxious!" Lu Ziye quickly grabbed Xia You's raised hand, "There are ways to increase the probability."

He still remembered Ran Ge's human enhancement culture tank last time, there were two more times, maybe he could discuss using it for Xia You.

After all, Lu Ziye didn't want Xia You, who had just formed a team, to turn into a corpse in the blink of an eye.

"Is there any way to increase the probability?" When Xia You heard this, he immediately put down his hand.

Since there is a way to increase the probability, he will definitely not be stupid enough not to use it.

"Well, you just have to ask a big boss." Lu Ziye shrugged. He didn't know whether Ran Ge would agree, but he had to give it a try.

"No matter what the price, I'm willing to do it." A smile appeared on Xia You's face, and he began to imagine what would happen after success.

Seeing that Xia You calmed down, Lu Ziye turned his attention to the virtual screen.

He participated in three games in a row, and the final reward was doubled, so he was naturally looking forward to it!

[Because this is a challenge to the realm of knights, the reward items will correspond to the player’s characteristics]

[Gorilla FullBottle (gorilla full bottle) - a full bottle with gorilla elements as the main ingredient. Can be combined with Diamond Full Bottles to form a Best Match combination]

"Oh, the God-killing Orangutan Diamond!" The first reward that came into view made Lu Ziye a little surprised.

While there aren't many improvements to his current form, the Full Bottlebreaker has a versatile ability.

Moreover, I don’t know what kind of expression Tan Li Dou would have if he put this in front of him.

After a little fun, move on to the next reward.

[Prime Dragon FullBottle (Perfect Dragon Full Bottle) - was born from an idea of ​​a genius physical scientist, but he didn't have time to put it into practice until the end. Now the special full-fill bottles are produced by the official according to their ideas]

"Fuck." It took a while before Lu Ziye came back to his senses.

He really didn't expect that there would be such full bottles.

The first thing he came into contact with was the Dragon Man Bottle. It can be said that the adaptability of the Dragon Man Bottle is quite high, and it doesn't feel awkward like using the bunny form.

Now that I see this kind of non-existent prop, I can only express my inner thoughts with F*ck.

I forgot to put it on the shelves today. I will be coding all night tonight to update everyone! In addition, this is actually the first time for the author to write this kind of infinite flow of knight stories. If there is anything wrong, I hope you can tell me and I will correct it in time.

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