Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 21: Boss Ho doesn't like it


Now that I have money to eat, I have already taken a ride back, so the restaurants have also disappeared. There used to be dozens of restaurants here, but now there are only three or five.

It was already evening when I returned to the rental house in City H. He Gui washed up and it was 1987. This day, nothing came of it.

Here in 1987, He Gui looked at the manuscript and prepared to write about national treasures, but this thing is linked together, and it is not good if you are not familiar with the United States. It seems that you have to wait.

"Hey, can mabide fantasy novels be customized? As far as imagination goes, there are more people in the East than in the West?" He Gui muttered to himself.

Isn't magic just like elves, dwarves, orcs?

One book of the Lord of the Rings is nothing, and one Hobbit is nothing. Shall we make ten copies?

He Gui thought of this, and continued to return to the study room after his appearance in 1987, returning to modern times again.

"Are you here, is there anyone who can write western fantasy novels?" He Gui posted a text in the popular group.

In the hotspot group, almost no one showed up, and everyone communicated in private. The four hotspots supported the sales champion of a newspaper in Xianggang in 1987. This thing is full of volume, and the brains are getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, He Gui is also slowly building an oriental fairy tale world, and the next step is to serialize fairy tale novels, and now there is a theory of innate realm.

"Yes, yes, is the boss free?"

"Boss, Western Fantasy is like that, old-fashioned knight, old-fashioned hero."

"Yes, it's not surprising."

As soon as He Gui spoke, several hotspots immediately appeared. You talked to each other, and these hotspots were actually communicating in private. Why is this boss buying so many novels?

Not published again?

However, it’s fine to just take the money. Anyway, it’s enough for others to give the money. Maybe the other party is a company that reserves the script?

He Gui typed and asked, "Is there anyone who can write? Is it still the old rules?"

It's the same thing about revealing the truth, anyway, the manuscript is in my own hands.

"Yes, Internet literature, in fact, was originally Western Fantasy, and there are also writers of Western Fantasy."

"Boss, why don't we write a beginning and you can see, the routines of this thing are the same." Someone from the four hotshots spoke.

He Gui replied with a good one: "Okay, write 50,000 characters first, and I'll take a look first."

"The pace is a little faster. It looks like a 50 to 1 million-word book. In addition, the angle is best from a Westerner's write, talk, and communicate." He Gui thought for a while and said.

"Okay." The four of them answered vehemently, but in private they negotiated to find someone else to write it, and then acted as an intermediary...

The four of them discussed in private, and then began to look for people, mainly looking at the style, and the authors were also classified, some were urban, some were science fiction, some were historical, and some were western fantasy.

Authors have their own groups, and it's easy to get in touch. The category of Western Fantasy has declined.

The four of them took the money to collect the manuscript first, and then showed it to the big boss. The big boss took a fancy to that and asked people to continue writing...

The four of them set up a so-called studio by themselves, fifty-one thousand words, ten thousand words a day is no problem, that's five hundred, of course the intermediary may have to eat, forty-five or something?

Like heroes, legends, knights, nobles, etc., these elements need to be combined.

Then magicians, wizards, warlocks, dragons, orcs, barbarians, etc., to the Western Fantasy written by modern orientals, it is already a big world structure, it can be said that it has been brought to the extreme, compared to Lord of the Rings , the Hobbit worldview is stronger and bigger.

It’s not that there are special translations on foreign websites, and there are many foreigners who urge them to change, and it is said that some of them have quit du.

Come here in 1987 and see this western bodyguard, this is not realistic what is the reader? Just collect a wave of manuscripts, and then slowly put them out... just a tool person.

Early the next morning, He Gui came out of the rented house in reality and returned to the farm. Yesterday, Saturday, Ren Yingying didn't have a holiday, so she left early this morning.

Boss He treated others as tools, and when he returned to the farm, he was used as tools by Yang Qiao and Zhang Yan for a whole morning. After lunch, he went to the research institute to have a look. By the way, he showed his face in 1987.

In the evening, I worked as a toolman for another night, working according to the instructions throughout the whole process, and there is also a video guide for the whole process, working methods, working attitudes, and working postures. Boss He has a good physical fitness.

"Xiao Guizi, do you have a physical problem?" Yang Qiao asked, not wearing a tattered cheongsam, and regardless of his current posture.

He Gui said angrily: "Nonsense, it's not about chance?"

Zhang Yan was speechless on the sidelines, Xiao Guizi upholds the attitude of fighting to the end for Zhang's passive skills, so he is still recovering, and his posture is even more unsightly.

"Hey, my parents are urging the marriage, what do you think?" Yang Qiao asked with a sigh when he was a little better.

He Gui stood up and began to clean up. After cleaning, he went back to his room, because Liu Ru's mother was coming to cook in the morning.

"Is little noble son angry?" Yang Qiao asked with his arms around Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan finally regained her breath. Just now when someone was cleaning up, she muttered a few times and gave Yang Qiao a blank look: "I don't know if he is angry or not. Anyway, I am angry. What did you say back then? Want to get Xiao Guizi into your household registration book?"

"I have an idea. Xiao Guizi will marry you or me first, then get divorced, and then marry me or you, so that we will have an excuse to be together in the future... at least an excuse?" Yang Qiao whispered Said.

Zhang Yan's heart was also moved, and Zhang Yan's family members were also anxious. Girls without money were all in demand, let alone those who could earn a lot of money, the family members were also anxious.

"This method is fine, but can Xiao Guizi agree?" Zhang Yan thinks this is a good method. After her divorce, her parents probably won't spread it everywhere...

Yang Qiao chuckled: "It depends on your passive skills... Let's mention it next time and see what he says."

"I think he's interested in Ren Yingying?" Zhang Yan shook her head and said.

Yang Qiao cut it: "Cut. We won't hinder him, as long as he pays the public food on time..."

"Sex girl..." Zhang Yan angrily pushed Yang away, then wrapped herself in a quilt and fell asleep.

Ren Yingying came here on Sunday and was in the city, Wen Jing and Yang Susu were also together.

"Yingying, how is Boss He's relationship with you?" The three of them called Guopin outside and chatted while eating. Wen Jing asked first.

Ren Yingying shook her head and said: "I don't know, maybe Boss He sent me a message at the beginning, but I didn't reply to him very much, and don't look at me working with him, but the time we are together is only the time for dinner in the morning and evening."

"Really?" Wen Jing couldn't believe it, the toothpick that poked the fruit stopped in the air.

Ren Yingying nodded: "Boss He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning to wash and eat, and then enters the laboratory. He doesn't leave the laboratory until the afternoon, sometimes in the evening. I don't know what kind of research it is."

"What I do is some auxiliary work on the periphery, and I don't see any significance."

Yang Susu asked, "The last time you said that Boss He and his two partners?"

"It's hard for me to say something that shouldn't be there, anyway, the relationship seems normal." Ren Yingying shook her head and replied uncertainly.

Yang Susu sighed: "Oh, I don't know if the three of us are wrong. My father doesn't know what it means to be crazy recently. He wants to introduce me to the mayor's little gongwuyuan."

"Hehe, I don't even dare to go back. Our parents' style is even more rough, and the old men in the Northeast can really fight when they are drunk." Wen Jing shook her head.

Ren Yingying also nodded: "Boss He, I don't feel anything, and the more we get along, the more strange it becomes. Boss He also built a fitness room, where I can exercise for nothing."

"This is normal. You can see that many foreign institutions and companies have their own fitness places. Boss He, who does research like this, probably takes a lot of brains." Wen Jing thinks that fitness is a good thing.

Ren Yingying shook her head: "Anyway, I feel that Boss He is too mysterious, and I have a general understanding. Boss He's research is not optimistic, and there is some element of luck."

"It's hard to say. We don't know much about research. It's a pity that Boss He doesn't like me. Otherwise, this kind of man is really reassuring." Wen Jing said after eating a piece of cantaloupe.

Ren Yingying nodded: "Let's take a look first and then talk. Anyway, I don't have any intention of falling in love now. My salary is the lowest on the farm, which is the same as the salary of the two old men who are guarding the door."

"There's nothing I can do about it." Yang Susu shrugged. After all, Liu Hai is an acquaintance, so it's hard to say.

Ren Yingying was also a little tangled in her heart. On the one hand, a person like Boss He doesn't have any style of life...Of course he doesn't know the truth.

But on the other hand, I feel that such a man is not a good partner, and I can't go shopping with me or something.

He Gui didn't think about Ren Yingying. On the one hand, he didn't have much time, and on the other hand, He Gui also felt that Ren Yingying was relatively indifferent to him, so he didn't have the intention to continue chasing her.

Back in 1987, I still participated in various trainings in the morning, and dealt with things in the afternoon. The Yaoshen Research Institute reviewed some of the projects. Now He Gui has delegated power to Hans. Research projects with a value of less than one million US dollars can be determined by myself. .

A tool person who can grow is a good tool person, and this is good news from the Institute of Electronics.

The vcd research was successful. The jiema patent will not be registered until 1988. Of course it has been registered here. It has not been a month. I have to say that professional tool people are different. He Gui thinks that three more are needed month or half a year.

But it was impossible to go to Xintian that day, and He Gui went to Xintian the next day.

The test machine is not very good-looking, it looks like a bunch of parts, and there are wires connecting each other.

The disc was placed in the machine, and then played out smoothly. In fact, He Gui simply knew the principle, what exactly happened... his face was confused.

"Very good, hurry up and register the global patent, this is the first blockbuster product in our electronics industry." He Gui nodded, although he didn't understand, but he must say compliments.

The structure of the electronic research laboratory is very complicated. There is a core research institute, which is in charge of Sun Haidong and other people from the mainland. It is mainly responsible for the transformation of some high-end technologies.

Herman is in charge of hardware, chip design, etc., and Paul is in charge of software. There is cooperation and competition between them, although not much.

The construction project that Siemens Electric participated in is progressing smoothly. Of course, the money is flowing out like water. Originally, this 8-inch fab should have been established by Siemens and IBM in 1990, but He Gui intercepted it. Stupid.

Having said that, this thing can't be done without money. The investment of billions of dollars is a lot of pressure for He Gui. Fortunately, He Gui's various industries don't need big investment.

This has been more than 80 years, and He Gui not only has to build a fab, but also build upstream and downstream together, chips, operating systems, etc. together.

That is to say, the outside world doesn’t know the specific situation here, otherwise it’s very soft and it won’t be watching the To put it bluntly, this thing is the most advanced in the world, and there are not many countries It can be done. Fortunately, He Gui got the materials when he bought the lithography machine, otherwise the Siemens electric crane would not hang you.

He Gui inspected them, expressed his satisfaction with these people, promised them a bright future, had dinner together, and talked about small goals.

With a few months to go, He Gui decided to go back to the mainland to see how things are going.

Now that He Gui said to go back to the mainland, he came back in a flash. He Gui is waiting to go to the United States this year to harvest a harvest, and then... there is a high probability that he will not go for many years in the future. The honeymoon period with the mainland is over, and the hard days are coming. coming.

In the huge rehearsal room, He Gui frowned watching the models walking on the runway.

Ivana, Secretary Zhang and a few bumen brains are waiting for He Gui's opinion.

"Oh, I think you're going the wrong way." Although He Gui doesn't understand, what's the point of having so many models walk the runway for Dongfang's clothes?

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