Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 597: waste collection

"Thank you, boss." Principal Zheng didn't expect that He Gui would agree directly like this. He also knew that people like He Gui would not joke, so he simply thanked him.

"It's not convenient for me to meet them in the past few days. You can just come and receive them." He Gui waved his hand and said to Principal Zheng.

Principal Zheng nodded: "Okay, boss."

"Approximately how many people will participate in the forum this time?" He Gui still doesn't know the exact number of participants. On the one hand, some people haven't come yet, and some people may change their minds midway.

Principal Zheng said: "Boss, according to my personal prediction, the number of people attending the meeting comes from more than 100 countries, and there are almost 400 people, many of whom are in their own names." www.877zwm

"I'll report to the boss when the specific list comes out." Principal Zheng also doesn't have a specific list, because some people will not come temporarily or something, and the current statistics are not accurate.

"You don't have to report it to me, you can receive it as you want!"

"Boss, when will the aerospace major be opened in our school?" Principal Zheng has always been thinking about setting up the aerospace major in the school. You must know that the aerospace major is one of the top-tier ones for your boss. If you don't make good use of it, It's just a bit of a loss.

"This private university professor on your side, isn't this a bit inappropriate?" He Gui said after hearing this.

"Boss, we only teach elementary things, and we will definitely not cover things that are too deep, and even a student who teaches too deep in a university can't learn so much. We can ask you to send talents over there. Our side is quite Because of a preliminary screening process." Principal Zheng, I still don't want to give up here, and there are ways to deal with it completely.

"After this forum, you can make a report and I will let the higher-ups review it first. If there is no problem, you can open this major, but you must be cautious when recruiting students, especially for background checks. You can ask the relevant departments for help. "Basically, people around He Gui didn't do their own background checks, mainly because He Gui didn't have the right to do background checks, and the other thing was that if something happened, it had nothing to do with him.

Of course, if you are in He Gui's factory, He Gui must be in charge of supervision. In fact, even if you enter He Gui's aerospace factory, there is no big problem, because there are only a few people in charge, and the others want to It is very difficult to be the person in charge of technology, at least one of hundreds of people is selected, and it takes a long time, basically ten years.

The researchers at He Gui's side have come up layer by layer. Every researcher has the opportunity to control a project. If the project is completed, they can continue to work on the next project. Just conduct an evaluation, if after the evaluation, it is considered that the project is not due to man-made reasons, then you can continue to work on the project, if it is due to man-made reasons, the result is a failure or something else, then the relevant researchers will be transferred to other project teams Inside, it is responsible for the cooperative research of other projects, so as to screen out qualified leaders of the research team.

He Gui nodded: "Then I will leave it to you. I will only come on the opening day."

Principal Zheng certainly knew why his boss didn't see other people.

There are several reasons for this, one of which is the identity of the boss. Although there are also people with unusual identities, they are basically from small countries, and there is no way to compare with your own boss.

The second reason is that seeing some people but not seeing some people will cause dissatisfaction among some people, and even cause some other bad gossip.

The third reason is that the boss does not contact them in private, so as not to be said to communicate in private first. Although my boss has nothing to do, some people will definitely have ideas.

The fourth reason is that some other people are not necessarily willing to meet the boss, because coming to a meeting and meeting the boss in private is a completely different attitude. In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, some people will not meet the boss instead or it is more perfunctory to meet the boss. of.

Principal Zheng, who has been out of the society for so many years, naturally understands all kinds of things.

After He Gui finished his explanation, he handed over the reception staff to Principal Zheng, and he didn't care about it. In fact, apart from what Principal Zheng conjectured, He Gui also thought that he would not contact other people in private. things may find you.

For a week, things about the forum continued to ferment. Faced with this situation, the other side of the world was also lively, and netizens from their own countries expressed their opinions one after another.

"Incompetence, chaos, we are decades ahead of technology, what have we done in these decades? It is that the families of certain politicians have tens of billions of dollars in deposits."

"It's more than chaos. Even a pig will do better than it is now. What is the bulk of the expenditure these years? It's actually military expenditures. Some organizations that should have played a role just know how to bring back some contraband from South America. .”

"In fact, the flour business in our country is monopolized by certain so-called institutions, and they are the biggest cancer in our society."

He Gui was not idle either. Although he couldn't meet the people who came to the meeting, he could meet other people. Yang Hai and his group had a house in Baiyangdian.

"Really, give me two places?" Yang Hai didn't expect He Gui to give himself two places to travel in space.

"Of course it's true, but sign the contract first, and it's best not to let the whole family go." He Gui's words are true, and no one can guarantee it until it succeeds.

"I understand this. You can charge as much as you want. We are not short of money." Yang Hai replied.

Holding the teacup, the old horse also asked, "Can we still go at our age?"

"Of course, this tourist project is actually much safer than going to the plateau, at least it won't lack oxygen." He Gui also looked at the flowers and plants in the garden.

Although it is January, there are heated greenhouses here, with green cucumbers, red tomatoes, grapes, cherries, strawberries, etc. This is a leisure farm, which is similar to a vegetable greenhouse, but more Big, it's like separating compartments one by one in a vegetable greenhouse, and then people move around inside.

You can also stay here. Of course, you need to be vigilant when staying here, because although it is warm here, it is well sealed and the plants will not release oxygen at night.

This leisure farm was opened by Yang Hai, so there was no one else in the shed, it was all empty.

However, the vegetables in the vegetable greenhouse are indeed not as delicious as those in the open air. He Gui generally doesn't eat them, preferring to eat dried vegetables, but he won't tell others not to eat them.

If you are in a different class, don't express your opinions indiscriminately. For He Gui, he doesn't like to eat it, but there are still people who want to eat it and can't afford it.

"You have to gamble no matter what. If you dare not go when you are young, you will regret it when you are old." Yang Hai continued.

Some of the rest nodded their heads, while others dared not. This is completely free, these guys are not short of money, He Gui will definitely charge money.

He Gui hangs out with these guys every day during the day, and also hangs out at night, living a very comfortable life.

It was finally the day when the Baiyangdian Forum opened. He Gui got up early, looked at Fazi who was still sleeping, and covered her with the quilt, because Fazi also wanted to go on a trip, but I heard that it might affect fertility, so I decided to must work hard….

After washing up, He Gui went out to take a look. The genius had just dawned, and he came to the conference center. Some of the staff here were on night shift, and those on day shift also came.



"Thanks for your hard work, let's eat first." He Gui entered the cafeteria and was greeted by people everywhere. This is a buffet, and it is very rich.

Chicken legs, beef, roast goose, boiled chicken, fat sausage, barbecued pork, etc.

Why is it so good to eat in the morning?

This is because these people work, and some of them work overnight shifts, and others eat this meal, and some staff may only eat in the afternoon.

So the boss should not use himself to compare himself with the workers. In some factories, the breakfast is simply terrible. The boss has rested and feels greasy in the morning, but what about the workers?

After dinner, it was only eight o'clock, why didn't you go to greet these people?

Not equal, what is He Gui's status now, you need to meet him, just say hello to some people later, it's worth He Gui to meet you in person if you are just a professor of a certain university?

Those who participated in the meeting lived not far away, basically a distance of tens of meters, so to speak, right next door.

The conference center is dedicated to holding such events, and the largest hall can accommodate more than 2,000 people.

At 8:30, under the leadership of the staff, everyone entered the venue through the security check.

The patrols outside were also braving the cold wind, and the inland branch of Siwei Security even dispatched several special operations teams, which were deployed in the dark, in order to deal with what might happen.

At nine o'clock, He Gui brought a few people in.

Everyone in the venue stood up and applauded to welcome He Gui. There was no way, the status was here, regardless of financial resources or other things.

"Thank you for coming to this space forum. I am He Gui." He Gui first introduced himself.

Just when He Gui started to speak, the official website of Nantianmen started to be maintained again, and many people felt a little bit in their hearts.

"Maintenance at nine in the morning?"

"Fuck, it won't be another big news, will it?"

"It goes without saying, even if you think about it with your toes, could it be that you have manned people to the moon?"

"It's possible, Boss He usually doesn't make moves."

"Isn't this too much of a surprise?"

On the other side of the earth, He Gui originally thought that opening a forum would be fine, because there are only a few things in space, such as moon exploration, satellites, etc. Now at this time point, He Gui has nothing to show off.

Fortunately, it was nine o'clock, and these people hadn't gone to bed yet, and when they received the news of Nantianmen's official website maintenance at the reception, their hearts skipped a beat.

When these people turned on their computers, unfortunately they couldn't enter Nantianmen. This is a system error on the official website, which only appears when the number of people exceeds a certain number.

I hurriedly watched the live broadcast. I just saw a black thing approaching. This black thing is a rope, and the black thing seems to be tied up.

The live barrage was closed, but the comments only had two words, awesome, some people tried to ask what happened, but it couldn't be displayed at all.

But take a closer look, isn't the background the Earth?

So is it the satellite that is trapped by the net?

The black thing was dragged to the bottom of the video by the net, and then disappeared, followed by another black thing flying out.

After flying out, this dark thing unfolded its solar wings...satellite.

These people quickly opened the news website to know what happened.

"Mr. He Gui's company successfully recovered a defunct satellite that was launched 15 years ago, and replaced it with a new one in orbit. It took a total of eight minutes."

"The feat of Mr. He Gui's company has effectively alleviated the danger of space junk. Many artificial satellites have failed, but they will occupy orbit for a long time."

Satellite recovery is easy to say, but what?

but? The difficulty is quite high, the key is what is recycled.

When everyone watched the complete video, they found that a net was sprayed out, directly pulling the scrapped satellite, recycling it, and releasing a new satellite.

"Why does this thing look simple?"

"Yeah, this satellite is at least a few kilometers per second, and it still rotates. It's really simple."

"It's not simple at all. This is not the earth. The satellite is very powerful. It is so close. Once something happens, the satellite may bounce back instantly. I don't know where it will be ejected."

"The angle of recovery, the speed, and the material of the net all require precise calculations."

"Anyway, it's a very, very complicated thing."

"Ahem, doesn't this mean that Boss He has become a waste collector?"

"Yes, the scrap pickers on our side will take away as long as there is no one around, even if it is brand new, several of my couriers have been taken away."

"That is, as long as you don't say which satellites are your own, then Boss He can recycle these waste products and put new satellites on them."

"Recovered satellites can also be refurbished or used to refine raw materials,"

"You said that Boss He's recycling mechanism will cause the recycling target to be wrong due to mistakes?"

"This possibility is not impossible. Some of us harvested the wrong crops here."

"The last time I went to the field to pick vegetables, I picked other people's vegetables, and I felt very embarrassed.

"In fact, let me tell you that satellites can be recycled long ago, but why not? This is because these scrapped satellites will also occupy orbits. Those big countries want to occupy more satellite orbits. After all, the number of satellite orbits is limited. of."

"Boss He is good at collecting this waste. There are so many satellites in the sky, who knows which one is still useful?"

"It is estimated that someone is going to be anxious."

Netizens in the domestic media learned of what had happened, and expressed their views one after another. I have to say that there are too many people, and they can think of everything.

On Nantianmen's official website, there is an additional classification of satellite recovery.

An announcement was made above:


Our company successfully recovered an abandoned satellite 15 years ago in a certain orbit, and successfully replaced a new satellite. Our company will continue to carry out related experiments as planned, and welcome to negotiate business.

"Bastard, **** these incompetent guys."] There is indeed a new satellite in orbit in the satellite orbit announced on the announcement, because this satellite is a communication satellite and can send out signals.

"I want to see the full assessment report before dawn, immediately! Immediately! Keep me informed."

Many people with ulterior motives were in a terrible mood, because these people knew why He Gui announced the information at this time, and also gave the video data, but the video data has no way to judge what equipment was used for recycling.

It was just that the satellite was dragged away by a big net and disappeared, and then another satellite appeared. If it hadn't been possible to observe the obsolete satellite in the original orbit and replace it with a new one, everyone would have thought it was a special effect.

Domestic netizens have bigger brains than one.

"Is Boss He able to recycle bigger ones?"

"This is necessary. If you haven't seen the robotic arm on the boss He space station, who can guarantee that the robotic arm can't move to the recovery device?"

"The space station is actually not worth much, and there is not much copper."

"It must be paid back. I sold a plasma TV yesterday and gave him ten yuan for the scrap, and asked him to take it away."

"We paid 40 yuan for the refrigerator at home, and asked someone to throw it away, because there are stairs on our side, and it is on the seventh floor."

"Haha, I also collect waste products. I didn't expect Boss He to grab our business."

"Waste is not This is not up to Boss He, you see that many things in those scrap collection stations are still new and lost. No one knows who is not marked in the sky? Maybe It’s what others don’t want.”

"This possibility is very high. I collect waste products. Sometimes things are brand new and unopened. I don't know why the owner throws them away or sells them. Even if the satellite is new, as long as no one claims it, it should be considered waste."

"You said whether you want Boss He to formulate an environmental assessment. Whoever launches the satellite first must submit the relevant EIA report. If the EIA report fails, Boss He will directly recycle it with them, so as not to pollute the environment in space."

"This method is good. We have to pay cleaning fees for all stores here. If we don't pay cleaning fees, we won't be able to do it at all. We also need environmental protection audit and acceptance."

The brain holes of the netizens are getting bigger and bigger, and the scalps of the sleepless people on the other side of the earth are also numb. I'm afraid that He Gui will really come to make some kind of fee. When the time comes, if you dare not pay the fee, you will dare to drag it away. Maybe You will also be asked to pay a fine or something, and of course you don't have to be towed away, these devices.

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