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Those who are looking for jealousy will soon be killed.

It’s not enough to search for the level 70 map, so she carries other masters.

[World] Let me go: What is the situation with the extermination teacher and the music?

Some soy sauce parties on the 70-level map immediately smashed the world.

[World] Man's true color: Where is the extermination teacher? Find the coordinates!

[World] ancestors, don't make trouble: man's true color, you don't wait for the extermination teacher to be too fond of you, change your mind and send it to death? Find the coordinates!

[World] Man's true color: The mountain is not me, I am on the mountain, I don't believe that I can't brush her!

[World] Itching: How can the flower buds go out of the sacred palace? This is a BUG. Did you report it?

No one responded to this sentence, and all went to the coordinates.

The BUG that was said before Sunshine now knows a lot of people, so it is not surprising why BOSS can run out. After all, this BOSS is very smart.

And this game is definitely a program to test BUG, ​​BOSS is so swaying all day in the world, the program has not patched this BUG, ​​prove that this is not a BUG!

Report a fart.


Look for a group of people, and plug the time and music into the monster group.

Some players are screaming at the time, how can this goods be here, and so close to the music station, is it a task for what music is doing?

Some people subconsciously look at the top of their heads.

In addition to the three words in front of the flower, there is no logo of the team.

Not a team, it is not a mission.

"Lee you out." Looking for the first voice, the extermination of the teacher is too much BOSS hatred value, she is not willing to pull, so I want to call the music out of the range.

Lexi shook his head. "What do you want to do? I said it, I don't care about it."

"My friend saw it with his own eyes." Looking for a cold cry, "You and my husband certainly have nothing to do with it. My husband loves me so much, how can I betray me, you seduce my husband."

Probably when there was no movement at the time, other people were bold.

"It's really shameless, seduce the gods and seduce the cold."

"I didn't expect that music is such a woman. Let the gods know her true face."

"That is..."

To put it bluntly, these people are still following this because of the relationship between music and the safety of the first generation.

The face of Le Yan rose red. "How do you smudge people, I just trade with cold and clear, there is nothing at all."

"Transaction? What can you trade with my husband?" Looking for it immediately rebutted, "How many levels do you look at, how many levels does my husband have?"

"I am dealing with the cold and clear, and I don't believe you can ask him."

When I sighed and shook my head, it really was like this.

Thousands of sets of roads do not deceive me.

"Ha ha ha, Jin Saiqin? I said that you have to ask about the market when you lie. This is only two of the kosher. Do you say that you have a kobe?"

"It's funny, is this happy? Is it a disease?"


Looking for someone on the other side pointing to the music, the music is pale, and the brain is a little turning.

She just said that she was talking to the cold and clear, how did these people say her?


Suddenly yelled behind.

Everyone looked over there, and a group of players rushed to death.

The most conspicuous is the true nature of men.

Every time the man enters the copy, he doesn't wait for the flowers to thank him. He didn't see anyone, it was the second.

There are not a few people who want to brush in the game, but every time they come out, basically no one knows her coordinates, and she can only look at her figure in the world.

When the time of the explosion broke out, the player who wanted to brush the time immediately swarmed.

And the first time there is nothing more than it.

This group of players immediately squeezed the squatters and instantly took advantage of them.

"The extermination teacher is too, hahaha this time to see where you are going!"

"Everyone is together!"

Players are very excited, many people start to launch skills, players with high levels almost no need to read the bar, the skills instantly smashed out.

When: "..." lying trough! You don't follow the routine!

Isn’t it time to watch the woman and condemn the woman?

How do you say hello to her?

[...] Not because you are not following the routine.

If you don't run, will they run to brush you?

You are not provoking in the world, will they brush you?

When he took out his scepter, he began to zoom in again.

The players one after another fell.

The scene is absolutely shocking.

Le Hao looked stunned.

When she was in the shrine, she just fell a few people and it looked absolutely shocking.

[World] Jiang Lang is doing it: How is the lethality of the extermination teacher too horrible? Last time the game company didn't fix the bug?

[World] I am sick: lying in the trough, this killing power, who can kill her, I call his father!

[World] You don’t make trouble with your ancestors: What is the horrible lethality of the ancestors.

[World] A ray of sunshine: My decision is correct.

A glimpse of the sun has a kind of honey juice intuition, this BOSS is not beaten, so when the world called the group to brush BOSS, he did not move.

It turns out that he is correct.

However, the next second was demolished.

[World] You are affected: We are not going to go!

[World] Weifeng Hall: Yes.

[World] Jianghu Little White Wolf: +1

[World] A ray of sunshine: You will lose me like this. /掀 table/掀 table

[World] The king told me to come to the mountain: If you go back to Xitang, you will not help, but still say cool words here, which side are you?

[World] 咕咕: Dream back to Xitang was too frightened by the extermination division, hahaha, smashing goods.

[World] Weifeng Hall: Say who is picking up the goods!

[World] A ray of sunshine: grass, come and do it!

The world is inexplicably squatting, and it has become a dream to return to Xitang and people to fight.

At this time, the players lying on the ground once again flocked to the report office.

This kind of bug that has no benefit to the player at all, they don't want it at all.

Must report!

Then the players were forced to go offline again, and the map of the hustle and bustle was quieted down at once, and the mobs that were ruthlessly crushed and extinct were brushed out one after another.

Time: "..."

I can't play anymore.

The three programs in NPC123 rushed to the scene, and the time was once again onlookers.

When one raises his hand, his skills lick them, and the three NPCs fall to the ground at the same time.

NPC123: "..."

What are they going through?

In fact, this incident has already happened, they just crossed back.

Otherwise why even the steps are exactly the same!

Are you an NPC, killing the same kind of human beings that will be destroyed by humanity?

This NPC has been very noisy recently. They also have monitoring, but her data is normal. They know the BUG. They have been trying to fix it, but they are slow.


Little Fairy: Just ask for a ticket.

Little Angel: Serious?

Little Fairy: Isn't this serious?

Little angel: I didn't see it.

Little Fairy: The ticket for the serious focus!

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