Soon after Su Chen and Tang Mengchan left.

There was a wave of waves in the void near Trial Three, Huan Wu and Wen Fan stepped out of it and came here.

"Sure enough, as you said, Chu Xuan died here."

Huan Wu saw Chu Xuan's body at a glance, with a little surprise in his eyes, and looked at Wen Fan behind him and said.

Wen Fan gave a faint smile and did not answer.

His eyes stared at Chu Xuankong's vacant chest, and he muttered to himself: "Has it been taken away."

According to his memory, Chu Xuan will be killed here by the protagonist in the novel.

And the protagonist can obtain the legendary Bodhi spirit bone from Chu Xuan's body.

But now, Chu Xuan indeed died here.

Judging from his corpse, there was a hole in his chest and his arms disappeared. The person who killed him should be the villain Su Chen.

The other arm must be given to Mengchan Fairy.

"Sure enough, this world has already produced a huge deviation from the plot in the novel!!

"This fantasy Wu is also a person who does not appear in the novel, and Su Chen's behavioral logic is completely different from the novel."

"If I want to survive, I have to find another way."

Wen Fan lowered his head and thought in silence.

After Huan Wu rescued him from the soul stabbing, an agreement was made between them.

It is precisely because of this agreement that 990 Huan Wu suddenly appeared and rescued him from Su Chen.

Not only that, Huan Wu and Chu Xuan also made an agreement at that time.

Looking at the current situation, Chu Xuan was originally arranged by Huan Wu to go to this trial site.

Wen Fan silently glanced at Huan Wu.

"This Huan Wu seems to be planning something, but still can't fully trust him."

He thought to himself inwardly.

"It's a shame to fail to save Chu fellow daoist."

Huan Wu showed a very regretful expression and sighed as he looked at the corpse of Chu Xuan lying on the ground.

At random The next moment, only two crisp sounds were heard, and Chu Xuan's legs were directly cut open and flew into the air.

Seeing Huan Wu acting like this, even Wen Fan's pupils contracted, and his heart was scared.

"Since the fellow daoist Chu is dead, we can only ask him to help us in order to pass the trial.

"I think Chu fellow daoist will rest in peace in the spirit of heaven."

Huan Wu smiled and passed a leg towards Wen Fan.

Wen Fan looked at Huan Wu's expression and the extremely bloody legs in his hands. For some reason, his back suddenly became cold and shuddered.

But he immediately adjusted his own (bdcd) mentality and reached out to take it.

Touched the hand on the spiritual platform, and soon the black box appeared again.

The two of them threw their legs into the black box very casually, and successfully got the mark of passing the trial.

"In this way, we are only two trials left."

Huan Wu looked at Wen Fan with a little excitement, and said.

"According to the aura, that Su Daozi should have gone to the position of Trial Four."

"We now need to avoid him as much as possible and go to the fifth trial first.

He couldn't help but jumped into the air, turning into a sacred light and flew quickly toward the northeast.

Seeing Huan Wu leaving, Wen Fan did not stay where he was, so he could only follow Huan Wu's figure first.

However, just after they left.

The corpse of Chu Xuan that had fallen on the ground also disappeared in place.

Old trees are shaded with green plants everywhere.

Su Chen and Tang Mengchan followed the route in the Lingtu and the route on the iron sheet, successfully bypassing several Restrictions, and came to the fourth trial site marked on the iron sheet.

With the experience of several previous trials, Tang Mengchan found the strange pattern carved on a big tree very easily.

Sure enough, the lines here are exactly the same as the previous trials!

[Fourth Trial: Bong Ling!]

This trial is similar to the previous one.

You only need to output Spirit Power to meet the requirements to complete the trial.

"Master Daozi, let me come first!"

Seeing the content of the trial, Tang Mengchan also shined, thinking that it was his turn to play.

Only her and Master Daozi were near the place of this trial.

In order to prevent Master Daozi from being too weak, she volunteered to come forward.

But Su Chen stopped her.

"and many more."

Su Chen waved his hand gently, looked at the words that were dissipating in front of him thoughtfully, and fell into deep thought.

"What's wrong, Master Daozi?"

Tang Mengchan didn't understand why Su Chan wanted to stop her, and asked puzzledly.

"Have you found out if these trials have anything in common.

Su Chen suddenly asked.

Tang Mengchan was taken aback for a while, and immediately recalled.

"The first trial is to open the door. It takes blood to open the ancient bronze door."

"The second trial is the crossing thorn. You have to step on the soul thorn that hurts the soul to pass."

"The third trial is sacrifice, which requires the sacrifice of a body to pass."

"The fourth one is the one in front of us, Bong Ling, who needs enough Spirit Power to pass the trial.

"Does these trials have anything in common...

She lightly read the contents of the four trials, revealing a puzzled expression.

No matter how she thought about it, she didn't see anything alike.

"When we are in cultivation, what are the aspects of cultivation?"

Su Chen asked.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Tang Mengchan's face changed slightly, as if he had found the common ground among the four trials.

She murmured: "Blood Essence, Soul, Remnant, Spirit Power"

That's right!

As she said, when the cultivator is in cultivation, it is precisely these four places of cultivation.

Coincidentally, the four trials in this barren ancient forbidden land unexpectedly needed these four things that a cultivator was cultivating.

This is very unusual.

"But Master Daozi, what does this mean?"

Although he found the common ground in the trial, Tang Mengchan still didn't understand the meaning contained therein.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"Why are the five trials here? Four of them are necessary for cultivation by the cultivator."

"Let me ask you a question."

"According to this rule, what do you think the fifth trial will be?"

Su Chen looked at Tang Mengchan and asked faintly.

"Blood Essence, Soul, Stump, Spirit Power"

"If these things are used for sacrifice, could the last trial be

Tang Mengchan slowly followed Su Chen's way of thinking.

She muttered to herself, her face suddenly changed, and she looked up at Su Chen.

"A body that can store these things?"

She said uncertainly.

"Follow me, I know why this place is forbidden."

Su Chen's face became serious, and he rose directly into the sky, and flew quickly toward the northeast!

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