Sign for Twenty Years After Rebirth, the Villain Is Actually Myself

Chapter 213 Legacy of the Ancients? Trial that has been modified

"! "

Wen Fan and Huan Wu were shocked when they saw Su Chen's sudden appearance!

They had just formed an alliance, and Su Chen actually came directly in front of them.

Really caught off guard.

"Could they have passed Trial Four?"

Huan Wu was startled and thought to himself.

But when he looked at Su Chen, he only saw three marks, and there was no fourth one.

"I wonder why Su Daozi is looking for us?,

Huan Wu and Wen Fan looked at each other, stepped forward first, and asked.

Wen Fan silently used Huan Wu as a shelter and walked quietly towards the lake.

Su Chen noticed Wen Fan's small movements, but didn't care at all. Instead, he put down Tang Mengchan in his arms and signaled her to leave first.

"Nine Nine Zero" Tang Mengchan did not dare to speak, nodded very obediently, and ran towards the jungle behind.

She knows that own existence can only become a burden to Su Chen.

"What do you think?"

Su Chen spoke faintly, and put his gaze on Huan Wu's body.

"Huanmou doesn't understand what Su Daozi wants to say.

Huan Wu bowed politely, with a very respectful attitude.

He knew that he wanted to buy as much time as possible for Wen Fan, and it was the best to not do it.

"These five trials should be set up to liberate some existence."

Su Chen's eyes were sharp, and he spoke lightly.

"In addition to being able to obtain the mark of leaving the barren ancient forbidden land, there are other functions."

"Not only that, you also hid a piece of information.

"That is the five trials, even if they are not completed by one person, they have the power to unlock the sealed things."

He stepped forward, his whole Spirit Power surging, and his eyes reveal murderous aura.

Although Wu Huan made the Heavenly Dao oath, his oath was just not to deceive Su Chen.

But he took a loophole and concealed some key information.

In this way, it has not violated the Heavenly Dao oath, and Su Chen can still be used to complete the trial.

This fantasy Wu thought is very careful, but he didn't know that Su Chen had already seen everything through at the same moment he appeared in that spiritual land.

He deliberately let go of Huan Wu and Wen Fan, just to leave them both as tools.

But even so, Su Chen at the time did not notice one thing.

That is the secret in these five trials.

Still after seeing the fourth trial, he suddenly realized and immediately understood what Huan Wu wanted to do.

"As expected of Su Daozi, with bright eyes."

"Sure enough, I can't hide everything from you."

Huan Wu smiled and did not deny what Su Chen said.

"What is sealed in the trial?"

Su Chen looked directly at Huan Wu and asked.

He is willing to talk so much nonsense with Huan Wu, and the purpose is only to ask about it.

"It's nothing more than an ancient relic.

Huan Wu didn't hide it, and said directly.

Desolate remnants of the ancients!

Hearing this name, Su Chen also raised his eyebrows.

In the Desolate Period, the Three Thousand Dao Domains had just formed.

At that time, it was not the human race that ruled the three thousand realms, but countless ancient and strange beasts.

Unlike the ancient fierce beasts all over the outside of the barren ancient forbidden land, each of the ancient and alien beasts at that time was able to spit out human words, was tall and unparalleled in power.

It is said that a single shot can cut off the sea, and a gentle roar can make the void shatter!

However, at that time, the human race produced the first fairy emperor in the legend, the first emperor of the ages, and the immortal emperor Wuhua!

Immortal Emperor Wuhua was born at that time, leading the human race to rise with an unstoppable posture, and began to fight against the wild ancient beasts.

The Emperor Wuhua at that time was very domineering.

He not only teaches the human race's powerful practice, but also protects the human race everywhere.

All the wild ancient beasts, whoever refuses to accept, or launches an attack on the human race, he will directly kill them!

The wild and ancient strange beasts who were still dominant could not stand their situation, so they joined forces and wanted to destroy the Immortal Emperor Wuhua together.

The final result ended in the great victory of Emperor Wuhua.

Also since then, almost all the wild and ancient animals have disappeared in the three thousand realms, leaving only a small part of them willing to submit to the human race.

This group of wild and ancient animals was domesticated by Emperor Wuhua as the guardian beasts of the human race.

Afterwards, the Primordial Beasts and Demonic Beasts that can be seen everywhere are also descendants of these guardian beasts.

In addition to taming a part of the wild ancient beasts, Immortal Emperor Wuhua once sealed some rare and powerful wild ancient beasts.

Because of the particularity of blood, these sealed wild ancient animals can all be transformed into human form, so they are also called the ancient remnants.

They were originally aborigines in the barren ancient period, and their life span was almost unlimited.

However, under the coercion of the Emperor Wuhua, these deceased remnants were all imprisoned for trillions of years, and they were imprisoned forever.

If Huan Wu's words are true, under this barren ancient forbidden land, is it true that an ancient remnant is really sealed?

Su Chen's expression changed slightly, recalling the content of the five trials, and a bad conjecture appeared in his mind.

The remnants of the deserted ancients sealed here want to use the things obtained by the trial to get away!

"It should be impossible for Immortal Emperor Wuhua to arrange such five trials."

Su Chen whispered softly.

In his opinion, the content of these five trials is completely tailor-made to allow the abandoned and ancient remnants below to get out of their bodies.

But in these billions of years, the forbidden land has only been opened once!

Only when Emperor Huaxian left here.

Could it be that

Su Chen slightly raised his head and looked at Huan Wu.

"Isian Emperor Shihua, once modified the content of the trial here?"

He spoke lightly, but told a shocking fact.

Huan Wu didn't reply, but his expression had already exposed everything in 2.3.

As a descendant of Emperor Shihua, he can know everything in the forbidden area.

Not only that, but he also seems to have a very good understanding of this desolate ancient relic.

The remnant of the desert, this is a creature that is incompatible with the human race!

They have been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, and their hatred of the human race has become monstrous.

If they are really released from the seal, even if they just lean over a newly formed body, they will definitely be able to display their terrifying strength!

No matter why the Emperor Shihua had to modify the content of the trial.

Su Chen must also prevent the survivors from escaping from the seal.

Otherwise, the entire Xianxuan Dao realm will definitely be in chaos!

"It seems that you two must die here today."

Su Chen looked at Huan Wu and Wen Fan faintly, and said as if he was sentenced. .

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