Sign in as the emperor at the beginning and build an invincible ancient family

Chapter 14 Qiankun Daoyu, the Shen family also has an undercover agent, Chen Xuandao: I was injured

Chapter 14 In the Qiankun Dao Domain, the Shen family is also undercover. Chen Xuandao: I was injured by a teammate.

Chen Fan heard this and smiled, the master is not as strong as him now.

What's more, the master was the Empress Xuanji in her previous life, and she was also a powerful person with a very strong personality.

As long as he cheats a little bit, it's perfectly reasonable to go home with him.

"Why are you laughing?" Ling Qingcheng glanced at Chen Fan.

It's very easy for me to decide.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something interesting." Chen Fan continued: "In that case, let's go home, Qingcheng."

The next step is to trick the baby into giving birth. Disciple 땣놋, what bad thoughts do you have?

Interesting thing? Ling Qingcheng thought.

Then he said: "Okay. But, before I had time to discuss it with Master, she went to Baidizhou."

She said this, but she thought that the master was stopping the emperor's husband.

Chen Fan hummed, "That's cool, our home is also in Baidi Province."

"Bai Dizhou..." Ling Qingcheng murmured. Master went to Baidizhou to investigate the situation. We should encounter him...

Think so.

Afterwards, the two stood up and prepared to leave the Shinto Saint.


Outside the Shinto Saint, a group of people came.

The young man leading the group had an angry look on his face.

"Get out of the way, I want to see Qingcheng!"

He is the master of the Shen family in Fenzhou Qiankun Dao Domain, and his name is Shen Jinlin.

Are the golden scales the golden scales of the things in the pond?

Behind him, he also brought the family ancestor to control the situation.

Because he unexpectedly learned that another man was approaching the woman he was interested in, and after a few words, he walked right to her door!

I don’t know exactly what happened.

Outside the Shinto Saint, Chen Xuandao on duty stood in front of him, his brows furrowed.

After thinking about my grandpa, I felt slightly relieved.

"I have met the ancestor of the Shen family."

Then he continued, "Master Shen, it is convenient for Saint Lady to see outsiders, so please go back first."

The Shen family is huge and has countless powerful people. It is second only to the Huanggu family in the Huanggu continent.

Moreover, the Shen Chamber of Commerce is spread all over the mainland and has strong financial resources. Even a Shinto saint is willing to offend.

The master of the Shen family has always liked the saint, and the Shen family is also willing to bring the two powers into marriage.

However, the saint has a cold nature and is indifferent to this. Not to mention that there are too many variables now. As the ancestor of the Chen family, he must be facing his own grandfather.

After all, he looked meaningfully at an old man following behind the Shen family.

"Meeting outsiders?" Shen Jinlin snorted coldly, not taking Chen Xuandao seriously at all.

"A mere outer sect elder dares to stop me from waiting. On the 꿷 day, I must see Qingcheng!"

At the same time, he reminded with a side face, "Ancestor, we are in trouble."

Even if you break in, you have to break in. Even if an elder is injured, the Shen family will keep him in check, let alone the Shinto Saint 눓놊Ke땣 offending their Shen family for the sake of an outer sect elder!

The ancestor of the Shen family beside him suddenly felt a pressure.

In the mere combined state, even the elders, in his eyes, are more than ants, who can be destroyed with just one hand.

Chen Xuandao's expression changed instantly and he was unable to move.

Asked: "The Shen family respects our Shinto holy rules and wants to provoke!"

The face is red and the heart is beating.

Because the old man he just looked at is also a teammate.

But I didn't expect that Shen Jinlin would even bring the family ancestor this time!

Shen Jinlin snorted coldly, "I just came to visit the saint, but I was blocked. Elder Chen, I'm going to put all the blame on Master 녤꿁!"

The ancestor of the Shen family didn't say much because he just came to town.

꿯Looking at the old man next to him, he smiled and said, "꿁Master, don't be angry, 꾿don't hurt your harmony, let me negotiate."

His real name is Chen Wancai. He is one of the ancestors of the Chen family. He came to the Shen family to work undercover because he wanted to make money, because resources and wealth are also indispensable for cultivating strong people.

Shen Jinlin also knew that he could take action, but if he broke in forcefully, the quality would change. As a last resort, he wanted to have a conflict with the Shinto saint, which would affect his relationship with Ling Qingcheng.

Shen Wancai then looked at Chen Xuandao, "Elder Chen, my husband has no intention of provoking, he just cares about the saint. Please let us in and meet the saint."

Kindly advise.

He finally got into the Shen family and became a hall master. He was given a surname and was in charge of a branch of the Shen Chamber of Commerce.

Now, it's time to behave well. As for Chen Xuandao, I'm sorry.

He had no choice at this time.

Chen Xuandao's mind was buzzing, and he wanted to wink at his teammates, but under the eyes of the ancestor of the Shen family, he had no right to jump back and forth.

Ignoring his teammates, he said, "Master Shen, the saint has to say this right now, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Oh shit.

I feel aggrieved and want to go home.

Wait until the assistant 꿁 poaches the saint, and then we'll show off! 놊It’s done.

"Huh." Shen Wancai suddenly lost his smile. He is also the ancestor of the Chen family. He has given me this face and asked me how to behave.

"Elder Chen, you are not qualified to talk to my grandfather."


He casually knocked Chen Xuandao away.

In his opinion, they are all borrowed. 놋What consequences should you bear at your own risk? The Shen family can afford it!

"You..." Chen Xuandao was shocked, his teammate actually hurt his teammate!

My heart sank, my teammates must be worried about this.

"What are you doing?" Shen Wancai said, "I call you, the Supreme Elder, to speak."

He now represents the face of the Shen family.

The elders of the inner sect are all good, because there is an ancestor of the Shen family! A strong man in the holy realm.

The ancestor of the Shen family was speechless, but what Shen Wancai said was reasonable.

Chen Xuandao couldn't believe it. My teammates hurt me a thousand times!

He gritted his teeth and said, "The Supreme Elder is entertaining the distinguished guests!"

He was indeed guarding Chen Fan, his master. Moreover, he was now an outer sect elder, and he didn't dare to say much. Otherwise, if he offended the emperor's power, the old guys in the Shinto Saint would not let him go, because it would be embarrassing if it got out.

He couldn't remind his teammates that the master was already the emperor!

Of course, he himself was willing to embarrass the saint, uh...

Shen Jinlin couldn't bear it a little, and looked anxiously inside the Shinto Saint.

"What distinguished guest, more expensive than my Shen family!" He didn't want to waste time.

"Master, please." The ancestor of the Shen family reminded him at the right time. It was his responsibility.

Shen Jinlin responded immediately.

It must be vulgar to let the Supreme Elder entertain.

He was immediately refreshed, "Could it be this person who dares to think about Qingcheng!"

Could it be that the other party also brought a Saint Realm strongman? How can this be possible.

Shen Wancai said: "Master, even if the other party is valued by the Holy Dao Saint, he may not be as good as you."

Chen Xuandao laughed so hard, you are afraid that you want to die! What the hell should I remind? Don't dare to say it.

Shen Jinlin was immediately excited when he heard it.

"No matter what, I must see Qingcheng this day!"

He wanted to break in directly, but he was on pins and needles after taking care of so many things.

At this time, a voice came.

"Who is it, shouting in front of my Saint Realm..."

"It turned out to be the ancestor of the Shen family." The Supreme Elder appeared, and he was a little happy.

As for Shen Jinlin, of course he didn't take him seriously. He was Chen Fan, and without a family background, he was nothing.

However, Chen Fan was in their Shinto Saint now.

The ancestor of the Shen family looked over and saw that the entire Shinto Saint's great ancestors were slowly approaching, all accompanied by a young man, and a saint?

Suddenly felt strange, intuitive.

I thought there was only one great elder, but I didn't expect it was all of them!

Politely said: "Great elder, your Highness, you are accompanying me to see the saint..."

The experienced eyes tried to detect clues and spy on Chen Fan, because Chen Fan was too young, he should be the master or the proud brother of some powerful family.

Then his face changed drastically!

Chen Xuandao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not in a good mood, and he felt very uncomfortable.

When Shen Jinlin saw Ling Qingcheng, he didn't care about anything else, "Qingcheng..."

When he saw Chen Fan next to him, fuck, so close!

Relying on the presence of the ancestor, he was not afraid at all, "It's you who coveted the woman I, Shen Jinlin, have set my eyes on!"

The energy poured out of his body, and he was a rare and peerless genius in the God Transformation Realm!

"Master." The ancestor of the Shen family reminded him quickly, and then he groaned and vomited blood. He felt that his soul was about to break.

How could it be! Even the Supreme Elder of the Holy Way could not cause such harm to him!

And now, after just spying for a year...

Unfortunately, it was too late. Shen Jinlin only looked at Ling Qingcheng and didn't notice that he had been severely injured in an instant.

I only heard, "Qingcheng's name is also yours..."

Like the sound of the devil in hell.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Jinlin's body floated up in the air uncontrollably.

Unbelievable, why didn't he have the strength to resist at all!

The other party didn't bring a Saint Realm strongman to protect him!

"You... you let me go... you know, my father is..." His teeth were clenched, the pain was unbearable.

"Let go of my master." Shen Wancai was scared, but the master's words were clear, he had to remind the other party.

And Ling Qingcheng stood beside Chen Fan very obediently, looking at each other coldly.

The Supreme Elder knew that the ancestor of the Shen family had been severely injured by Chen Fan, hissing.

He quickly reminded, "Emperor, they are from Qiankun Daoyu, the Shen family..."

"Then what?"


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