At this time, Ling Bai held an ice blade gathered by ice in his right hand, and at the moment of convergence, the blade body was covered with a layer of pitch-black armed color domineering.

For Ling Bai, it is such a simple knife, but with the armed color domineering, no matter how fragile the ice blade is, it will be as hard as a famous knife.

Easily avoided Peach Rabbit’s slash, and Peach Rabbit also saw that the moment Ling Bai held it in her hand when she got an icebreaker knife out, the whole person’s temperament changed, making her feel that Ling Bai actually had the breath of a kendo master?

And this kind of momentum, there is actually some of the momentum of the Great Sword Hao?

How can it be!

It must be an illusion!

And Ling Bai, in fact, in the Chambordi Islands, signed in to the high-level swordsmanship, this is the first time to use it!

With a crisp sound, the two weapons collided together, and a gust of wind and waves swept up.

“With this broken sword compared to a real swordsman, you will definitely not be able to defeat me!”

Peach Rabbit was a little contemptuous of Ling Bai’s actions.


Ling Bai smiled, originally he wanted to use kendo well just now, but by Peach Rabbit’s words, he instantly changed his mind.

And Peach Rabbit also found that something was wrong with Ling Bai’s smile, and the weird and evil smile made her feel uncomfortable.

Moko Bowl Motmo!

Ling Bai silently said in his heart, with Ling Bai as the center, suddenly bloomed with a beautiful icy blue light, and it was also at this moment that time and space were frozen!

This time, there is no special gesture to activate this ability, in fact, it doesn’t matter if you use it or not, just like the amplification move, the name of the move doesn’t matter in the first place.

At this time, Peach Rabbit’s whole person was also caught off guard in this ice-blue field.

And at the moment before losing consciousness, Peach Rabbit thought of the Warring States’ instructions, shouted in his heart, and his body was stopped in the air, and fell into Ling Bai’s arms because of weightlessness.

“Hmph! Do you think I am a good person? ”

Ling Bai’s tone was mocking and contemptuous.

Ling Bai admitted that he was definitely not a good person.

“Strong and beautiful women are rare in this world.”

“Do you think death is the most painful feeling?”

At this time, the peach rabbit held by Ling Bai was frozen because of time and space, and she couldn’t move.

I don’t even know what Ling Bai did to her.

“I think the most painful thing is the feeling of being involved in death and being alive.”

“Life is better than death, and you cannot control your own destiny, like duckweed.”

“Originally, if you don’t bother me, we can keep the well water from violating the river, but you want to find trouble with an evil person with great power.”

At this time, a thick wall of ice suddenly rose from the ground, covering the sky from all directions, and finally covering the sky, forming an extremely solid ice space in the form of a hemispherical form.

And within this space.

As for Ling Bai will let her, it would be a pity to kill her, if he could make Peach Rabbit his pawn his pawn and lie dormant in the navy and even the world government, it would be even more interesting.

In this world, there are many undercover agents or spies, such as Stussy, the Queen of Happy Street sent by the world government to Cake Island, important members of CP0, and Drake.

When the sun rose the next day, Ling Bai left the peach rabbit in the presidential suite of a hotel and left here.

An hour later, according to the agreed time, everyone in the Lingbai Pirate Group gathered.

“Looks like it’s going to do something big!”

Yu no Hiru tried to wipe his demon knife thunderstorm, “My knife, a little hungry!” ”

Klockdahl was smoking a cigar, and he was almost the most arrogant in the audience wearing a coat and combing his back on a hot day.

“Speaking of which, what forces are there on Hive Island?”

“Almost forgot, does the captain know about the situation on Hive Island?”

At this time, Ling Bai looked at everyone and said about the situation of inquiring at the bar yesterday, and Ling Bai began to arrange everyone’s actions.

By Barrett alone to destroy the power of the leader of the “Blood Spider”, Ling Bai believes that with Barrett’s combat power, it is more than enough to penetrate Beehive Island.

Rainy Hirou and the Ringbreaker are in charge of “Chris’s” forces.

Klockdahl and Hawkins are in charge of “Scar.” ”

In addition, there is “Kurosawa”, it is up to them, after completing the task of extermination, they will destroy this!

These four forces are equivalent to the four regions of east, west, south and north, and destroying them is naturally to deter the four sides.

As for not being able to fight, naturally they retreated, but Ling Bai knew, how could they not fight?

No matter how strong Beehive Island is, all the forces combined, it is impossible for a pirate emperor to be powerful, and not one tenth may have.

With the Lingbai Pirate Group, let alone penetrate this island, there is no problem in penetrating this sea area.

The remaining Ling Bai, with Luo and Weibull, suppressed all disobedience in the central area.

Completed in one day, tonight, this island will be planted with the flag of the Lingbai Pirates!

“It seems that there are not enough juniors, and in the future, I have to collect a group of reliable minions on this island, as an army, if you want to dominate a large area of the sea, with my current strength, it will definitely not be possible.”

Ling Bai thought for a moment and set off towards the target location.

And for a while, the battle on Hive Island will be repeated.

ps: Write here two chapters to end, then write Kaido, not here water word count.

Finally, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, flowers are still quite a lot, these two days are seven chapter updates, the author update can still be more, ask for free data support.

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