“Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army?”

“And the straw hat kid, one of the most evil generations, turned out to be his son?”

“Now almost the entire powerful revolutionary army forces have joined the battlefield!”

“God, this battle, how do we fight to win?”

The joining of the revolutionary army forces immediately made many navies feel a sense of powerlessness, you must know that the tsunami launched by Whitebeard just now scared countless navies, and now it is even more powerful to join the revolutionary army that is not inferior to the forces of the four emperors?

Well, how should they fight in the Navy?

And the Warring States above, also said the relationship between Dorag and Luffy, but did not say the relationship between Karp and the two of them, it can be said that it is very worthy of Karp.

Now Karp’s identity is extremely embarrassing, and many admirals know about Karp and Dorag and Luffy.

Now this family of three is actually here!

“Karp, I won’t give you face this time, my son and grandson are extremely evil criminals, provoking righteous people, all damned!”

“I knew I killed the Straw Hat Kid in the Chambordi Islands last time! There aren’t so many things going on these days! ”

Looking at Luffy, who is now invincible, Akainu was very angry and jumped directly from the throne of the general to officially join the battle!

And the yellow ape did not have much hesitation, and also jumped.

On the other side, the green pheasant is also fighting with the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The other pirates also rushed into the bay to try to resist the revolutionary forces and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Admirals, vice admirals, and other navies, the battle was very fierce for a while.


“Did you even join the revolutionary army?”

Whitebeard also smiled, after all, this was something he didn’t expect at all, and it seems that even the Warring States they couldn’t think of it.

It can be said that the naval headquarters was caught off guard, and now it is already a naval headquarters between the two forces.

“And that little ghost wearing the same straw hat as Roger is the younger brother Luffy that Ace said?”

Whitebeard saw Luffy who was rushing forward with Saab at this time, and the straw hat behind Luffy especially attracted his attention!

That straw hat is too similar to Roger’s.

Or rather, Roger’s at all.


At this moment, Dorag appeared on the Moby Dick, and Whitebeard was surprised to see Dorag who appeared beside him.

“Are you here to save Ace too?”

Whitebeard couldn’t help but wonder, and now Dorag boarded his Moby Dick in such an unhostile posture, which obviously says something,

“That’s right! As for the reasons, there is no need to explain too much. ”

“And our purpose this time is the same! Can be a short-lived ally! ”

Hearing Dorag’s words, Whitebeard’s confidence in the success of this rescue operation unconsciously increased a little.

“But, leader of the Revolutionary Army, you won’t just chat with me when you board the Moby Dick, will you? What other purpose? ”

Whitebeard is also a shrewd person.

Dorag also did not talk nonsense, and spoke: “Whitebeard, this operation, we cooperate, I hope everything goes well, the current situation in the new world, can not be without you, then the entire order of the new world may collapse, I feel, that Lingbai pirate group, will take the opportunity to rise, of course, if your whitebeard pirate group can return to the new world safely, everything is not a problem!” ”

Dorag voiced his concerns.

“That Ling Bai? Defeated Kaido’s imp? ”

“That’s right!”

Dorag said: “That little ghost, I saw him in Advance City in the morning, he is a very dangerous character, his ambition is estimated to be far beyond his age, and his strength is far beyond his age!” Recently, because of you, too many evil forces are about to move, and some people have even raised their butcher knives, ready to attack your territory directly when something happens to you! ”

“I see! But I’m whitebeard! ”

“It’s all a bunch of imps, are they ready to move while I’m going to war?”

Whitebeard laughed loudly, extremely confident in himself, and his body couldn’t help but burst out with a momentum, faintly releasing some overlord-colored domineering energy that made the navy and pirates close to the Moby Dick faint a lot.

“Whitebeard, that’s it!”

After that, Dorag jumped off the Moby Dick and looked at Luffy on the rampage, and at this time, the direction where the general Akainu rushed over, it was Luffy!

This time, Akainu is determined to get rid of Luffy and completely erase Luffy here, don’t say anything about Karp, even if his grandson becomes a pirate, he should be ready to be executed justly, and Akainu also feels that Karp, this navy, let his family go, or sometimes, shelter Straw Hat Luffy!

For example, after the Justice Island incident, Chi Inu knew that Karp went to the capital of seven waters to meet his grandson, and finally let them go!

Now that the incident is more serious, the Monchi family of three is gathered in Marin Fandor, so what happened?

Red dog already has a very good opinion in his heart for Karp!

Destroy Luffy no matter how much this time, and even destroy Dorag if you can!

No evil must be allowed to continue to flourish in this world!

The red dog made up his mind in his heart, even if he offended Karp, so what?

In fact, the red dog is not afraid of Karp at all!

But before going to pursue Luffy, Akainu did not forget his original plan, for the implementation of his absolute justice, in Akainu’s opinion, as long as he can get rid of the enemy, even some tricks do not matter.

Soon, he found the big whirlpool spider, and after easily crushing the big whirlpool spider, the red dog also successfully used the fact that Whitebeard did not say to the affiliated pirate group that Ace was Roger’s bloodline, etc., and successfully countered the big whirlpool spider!

At this moment, what surprised the Whitebeard Pirates was that the big whirlpool spider wielding the sword of the Great Filial Piety came!

And the red dog, who does not smile, rarely evokes a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Whitebeard, go and die!

The era of pirates should have ended a long time ago, and all pirates are damned!

After plotting against the Great Vortex Spider, the red dog immediately went after Luffy.


On the other side, Luffy was still yelling all the way, and next to him was Saab, the two brothers were still in the bay at this time, but after the two continued to defeat their opponents, they were getting closer and closer to the entrance of the square!

“Luffy, be careful!”

“Saab, you have to be careful too!”

Luffy and Saab estimated each other, and had to say that although the two only met again today, they really cooperated very tacitly, even if Smogg, who rushed up to stop Luffy, was kicked out, of course, it was Saab’s hand, after all, Dorag and others carefully taught, at this time, Dorag has been able to skillfully use armed color domineering, and those who deal with natural abilities are naturally not afraid of their elementalization!

“Straw hat boy! Stay here for all today! ”

At this moment, a scorching wave of qi came from Luffy in front of them towards Luffy, it was a huge lava fist.

“Big Spitfire!”

Red Dog’s punch can be described as dissatisfied with the dissatisfaction with the Monchi D family, knowing that this evil flame must not be allowed to continue to develop, Red Dog did not even pay attention to the captains of the white-bearded pirate group, but directly attacked Luffy,


Seeing the huge lava fist, Luffy was also stunned, and in the next second, Luffy also quickly dodged, but his speed is not as fast as the speed of the red dog attacking now, if it is two seconds faster, it is good to say, although it was not directly hit by the red dog’s fist, but Luffy was still blasted out by the aftermath.


Saab shouted, very anxious, and wanted to rush up to attack the red dog, but was blocked by Smogg.

“Revolutionary army, stop here!”

The two collided again.

And Ace on the execution table looked at all this, and couldn’t help but feel a deep worry for Luffy, to know that he was a serious brother, in addition to worry, Ace also had anger at the red dog in his heart, after all, Luffy, he definitely does not allow others to bully,

However, at this time, as a prisoner, he could only be ineptly furious!

Can’t do anything!


Karp naturally sees this in his eyes, the red dog focuses on “taking care” of Luffy, how can he not be angry, but what about anger?

He is the Navy, and Luffy is a pirate, and Akainu is a Navy Navy fighting pirate, which is natural for the justice of the Navy!

“Karp, you’d better settle down! Otherwise, don’t blame me for not missing the old love! Your grandson, now joining this war, is completely self-inflicted! Anyone who stands in the way of this execution today is an enemy! ”

Warring States angrily scolded Karp, what he is most afraid of now is the outbreak of Karp, which is now a time bomb, otherwise, Karp will really be doomed! Years of iron brotherhood have made the Warring States absolutely unable to bear Karp’s abandonment of justice because of his family, you must know that the high-level of the world government, as well as many Draco, have always been unhappy with Karp, just wait for Karp to make a major mistake, and it will be cold at that time.

On the other side, the red dog rushed to Luffy again, and now Luffy can’t even be armed and domineering, and his strength is even weaker to the extreme, only being crushed by the red dog.

Ivankov and Kaixia Jinping both became anxious and wanted to rush to protect Luffy, but they were restrained by Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Moonlight Moria, and Saab was restrained by Smogg.

The red dog came, roared, and pressed Luffy with a punch, and the air was distorted by the scorching lava gas wave,


At this moment, a violent wind swept in, restraining the lava fist of the red dog.

“Dorag! You bastard, the naval elite of those years, and I misread you! ”

Seeing that it was Dorag who resisted his blow, Akainu was very angry, knowing that Dorag was also a member of the navy, but later defected to the navy and went to the opposite side of the navy and the world government!

“Red dog, this kind of war is meaningless, it will only increase senseless casualties!”

Dorag appears in front of the red dog, while Luffy escapes in time.


Chi Inu didn’t want to talk nonsense with Dorag, and directly punched out, and the fist even had a faint roar, and Chi Inu’s punch was extremely violent.

Dorag naturally also attacked the past from time to time, swept a fierce wind in his hand, and there was even thunder and lightning in the wind, of course, this is not a problem for Dorag, who is capable of wind and wind fruit, manipulating some thunder and lightning, after all, Aunt can manipulate thunder and flame.


The two equal forces collided, and immediately the surrounding wind swept through, lava splashed in all directions, and the fierce collision made the pirates and pirates in the surrounding areas dare not approach.

This is the collision of two top forces, the leader of the revolutionary army, and the strongest and most serious of the three strongest admirals!

This force has frightened countless people, of course, this is just one of the pictures in this war.

At this time, the whole of Marin Fandor, tripartite forces.

Karp, Warring States, Crane, Whitebeard, Seven Wuhai, who fished in mixed waters, almost everyone else is already fighting, and due to the emergence of the revolutionary army, the green pheasant and yellow ape who are responsible as bastards in the original work have to get serious, because today, the people who come from the revolutionary army are also very strong opponents, and the general can crush a revolutionary army cadre, but two or three together, it is not easy, of course, the lieutenant generals are also very hard.

At the same time, in order to save Ace, Little Oz also appeared, but the huge body and weak combat power completely became a giant target that was powerless to resist, especially Doflamingo and Moonlight Moriah teamed up and easily solved this giant monster,

In the extraordinary grief of the Whitebeard Pirates and Ace, Oz’s huge body eventually fell, but it helped the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army to open a way for them to march into the square, which was raised with a huge steel wall, and the entrance was suppressed because of Oz’s huge body.

“Whitebeard Pirates, little Oz opened the way for us, and we must not fail him! From his body, enter the square and rescue Ace! ”

Whitebeard roared, grieving Oz’s death.

At this time, the roar of the whitebeard also made the people of the whitebeard pirate group turn their grief and anger into strength, and quickly rushed to the square in front, and the first group of people had already rushed into the square.

Victory seems to be imminent!

Looking at the chaotic battlefield below, the Warring States couldn’t help but be shocked.

The battle here is already the first battle of this scale after the Valley of the Gods incident, the Valley of the Gods incident, the naval headquarters poured out, and the elite naval combat forces at all levels also gathered tens of thousands of people to fight with the powerful and incomparable Rocks Pirate Group, and finally won the battle,

Of course, Sengoku also hopes that this time, like the Kaminoko incident decades ago, is a victory for the navy.

However, the joining of the revolutionary army made the balance of victory not know which side to lean towards!

The anxiety in the warring country was a little more serious.

“But the Marshal of the Steel Bone Sky is also about to arrive here, everything will be good to say then, this war, only Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace two people die, other pirates, the meaning of dying or not dying is not very great.”

The warring country comforted himself and tried to calm his inner unease.

And at this moment, Whitebeard was about to really join the battle, but at this moment, the big whirlpool spider came with a gloomy face!

At this time, he had been rebelled by the red dog’s words, and after thinking for a long time, he realized that it was Whitebeard who deceived all their brothers of the affiliated pirate group, and the whitebeard pirate group and the navy headquarters agreed to eliminate their 43 affiliated pirate groups without moving the white-bearded pirate group itself, and what rescue Ace was also a pretense.

And Ace is still the bloodline of Roger, whom the Great Vortex Spider hates, and this matter, Whitebeard did not say to anyone affiliated with the Pirate Group!

The Great Vortex Spiders realize that they have really been deceived by Whitebeard! The 43 affiliated pirate groups are all powerful forces in the New World, and the naval headquarters has joined forces with the Whitebeard Pirates to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a knife from Xiaozi, when Whitebeard was completely caught off guard, the big vortex spider completely stabbed the long knife in his hand through Whitebeard’s chest, and the knife directly stabbed to the root! It can be seen that the knife of the big whirlpool spider is completely merciless, and it is really a knife to let Whitebeard go directly into the soil.

And at this moment, everyone was stunned, Whitebeard, there were many people paying attention to the whole battle, even if he hadn’t made a move yet.

And at this moment, a subsidiary captain of the Whitebeard Pirates actually assassinated Whitebeard?

On the other side, Ling Bai, who just came to Marin Fandor, just witnessed this knife of the Great Vortex Spider.

Although knowing the development of the original work, Whitebeard was indeed stabbed this time, but witnessing it with his own eyes, Ling Bai was still a little shocked.

“Captain, what’s going on?”

Lao Sha was the most shocked, he couldn’t assassinate Whitebeard many times in his early years, and now Whitebeard was stabbed by his son? Who would have believed that Whitebeard would be assassinated by his own crew, not seeing with his own eyes? And why don’t others think so?

The same goes for the rest of the crew.

Ling Bai’s eyes flickered: “This is under Whitebeard, and a big filial piety has emerged.” ”

The big whirlpool spider, Ling Bai knew that this fool was shaken in his heart by the red dog with a few words, and he actually believed that Whitebeard would cooperate with the navy to eliminate them.

However, Ling Bai also felt that even if there was no big vortex spider, it was estimated that other filial piety would appear.

After all, there are too many people in the Whitebeard Pirates, and the fish and dragons are mixed.

Others were even more incredulous, and at this moment, the entire battlefield, people were attracted to all their attention in almost a few seconds, and the three forces also fell into a short stop.

Shock, disbelief, fear, worry, anger, smugness, surprise, etc. are all projected on this side.

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