
“An intruder! Took away the Devil’s descendants Barrett, Rainy Hillyu, and Klockdar? ”

The originally quiet marshal’s office was the unbelievable voice of the Warring States at this moment.

“With the power of freezing, even now a large area of sea outside the city is frozen!”

“Same ability as Kuzan?”

After hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku could not calm down for a long time, and at this moment, he was the only one in the entire office.

However, after the urgent meeting order was issued, the three major generals, as well as Lieutenant General A He and Lieutenant General Karp, also came here.

“Hey, Sengoku, what is the emergency meeting going to do?”

At this time, Karp, because the execution time of Fire Fist Ace was getting closer and closer, his whole person became more and more irritable.

“Is it about the execution, or the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Yellow Ape questioned.

“No, what I’m trying to say is…”

Everyone saw that the Warring States’ face was extremely solemn.

“Just today, someone from the well-defended Advance City escaped!”

Immediately afterwards, regardless of the shock of everyone, the Warring States specifically said about this matter.

And everyone, the final face also became solemn, no one expected that this kind of thing would happen!

“What the hell is going on? At this time, such a serious incident happened? ”

The red dog is very angry, the time of public execution is imminent, but at this moment, there is an escape from the city in the city, and this incident is obviously much more terrifying than the golden lion!

Four people leave the Advance City, including Yu no Hiryu, and the most terrifying criminal Barrett!

Of course, there is also a mysterious powerhouse who manipulates the power of ice and is able to crush Magellan’s existence!

This is, without a doubt, a prepared jailbreak!

And it was at this time of emergency, less than two weeks before the public execution!

This was difficult for everyone present to accept.

“Freezing ability! What’s going on? ”

Ling Bai’s ability, the most surprised person present was the green pheasant.

Sengoku shook his head: “I don’t know, but Magellan mentioned that the other party is very strong, and it is even likely to have the level of a general!” ”

“General level! A teenager! ”

The crowd exclaimed

The angry red dog said: “A bounty needs to be issued immediately to arrest them!” ”

After calming down, Vice Admiral Tsuru mentioned: “No, at this time, let the world know that someone escaped from the Advance City, not to mention the so-called face of the world government and the Navy headquarters, the time for public execution is imminent, such an incident will cause a major blow to the morale of the Navy!” ”

“What Xiao Tsuru said makes sense, alas…”

Warring States rubbed his forehead, expressing helplessness, who would have thought that at such a time, such a major event would occur? It’s much more terrifying than the Golden Lion’s time!

“I didn’t take Ace…”

At this time, Karp’s psychological activity is different from others, although he does not want to see an accident in the city, but Karp is even more unwilling to see Ace, who he regards as a blood relative, be beheaded.

Therefore, Karp’s heart is also helpless.

After the meeting, the pheasant also left the naval headquarters, he wanted to see what was going on in the frozen sea outside the city.

A second powerful figure capable of manipulating frozen abilities appeared in the world, which had to attract special attention from the pheasant.


A day later, on a pirate ship near the Chambord Islands, Ling Bai and the others were here, and after encountering a pirate ship, Ling Bai snatched it over.

At this time, Klockdar looked at the latest newspaper sent down from the passing news bird.

“There’s no news about us.”

Klockdar was a little surprised.

“This is yesterday’s news, but it’s all about the current movements of the New World, especially the Whitebeard Pirates, but there is no report about us leaving the Advance City.”

Klockdahl expressed some regret about this, and Barrett and Hiliu of Rain also meant it.

However, Ling Bai said: “There is not much time for public execution, if you openly advance the city escape incident at this time, it will cause a huge blow to the morale of the entire navy, so the navy headquarters will choose to hide it!” ”

“Makes sense.”

“Ling Bai, are we going to participate in this war?”

“This kind of war is naturally to be participated in! Otherwise, what’s the use of me releasing you? ”

“Also, call me captain in the future!”

“Barrett is the deputy captain, and Hiryu and Klockdar are the cadres!”

“Our pirate group is called the Lingbai Pirate Group! That’s it, in a world where strength is respected, there is no problem dividing positions by strength! ”

An hour later, the Chambord Islands.

Ling Bai chose to land in the coating port where Hades Renly was located, but unfortunately Renly was not here.

“Barrett, Hades Rayleigh is hiding here, working as an ordinary coater.”

“There is such a thing?”

Barrett expressed surprise, but although Renly was his former partner, it did not mean that Barrett had a good relationship with him.

“It’s kind of interesting, I really want to meet him, gee!”

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes.

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