Public execution must be carried out on time at the time of arrival at the specified point in accordance with normal procedures, unless there are the most special circumstances that interfere with the execution, at which time the executioner will be killed by more simple and brutal means.

And now, it is still a normal process, and the two executioners have raised the execution knife high, only waiting for the order of the Warring States.

“Sengoku! Don’t think you can stop me! ”

Whitebeard punched out, and the power of launching the shock fruit swept a large part of the navy, and the navy floating up like a dandelion had not yet fallen to the ground, and Whitebeard was blessed with the power of the shock fruit on the cloud cutting, and then it was swung out again,

Seeing that the execution knife had been raised, he didn’t dare to imagine that Ace would be beheaded later, and Whitebeard frantically rushed to the execution table in front of him.

However, as if the activity became more intense, such as pulling a trigger and moving the whole body, this made the condition of the white beard worse.

And the execution table in front of him is even tens of meters away from him now!

“Whitebeard, you’re just the end of a strong crossbow!”

Sengoku shouted, “Look, Fire Fist Ace, heads fall to the ground!” ”


Lieutenant General Mole attacked and stabbed directly, but was blocked by Whitebeard, of course, Whitebeard could only not advance,

Vice Admiral Mole, as one of the elite vice admirals of the Navy headquarters, although his strength is far from the strong at the apex, he can still resist in the face of today’s injured Whitebeard.


Luffy yelled.

“Get out of here!”

“Rubber machine gun!”

In an instant, the speed of the punch was so fast that it turned into an afterimage.

However, there were still tens of thousands of navies ahead, how could Luffy’s fist of this level hit them all?

Moreover, these navies are not ordinary navies, for the strong they are cannon fodder, but for Luffy, it is undoubtedly difficult for Luffy to move! Especially now at this somewhat exhausting moment.

“Too far!”

Saab took a leap and stepped on the navy’s head or shoulder to rush over, but was smashed back by a giant navy with a mace, and the huge force made Saab feel like his mouth was about to crack,


At this moment, the Warring States gave an order, and the two executioners who had already tensed their nerves were also under great pressure, and the two cut down the execution knife at the same time.

At this moment, Ace, seeing Luffy, Saab, and Whitebeard, is desperate and helpless, not to blame them for not being able to save themselves, but just to see more of these people who are very important in their lives,

At this moment, almost everyone looked at the execution table.

Karp’s position, being able to see the sword light, his heart seemed to explode, thinking that Ace wanted to hit the head on the ground, he couldn’t accept it, so that his body trembled.

And Whitebeard, too, widened his eyes, and a navy rushed over at this time, and was directly pinned to the ground by Whitebeard, vomiting blood on the spot.


Marko, they were saddened by their heartbreaks, and some people did not even dare to look at this scene.

The people of the Seven Warrior Sea, the Navy, and the Chambordi Islands were watching this scene at this moment.

People seem to be able to think of the image of Fire Fist Ace being beheaded, and the image of the man’s head rolling off the execution table.

However, just when the execution knife was still thirty centimeters away from Ace’s neck, a thunder suddenly tore down from the sky and fell on the execution table at an unimaginable speed.

So much so that the lightning directly stunned the two executioners, but the person closest to them, Fire Fist Ace, did nothing!



The face of the Warring States changed greatly, originally Ace’s beheading was a fait accompli at this moment, however, the sudden thunder and lightning that cut down made the execution fail! Both executioners were stunned!

Human factor!

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Moonlight Moriah was surprised, why did a thunderbolt suddenly come down and stop the execution at the moment of a thousand shots?

“Someone blocked the execution!”

“What’s going on?”

“The executioner was struck by lightning!”

At this time, everyone was shocked, as long as the head is normal, they all know that the execution has been prevented, and the thunder and lightning are also man-made attacks!

“Ace… Saved! ”

And for another part of the people, or for a small number of people, it is exciting at this time, such as Karp, Luffy, Saab and the Whitebeard Pirates, etc.,

Of course, Ace himself was even more excited, and he could even feel the imminent death just now, but at this moment, the two executioners fell to the ground, and after being struck by lightning, they were covered in smoke.

Was he saved?

“Who shot?”

Countless people wondered.

Whitebeard roared, “Sons, someone bought time for us, keep rushing!” ”

After a loud roar, Whitebeard swung out another sword, and immediately another group of navies were slapped away.

“Great! Brothers, rush! ”

The big whirlpool spider also roared, raised its long knife, and rushed to the navy in front.

And at this time, the navy ahead, there are at least 30,000 more people! Can you imagine how terrifying such a number is?

Warring States looked at Ling Bai angrily, because Ling Bai had manipulated the thunder and lightning just now, so Ling Bai had stopped the execution?

No, it’s Dorag!

Only then did the Warring States notice Dorag in the distance, and then look at the clouds in the sky, and the Warring States knew that it was Dorag’s hand,


The Warring States were furious, and quickly ordered the next executioners to come up, in order to avoid sudden special circumstances, there were several batches of executioners.

And Chi Inu also looked at Ling Bai angrily.

As for Ling Bai, he didn’t make a move.

Ling Bai can probably already think of who made the move, it is nothing more than Dorag, after all, this guy has also shot twice in Rogue Town, the first time was on Roger’s execution table, and stunned Bucky with lightning, thus saving Luffy, who was about to be beheaded by Bucky.

Now, it is another familiar scene, Dorag’s ability can completely pull thunder and lightning.


The red dog punched out, “Inu devours the red lotus!” ”

“Dorag’s hand, what’s wrong with me?”

Ling Bai mocked, and at the same time, he smashed a punch, and this punch, a large amount of ice gathered in Ling Bai’s right hand, quickly forming a huge ice fist.


The red dog then remembered Dorag, indeed, Dorag fully has this ability, because of the previous fight, Dorag used thunder and lightning.


The two fists collided, the lava exploded, and the lava dog head of the red dog was directly smashed, and the two fists also continued to hold each other for nearly ten seconds, and finally the red dog was smashed out.

“You seem to be weakening, Mr. General!”

Ling Bai reached the sky above the red dog in a flash, and immediately landed directly on the face door of the red dog, and in the next second, the red dog exploded out at an even more terrifying speed, and at the moment when Ling Bai’s foot landed on the face door of the red dog, Ling Bai also heard the sound of bones shattering.


The next moment, the lava burst out, and the red dog who forcibly stopped in the process of flying upside down, the ground with a radius of twenty meters directly disintegrated, followed by a large amount of lava ejected from the cracks in the ground, like a volcanic eruption scene.

Feeling the hot and sharp pain of the face door, the red dog’s expression was a little distorted, and the anger in his heart was difficult to contain.

At this time, almost the entire person of the red dog entered the elementalization, and the ground under him almost turned into hot lava.

The crimson lava pool, rising white hot steam, the air twists, the temperature rises,

Cracking sound……

Ling Bai, on the other hand, stretched out his right hand, and the terrifying thunder and lightning raged and extended in the right hand, and even formed a huge thunder pillar, and countless thunder and lightning were entangled in it, releasing a terrifying deterrent and sense of oppression, and the red dogs on the opposite side were afraid.

This is, 300 million volts of thunder!

Ling Bai’s ability, he is even more confused!

Freeze ability, kendo, and now, manipulate lightning?

“That monster, does it have any other abilities?”

“Gee, this looks terrifying!”

“Does the arm extend tens of meters of thunder pillars? The stones that touched the ground turned to ash in an instant! ”

“Manipulate freezing with one hand, and lightning with the other!”

At this moment, a lot of attention was once again attracted by Ling Bai’s side.

Including Dorag, cranes, yellow apes and others are,

I saw that at this time, Ling Bai’s right foot took a step forward, and when the red dog smashed a lava fist comparable to the size of a small warship, Ling Bai swung the huge thunder pillar formed by his right hand and swept it directly.

“Oversized Spitfire!”

The red dog roared.


The lava fist collided with the thunder pillar, so how could the lava be the opponent of the thunder pillar of 300 million volts?

The moment the lava touches the lightning, it is directly crushed and shattered,

The sound of crackling, and the sound of lava exploding, the two sounds are intertwined.

The terrifying wind and waves spread out like a tsunami, and the amazing thunder and lightning also spread in all directions, and the area with a radius of thirty or forty meters was covered by lightning.

The shocking picture, countless people are terrified,

People saw that the lava of the red dog was destroyed, and although the red dog continued to bless more lava into it, it could not keep up with the speed of lightning destroying the lava.

Ling Bai is also increasing the output of thunder and lightning!

Super electromagnetic cannon!

Now Ling Bai can manipulate a billion volts of lightning, and Anilu’s use of the thunder fruit can only be 200 million volts at most, and the original picture of 200 million volts is enough to destroy the world,

Now Ling Bai has increased from 300 million volts to 500 million volts! And, it’s still rising!


Endless thunder and lightning, permeating this small space, even in front of the red dog, is densely packed with landmines and electricity, like a spider’s web, the vision is covered, even looking at Ling Bai can hardly see clearly, thunder and lightning, raging on the red dog.

Too powerful lightning, even if the red dog can be elementalized, even if he is a natural ability, even so?

The lava of the red dog also has a range of bearing capacity, or all natural ability people are like this, beyond this bearing range, it is also finished.

If the original red dog and the green pheasant compete for the position of naval marshal, the red dog defeating the green pheasant will not always be domineering with armed colors, right?

Looking at the burning marks on the pheasant’s body, you can see that the lava of the red dog eventually exceeded the pheasant’s tolerance range.

And at this time, Ling Bai faced the red dog as well,

If the super electromagnetic cannon thunder and lightning used by Ling Bai at the beginning was just to warm up the red dog, then now, it is directly torture.

In the lightning area, the red dog endured Ling Bai’s ever-strengthening thunder and lightning with difficulty, and the thunder and lightning fell on him, ignoring the elemental physique of nature, and his body was subjected to a violent whip,

“Can you bear it? Red dogs! ”

Ling Bai shouted, and then, he showed a somewhat morbid smile, at this moment, the thunder and lightning had arrived, six hundred million volts!

However, at this time, in the face of the red dog, the powerful output is not small for Ling Bai’s consumption.

Look at all this, the navy and pirates in the distance, the revolutionary army, the people of the Chambord Islands.

Countless people were afraid, what kind of monster was Ling Bai?


With an amazing explosion, a person was blown away!

Exactly the red dog!

At this moment, the red dog was covered in rags, and his body was full of shocking wounds, which also oozed a lot of blood, and some of his skin was even scorched, releasing the smell of roasted meat.

Electricity, capable of generating ultra-high temperatures!

Anilu even dissolved gold with lightning!

At this moment, the red dog has almost become a bloody man!


Ling Bai was about to kill the red dog, but at this moment, a white human form quickly attacked.


It was the pheasant that temporarily froze Barrett.

“Hey, that’s enough! Little brother! ”

Although he often clashes with Akainu over political views, at this time, if no one makes a timely move, maybe the three generals will become two generals!

The previous CP0 boss is a bloody example!

He was killed by Ling Bai!

At this time, another figure also struck.

Exactly Lieutenant General Tsuru.

The red dog has fallen to the ground, and the whole person has fallen into a serious injury coma, not to mention the shocking wounds, it has turned into a bloody person, and the eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth are bleeding.

Seven tricks bleed!


At this moment, Lieutenant General Crane saw the tragic state of the red dog, covered in blood, countless wounds, shocking, and even some parts have been burned, and his life is in danger! If you don’t send it for treatment soon, the consequences will be unimaginable!

And Ling Bai is also here, this monster obviously wants to kill the red dog.

The crane did not have any hesitation, and directly picked up the red dog and quickly left here.

Red dog, seriously injured coma!

ps. I’m going here, dark text, here to kill Ace. In my old book, the protagonist personally killed Ace, saving Ace was a poison point for me, and readers didn’t like it, I didn’t hate any characters in the original work, and I didn’t kneel and lick any characters when I wrote novels.

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