Whitebeard, Buddha’s Warring States, two legendary characters, and at the same time with legendary powers.

At this moment, the two forces collided together.

The golden aperture collided with the white aperture, and at that moment, the space was instantly filled with a large number of cracks, followed by the ground fragmented in an instant.

One is the ability to easily cause terrifying earthquakes, and the other is a shockwave with terrifying destructive power.

At this moment, the power of this collision of two abilities can also be imagined.

But the difference is that Whitebeard is not only wounded, but also sick, while Sengoku is fighting in full bloom!

Both of them, although they are both over seventy years old, their strength is the top in the world! It’s all a legendary collision!

The forces that destroy everything are colliding, and the people around them can only keep retreating.

The Navy headquarters square is large, but in the face of the collision of top combat power, it is very small.

The two struck at the same time, the palm of the Warring States, the fist of the white beard, and slammed at the same time.

In an instant, a huge aperture, centered on two people, covered most of the Marin Fando.


At this moment, amazing fluctuations swept through everything, even the naval headquarters, which was known as the symbol of peace and justice in the era of sea thieves, had a large number of cracks, and the entire Marin Fandor Square was further fragmented.

“It’s terrifying, the power of the Buddha’s Warring States and Whitebeard!”

“This is the power of standing at the apex!”

“Even if I get close, standing in the midst of that wind and wave, I have the hope of giving up my life!”

“For the first time, witness Mr. Sengoku’s shot! Too strong! ”


On the other side, the battle between Qing Pheasant and Ling Bai was also extremely intense.

“That lord, after experiencing countless battles, still has an invincible posture!”

“Concubines… Concubine…”

At this moment, Snake Ji Yuan looked at Ling Bai, in that direction, and his eyes fell into obsession.

At this moment, facing the green pheasant, a large number of sharp ice arrows were suspended behind Ling Bai, and in the next second, he released it against the green pheasant who had just stood up from the ground,

The dense ice arrows broke through the air and pierced the quality of the body, but the difficult thing is that the other party has elementalization, so at this moment, no matter how powerful Ling Bai’s move is, it is a little chicken.

“Troublesome elementalization!”

Ling Bai stepped out in one step, and the next second appeared in front of the green pheasant, who reflexively retreated quickly.

“It seems that although you are a monster, you are not really invincible!”

Feeling that Ling Bai’s state is not as good as before, the green pheasant is also a little excited, of course, compared to Ling Bai, his green pheasant’s state is even worse, the stomach, Hun mouth, and back have a wound respectively, that is, Ling Bai was injured just now, and now it is still bleeding, although it is not a fatal injury, but when the green pheasant moves, it is inevitable that the wound will hurt, with a tearing feeling.

“You and that guy playing with paper are about the same strength, you can kill.”

Ling Bai snorted coldly, compared to the red dog, Ling Bai did not have a good impression of the ambiguous green pheasant.

In the original work, after the marshal dispute, the green pheasant ostensibly withdrew from the navy, but in fact he was a member of the special operations organization of the navy headquarters, and the boss was the Sengoku who took a back seat, members Drake and Kebi and others, and the green pheasant entered the new world undercover Blackbeard Pirates.

Ling Bai can foresee that after the top war, if the Warring States want to abdicate, the development of the story about the appointment of the new naval marshal by then and the original book is estimated to be not much worse.

Pheasant continues to work undercover?

Do you want to come to his Lingbai Pirates?

It’s possible!

Or how to teach the headquarters of the Navy an iron lesson now,

The so-called: it is better to break one finger than to hurt ten fingers!

At this time, Ling Bai’s fist smashed towards the green pheasant, and with a thunder and lightning and a punch covered with armed color domineering, it fell on the green pheasant, and the latter instinctively crossed his hands to resist Ling Bai’s attack at this time.

However, Ling Bai’s attack power was really terrifying.

How terrifying is Ling Bai’s simple physical strength?

When there is no strange power, Ling Bai’s physical strength will not be much stronger than that of the green pheasant, but with the strange power, Ling Bai’s strength will be more than ten times stronger than the green pheasant!

With a muffled sound, the green pheasant was directly blasted out.

And Ling Bai, at this moment, at the fastest speed, faster than the speed at which the green pheasant flew out upside down, appeared in the sky above the green pheasant, and immediately after, Ling Bai bombarded it with another punch.

This punch landed on the pheasant’s Hunkou, shaking its Hunkou apart.


Just like the CP0 members who played with paper before, at this moment, the pheasants also vomited blood, and they felt that their internal organs were about to explode!

“Frozen space-time capsule!”

The green pheasant let out a low cry of pain, and a huge cold aura was released from his right hand and fell on Ling Bai’s body, instantly freezing half of Ling Bai’s body.


In the next second, the green pheasant was pressed hard by Ling Bai’s right hand, smashed on the ground, and smashed the ground out of a pit.

“This level of freezing is useless for me.”

For the ability of the green pheasant, Ling Bai is still this sentence.

This kind of ice is indeed too weak, of course, this is in the face of Ling Bai Ice Emperor Gu.

A wave of thunder and lightning flashed and wrapped around Ling Bai’s body, shattering the ice covered by Ling Bai’s body.

The next moment, Ling Bai fell on the ground, and the green pheasant who had just stood up from the ground, his state was even worse.

Ling Bai swept across with his right leg, and the latter quickly retreated.

Immediately after Ling Bai landed on the ground with his palm, a large number of giant ice picks immediately drilled out from the ground and rushed towards the green pheasant from the opposite direction.

“What a speed!”

“This guy’s ice is too complicated!”

It had been more than half an hour since he fought with Ling Bai, and the green pheasant had to admit that Ling Bai’s freezing ability was above him, above the frozen fruit ability, maybe the frozen fruit had not been developed to the extreme by him,


Anyway, Ling Bai’s ability is too strong.

Now this is the case, a large number of ice picks drilled out of the ground, as if consciously, are attacking the green pheasant, and the speed is quite fast, it seems that it is not much with the flash released by the yellow ape.


With a crisp sound, the ice picks finally collided together, erupting into a violent explosion, which the pheasant fortunately avoided.

However, at this moment, Ling Bai, who seemed to have anticipated the position that the pheasant avoided, on top of the pheasant’s head, slashed down with a kick, like a battle axe, the dull impact sound and the sound of bones shattering came out almost at the same time, and the next second, the green pheasant that flew out again cut through the air, and finally happened to be caught by the ghost spider lieutenant general.

“Mr. Kuzan!”

“I’m okay…”

At this time, the green pheasant’s face was white, and it was impossible to be fine.

And Ling Bai attacked again, and the ghost spider lieutenant general blocked in front of Ling Bai, and the spider-like hands each held a knife and faced Ling Bai.

“Pirates, don’t be arrogant!”

The ghost spider faced Ling Bai directly, without fear at all, several knives pointed at Ling Bai, ready to strike at any time.

“Navy headquarters, those who can be my opponents can be counted on one hand!”

As soon as Ling Bai held his right hand, an ice blade appeared, and the next moment it slashed towards the ghost spider, and the ghost spider naturally also shot.


Ling Bai slashed straight at the ghost spider, and the ice blade released a powerful sword intent.

In the shocked eyes of the navy and the pirates, all the knives of the ghost spider were cut off by Ling Bai’s ice blade.

The next moment, the ice blade in Ling Bai’s hand disappeared.

“Ghost spider!”

The green pheasant shouted with great concern, but was horrified to see that the ghost spider’s hands were weakly lowered.

“How… Probably…”

The ghost spider’s face was full of disbelief, and immediately after, his body was almost symmetrically divided into two sides!

That’s right, it’s divided into two sides!

“Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!”

“Kill the lieutenant general together!”

“That’s one of the strongest vice admirals in our navy headquarters!”

“How is that possible? How so? ”

Seeing the scene of the ghost spider being ruthlessly divided into corpses, the navy was stunned, and even the body trembled, and he felt unbelievable and unacceptable to this scene.

Trembling with fear, anger.

And the ghost spider that fell to the ground, its body became two halves, all kinds of things in its body tilted out, and the ground was quickly dyed red.

His eyes were filled with fear and he did not close.

“Ghost spider!”

“That villain!”


Sengoku, who was fighting with Whitebeard, also witnessed the ghost spider fall as a corpse on both sides.

He’s dead!

The ghost spider is dead!

How did Sengoku accept it?

“Warring States, distraction is not good!”

Ace has been saved, which makes Whitebeard happy at this time, and as long as he is in a happy mood, Whitebeard’s physical state is much better.

An explosion sounded, followed by a huge force crushing on him, and Sengoku was knocked away by Whitebeard’s blow without any suspense.

Ghost spider, he is destined to be unable to take care of it.

“What the hell is he doing here?”

Glancing at Ling Bai, Whitebeard couldn’t figure out Ling Bai’s purpose.

At this time, the four members of the Seven Martial Seas who continued to be bastards all looked at Ling Bai, shocked by Ling Bai’s direct killing of an elite lieutenant general, and of course they were also extremely shocked.

It’s just that Snake Ji is committing idiocy,

The other three all looked at Ling Bai with varying degrees of surprise, especially Dorag was already trying to curry favor with Ling Bai for cooperation.

On the other side, Ling Bai continued to rush towards the green pheasant.

“You actually killed the ghost spider, then I can’t let you go!”

The green pheasant was furious to the extreme, and the momentum on his strength seemed to be stronger.

However, at this time, Ling Bai landed another punch on the green pheasant, knocking it back several meters.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Bai’s right hand could be filled with a large amount of thunder and lightning, and a thunder pillar quickly formed.

“Try the move I used against the red dog before!”

Ling Bai was simple and rude, and directly swept towards the green pheasant with this thunder pillar, and immediately a crackling arc sound came out, and the gravel on the ground that was lifted by the thunder and lightning turned into powder and fell into the air.

“Frozen space!”

The green pheasant on the other side pushed forward from behind with both hands at the same time, and immediately an area of space swept up an extremely cold blizzard, the temperature of the air directly plummeted, and the ground was also pushed horizontally thick solid ice, crushing towards Ling Bai.

“Frozen space?”

“Kind of interesting!”

It feels like the other party is a little messy.

Ling Bai waved the huge thunder pillar in his hand and collided with the frozen pheasant,

With Ling Bai as the center, some moments filled with endless thunder, and the raging thunder and lightning immediately swept through everything, covering him and the green pheasant.

At this time, the ice of the green pheasant swept under Ling Bai’s feet, quickly freezing Ling Bai’s legs, and Ling Bai finally felt the bone-chilling cold from the ice of the green pheasant, which was not there before, and the ice that froze Ling Bai continued to spread to Ling Bai’s entire body.

At the same time, the thunder pillar in Ling Bai’s right hand also fell on the green pheasant, crackling thunder and lightning sound, as for the green pheasant, it was used to resist Ling Bai’s attack at this time.

However, the next moment, Ling Bai directly released the thunder and lightning to 700 million volts!


The sound of the explosion in the thunder light seemed to shatter the entire Marin Fando, and the white impact fluctuations pervaded, and finally pushed to the entire Marin Fando and the surrounding sea.

This impact pushed towards the entire Navy Plaza, knocking countless pirates and navy to the ground.

And the green pheasant, too, like the red dog, was blown away,

The strength of lightning is beyond the range that the pheasant can bear, not to mention, not only the attack power of the thunder, but also the high-temperature heat generated in it, can make the ice of the pheasant melt,

Five seconds later, the green pheasant fell heavily to the ground, and the whole person was completely pale.

However, his situation turned out to be better than that of the red dog, after all, the red dog fainted at that time, and now the green pheasant seems to be the kind that is dying and almost lost his breath, and he almost didn’t faint.

“Well… Strong…”

The green pheasant’s heart was shocked to the extreme, but it was difficult to speak.

Really, the injury was too bad.

“Do you want to experience real freezing? Go beyond your ability to jelly fruit. ”

Ling Bai’s body was still wrapped around thunder and lightning, and the output was high again, and at this time, Ling Bai’s state deteriorated significantly.

Ling Bai came and looked down at the green pheasant.

In the panic of the green pheasant, Ling Bai’s right hand snapped his fingers.

“Before you die, let you experience the strongest freezing move!”

“Have you experienced the ability to freeze time and space?”

Immediately afterwards, in the frightened gaze of the green pheasant, with Ling Bai as the center, an ice-blue space continued to expand, eventually covering him, and after that, even the green pheasant whose thinking was stopped did not know what happened.

It was only when the pheasant’s consciousness reappeared and his mind was able to operate, that the pheasant discovered that the ice thorn blessed with armed domineering color had penetrated his heart!

“Is this your frozen space-time… Really…… And Sakaski … What they say… Same, without knowing anything, it was …”

Feeling the rapid passage of life, countless good and bad memories struck, in addition, did the pheasant vaguely hear someone anxiously calling his name?

It seems to be his idol… Karp……

After ten seconds, the life of the green pheasant came to an abrupt end!

ps, I’m really sorry, this chapter was deleted and resent, it took me more than half an hour to find the part that triggered the prohibited word, I touched the keyword, this chapter was blocked, the reader reminded to know, maybe the writing is too bloody, I don’t understand ah, there are several readers who subscribe to read it, the author apologizes here, 24 hours to revise the chapter that cannot be read is said to be free of charge.

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