The terrifying battle between Whitebeard and Ling Bai continues, looking at the unimaginable battle, countless people are numb in their scalps, and the weak ones are even trembling, whether it is Whitebeard or Ling Bai, they are terrifying creatures that surpass all the cognition of countless people in the world!

At this time, the terrifying thunderstorm once again collided with the power of the earthquake fruit, the white transparent light wave collided with the blue-white minefield, and the naval headquarters building, which was a symbol of justice and peace in the era of the sea thieves, finally collapsed, and in the shocked eyes of all navies, including the Warring States, the building was destroyed because of the collision of two forces.

Of course, this is just the beginning, the Navy headquarters building, one of the most advanced buildings in Marin Fandor, and after this building, there are a large number of buildings.

At this time, behind Whitebeard was the big ditch that separated Whitebeard from his beloved sons.

“Whitebeard, I forgot to tell you the good news, your good son, Tichy was also killed by me.”

Crushing Whitebeard in the ruins of the headquarters building, a wound covered with dust and torn open by Whitebeard’s Cong Yun Cut was also bleeding, but this was not a problem for Ling Bai, and the battle with Whitebeard made him feel happy, and Ling Bai was also full of fighting intent.


Whitebeard stood up from the ruins and muttered Blackbeard’s name, a name he hated so much.

If it weren’t for Tichy, none of this would have happened, and Tichy is to blame for all this!

But Titch, now dead, a stone in Whitebeard’s heart has been able to fall, and of course there are even bigger stones that cannot fall.

He was hit by Ling Bai’s thunder and lightning many times, although there were not too many obvious external injuries, but the impact caused major internal injuries, especially Ling Bai’s punch fell on his mouth, and the huge impact force almost exploded in all his internal organs.

At this time, the thing that can support Whitebeard to continue fighting is his monster-like strong willpower.

Air shock!

Cutting at Ling Bai with a slash from the clouds again, the torn atmosphere immediately swept up a huge wind and wave, and in such a storm before, countless navies were like duckweeds unable to control their bodies.

Under the attack of this huge seismic force, another building in Marin Fandor was destroyed.

With the power of the Whitebeard Shock Fruit, even a tsunami can be set off, you can imagine what the building of Malin Fandor is!

And Ling Bai, at this time, also waved a punch, and likewise, pushed a thunderstorm to impact Whitebeard’s shocking power.

And every time a thunderstorm and a seismic force impact, it will form a more terrifying destructive force, so that the buildings on Marin Fandor’s side are torn apart and collapsed, and under the impact of that divine power, Marin Fandor’s various strong fortresses do not seem to be much different from tofu!


The sound of buildings collapsing and shattering shook the earth, and at this time, the battle between Whitebeard and Ling Bai gave people the feeling that the real gods were fighting!

Let countless navies and people in the Chambord Islands tremble,

They will never forget the days when this world had the power of the Shock Fruit.

“Whitebeard Pirates, retreat!”

And watching the whitebearded figure getting farther and farther away, the battle that seemed to burn out his life, Marko suddenly burst into tears, and said with difficulty the words to make the whitebearded pirate group retreat.

And others burst into tears.

“But… Daddy…”


The members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were full of grief, and the big whirlpool spider cried into tears.

Marko said with difficulty: “This is Daddy’s order, he is fighting for the opportunity for us to escape!” ”

“Whitebeard Pirates, retreat!”

Marko roared, while the others, after glancing deeply at their white beards, turned around with difficulty and began to run towards the bay.

At this point, Marko was the leader.

“Surround and suppress the Whitebeard Pirates!”

And at this moment, seeing that the white-bearded pirate group was about to retreat, and was still hesitating whether to fight, he roared directly.

Yes, the Whitebeard Pirates can’t go!

With this sentence of the Warring States, the other navies also quickly began to act.

“We are about to win, don’t let any pirates go!”

Lieutenant General Mole and many other lieutenant generals also began to act.

So soon, the smashed Marin Fandor Square began to be chaotic again,

The Whitebeard Pirates are retreating, while the Yellow Ape is pursuing Marko and them.

Of course, there is also the Ling Bai Pirate Group, which is not in the pursuit, and on the side of the Ling Bai Pirate Group, except for Barrett and Ling Bai, several other people have gathered together.

Although there were also navies rushing to deal with them, even a sand blade from Klockdar was enough to kill them in seconds.

A few people, it seems that no one is injured, of course, but thanks to Luo’s presence.

This kind of battle, even if injured, is only traumatic, of course, there are also very serious trauma, but here in Luo, even if he has a broken arm and a leg, he can catch it!

Those who are capable of surgical fruits! Nickname: Death Surgeon!

Specialize in surgery!

Although there are also navies who want to arrest them, but these people are here, few vice admirals and even generals can’t help them.

And now, what about the combat power of the admirals here in the headquarters of the Navy?

Karp is pinned down by world saboteurs.

Sengoku looked at Whitebeard’s side.

And the yellow ape pursued Marko and them, the green pheasant died in battle, and the red dog was seriously injured and unconscious and taken away.

Now, looking at the headquarters of the Navy, how many more can fight?

Of course, this kind of ability to fight is for the Lingbai Pirates, not for ordinary minions.

“The captain’s side is terrifying!”

“There’s no way we’re going to meddle, Barrett’s side.”

“It’s almost over, when I return to the new world, I need to take a good rest.”

Yu no Hiru exhaled a puff of smoke.

“It’s almost over, but the captain has no problem dealing with Whitebeard, right?”

Lao Sha: “There is no problem at all, that old man, it is over, and after today, his era is also over.” ”

At this time, watching Whitebeard retreat step by step under Ling Bai’s blows, Lao Sha knew that the world’s strongest man, his era, would be completely over after today.

“Our boat is outside, we have to go check it out, otherwise we’ll swim back to the new world later!”

Yu no Hiru said, and the others also woke up.

However, Yu no Shiru and Weibull chose to stay in Navy Square for the time being, after all, if something happened to Ling Bai’s side, they would also have to do it.

The current situation is that Ling Bai does not allow them to make a move.

And Lao Sha returned to the ship to guard it.

On the other side, the Navy is pursuing the Whitebeard Pirates with almost all its might.

The yellow ape standing on the steel wall looked at Dorag and Barrett, who were in a bitter battle, as well as the Red Count and Steel Bone.

“This kind of war, I don’t know what is the ultimate meaning? Originally, I just wanted to execute Fire Fist Ace, but in the end, it was like this! ”

“The old man doesn’t understand either!”

Muttering to himself, the yellow ape looked at the remnants of the white-bearded pirate group who were fleeing, and the whole person jumped into the air and made a special posture.

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

Countless light bombs gathered behind the yellow ape, and then released, yellow flash bombs, densely released, like a heavy rainstorm, shooting and bombing the remnants of the white-bearded pirate group who were fleeing!

The weak pirates simply could not resist the terrorist attack of the yellow ape at this time, with the strength of the yellow ape, even the strongest among them Marko had to be pressed and beaten, Marko only had to have a few rounds with the yellow ape at most, and he had to see if the yellow ape was fighting seriously.

Countless light projectiles burst out, and large areas of ice and the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates were bombarded, and they were vulnerable.

“Yellow Ape!”

Marko swept the blue brilliant immortal bird flame, rushed towards the yellow ape, and finally successfully pressed on the yellow ape’s shoulder, and then interrupted the big move released by the yellow ape and kicked the yellow ape away.

In addition, other navies are also encircling the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who have fled and fled.

Vice Admiral Mole, Smogg, Tina, etc.

“What’s the point of this war?”

Smogg, who has a true heart of justice, couldn’t help but suspect during the arrest operation at this time.

The death of the green pheasant made him feel a deep grief, after all, that was the goal he was chasing!

Now, even though their navy has captured and eliminated all the Whitebeard Pirates, another desperate fact is the rise of another behemoth.

Yes, the Whitebeard Pirate Group is extinguished, but the Ling Bai Pirate Group will completely replace the Whitebeard Pirate Group!

The era of the four emperors of the new world is not over, but there is only a change of pirate emperor, and, most likely, the emperor of the sea who is more terrifying than Whitebeard!

Therefore, this is the ultimate consequence and truth of this war!

It’s terrifying!

It was so terrifying that it made Smog tremble,

“There is no point in saying this anymore,”

Lieutenant General Mole was also helpless, and there was a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

“Continue to surround and suppress the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates!”

At this moment, Dusty’s eyes widened, and he pointed ahead with trepidation, that is, directly opposite the bay, where a pirate ship was heading this way.

“Colonel Smogg! That was…”


Smog was also noticing the ship’s presence at this moment, as were the others!

“It’s the red-haired pirates!”

“How is it possible! Does the redhead also have to intervene at this time? ”

“Another super power has appeared!”

“It’s desperate!”

And indeed, it was none other than the ship of the red-haired pirate regiment, the Redfors, who was approaching the headquarters of the Navy!

One of the legendary ships.

At this moment, what made the navy jealous, fearful and even desperate was that the red hair, one of the four emperors, also appeared at this moment!

On the other side, the camera returns to Ling Bai and Whitebeard, the strength of the two, the combined impact, has already destroyed half of Marin Fando!

On top of the building that had fallen into ruins, at this time, Ling Bai and Whitebeard, the two were nearly twenty meters apart.

The scarred whitebeard was covered in blood at this time, just like in the original book, after being brutally attacked by the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group.

The thunder and lightning released by Ling Bai was too terrifying, but Whitebeard’s ability to withstand it was also extremely terrifying.

However, in the end, Ling Bai was more fierce after the confrontation.

“It’s really a real monster!”

At this time, Ling Bai couldn’t help but be shocked by the white-bearded monster.

At this moment, Whitebeard slashed at Ling Bai again, but the information that Ling Bai clearly captured was that the speed of Whitebeard’s swing of the knife was getting slower and slower, and even the white ball of light covering the blade of Cong Yun’s cutting blade was covered again after it automatically broke.

Apparently, Whitebeard is about to run out of oil.

“Whitebeard, everything will come to an end.”

The right hand was aimed at Whitebeard, and the blue-white electric light wrapped around it, releasing a strong electric arc.

And around Ling Bai’s body, there was also a dark rotating mist wrapped around a punch, and Ling Bai’s entire momentum was rapidly climbing, and the huge momentum was released.


Just when Whitebeard’s supreme fast knife was about to slash at Ling Bai’s head, Ling Bai, who had no intention of dodging at all, shot out a yellow flash laser with his right hand against Whitebeard’s Hun Mouth, and the laser was naturally wrapped around blue-white thunderbolts.

This laser, with a desperate speed and power, penetrated Whitebeard’s body, and blasted into the void farther away from behind Whitebeard.

Super electromagnetic cannon attack!

The true laser-type attack is extremely terrifying, and it is no longer simply using lightning.

After all, Ling Bai’s ability, electric shock is the foundation, manipulating lightning, and super electromagnetic cannon is a move.

Today’s whitebeard is already in an extreme state of weakness, and if it weren’t for the will to fight, he would have fallen long ago,

Even he, even Ling Bai’s attack now can’t be defended, when he first started fighting, such an attack, Whitebeard can naturally defend, but now, it is no longer possible, it is impossible,

The battle between the two has lasted for more than half an hour.

Whitebeard has also reached the point where he is about to run out of oil after a huge output that exceeds the limits of his body.

It was also after this attack that Whitebeard’s whole body shook, his eyes widened, and the extreme pain could be imagined.

And the Cong Yun Cut in his hand, the force and speed of the chopping down also slowed down almost instantly, and at the same time, the power of the shock fruit blessed on it also disappeared.

Ling Bai easily caught this knife.


With a crisp sound, the power in his hand could no longer hold the big knife that accompanied Whitebeard all his life, and the knife was weakly released from Whitebeard’s hand.

The shaky white beard, while looking at Ling Bai, stumbled three steps before finally stabilizing himself.

In this regard, Ling Bai continued to move, because he understood that from the moment Cong Yun cut his hand, Whitebeard no longer had the strength to fight anymore, and he would eventually start at this time, towards the end of his life, and the burned lights would eventually be extinguished.


ps. The chapter was written like this, Calvin for hours, I don’t know how to write, Whitebeard ended like this, did not write about torture, it is not very good to write like this, let him die decently.

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