When the news of the war spread throughout the new world, the originally chaotic sea was also turbulent.

In particular, the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates is undoubtedly the most turbulent.

The Whitebeard Pirates have the largest territory among all the pirates and other major forces in the New World.

It’s not that the white-bearded pirate group invaded the territory on their own, but in this world, not all countries can become a member of the world government, and they cannot pay a huge amount of heavenly gold as a joining fee, and they also need to pay the same huge amount of heavenly gold every year.

Therefore, many places in the New World, under the protection of various forces, do not need to pay the same level of money as heavenly gold, but can enjoy peace and stability,

However, Whitebeard died in battle, and his territory lost its shelter, although the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are still there, but without the Whitebeard Pirate Group, many pirates are not afraid! Before them, most of them were afraid of Whitebeard, the man who could make people give up the idea of living even if they sat there, but now, Whitebeard has died in battle, and the pirates have naturally surged up.

Soon, the Whitebeard Pirates staged scenes of burning and looting, and various pirate forces wanted to occupy the land as kings.

But there were also many people, who were celebrating Whitebeard’s death, when gunshots suddenly sounded.

Yes, on their islands, those pirates who were originally quite kind also showed their extremely vicious side, and Whitebeard was gone, which meant that no one could suppress them anymore, and they could also burn and loot unscrupulously, and occupy the land as kings.

However, these pirates will not be able to be happy for a few days, after all, Ling Bai is going to take over Whitebeard’s territory,

If you are a pirate emperor but do not have a territory, it is obviously impossible, even if it is a redhead, there are many islands with the flag of the red-haired pirate group.

On the third day after leaving the Chambordi Islands, Ling Bai and they finally returned to New World Paradise Island, after landing on the island, naturally the members were separated, everyone did their own thing, and then if it was a meeting, it was naturally a notification, but Ling Bai here, it will not be a meeting every day, nor will it be like the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the members are gathered together.

Ling Bai also has to have his own private life.

Of course, Ling Bai has already decided that all the staff will rest for three days, and after three days, they will begin to bring down the territory of Whitebeard, among which, Fishman Island is the most important for Ling Bai, Fishman Island, which means Poseidon, one of the ancient weapons!

It’s inevitable!

“Is Kaji coming?”

When Ling Bai saw a large number of ships moored in the harbor of Paradise Island, among which there was also the castle that was Lei Jiu’s symbol,

Ling Bai knew that Gazhi was pouring out, the Jerma Kingdom did not have a fixed territory, and this row of ships was naturally the territory of the Jerma Kingdom,

“It seems that Kaji is doing well.”

To take over Whitebeard’s territory, Ling Bai needs to use Gaji’s bloodline factor clone soldiers, and Ling Bai prefers this cold fighting machine to collect a group of pirates as his subordinates, obedient, easy to use, no emotion, no fear, and absolutely obeys orders!

In Lingbai, they are excellent warriors, attacking cities and conquering land, invincible existence, as long as the enemies they encounter are not too strong, but if soldiers of Lei Jiu’s strength can be mass-produced, it is estimated that Gaji will sweep the world.

Gaji’s bloodline factor technology, even the world government is extremely eager for, but like the iceberg in the capital of seven waters, in order not to let the Hades design map fall into the hands of the world government, choose to join the world government to work for them, so that the world government can not blatantly take the Hades design map, and Gaji is also worthy of being a human spirit, join the world government, so that even if the world government is eager to get the blood factor, they have no way to take Gaji.

Soon, Ling Bai met Gazhi, and of course his three Mut-killing sons, Lei Jiu was not here, after all, Lei Jiu had been given to Ling Bai by Gazhi.

Gaji is also a ruthless person, and he can sell his daughter for the sake of his family and kingdom business.

But Ling Bai was also very amazed at Gazhi’s behavior, sending his daughter was so easy, and he really deserved to be a man who could use his children as tools.

Moreover, after all, Lei Jiu is also a big beauty, and has a good strength, not a vase, this is exactly what Ling Bai wants, if it can only be used as a vase, Ling Bai is not interested,

At this time, seeing Ling Bai enter this living room, Gaji immediately got up to greet him, and the red, blue and green trio behind him did the same.

The attitude is also respectful.

After all, the whole world should know by now that this person in front of him, sweeping everything in Marin Fandor, the victory can scare the world over,

“It feels like he’s stronger than the last time I saw it!”

“A harmless look to humans and animals, but the problem is, he is so powerful!”

“It doesn’t seem to be as strong as us, that body actually has such terrifying power!”

“It’s terrifying!”

“It’s also good that Lei Jiu followed him, and dedicating herself to the interests of our family and kingdom is one of her responsibilities as a member of the Wen Ji Mok family!”

Ling Bai and Gaji chatted alone inside, while Yongzhi and the three of them naturally came out.

Seeing Ling Bai again, the three of them were also shocked, in just a few days, what Ling Bai did was almost unacceptable to this world. “”

On the other side, looking at Ling Bai, it was Kaji who spoke first.

“Your Excellency, is this going to attack Whitebeard’s territory?”

This time, Gaji has brought all his troops over, nearly 50,000 people, the number is naturally very large, this degree of number, is not inferior to a white-bearded pirate group, nor to the hundred beast pirate group, but this is only in terms of numbers, after all, the power of the sea emperors is not only reflected in numbers,

Gaji knows that now Ling Bai is already one of the four emperors, replacing the terrifying existence of Whitebeard, so his attitude is also extremely respectful, but not to the extent of humility, as a king, Gaji also has his own pride.

Now, Gaji estimates that Ling Bai is going to make a move on Whitebeard’s territory, compared to the rest of the New World, Whitebeard’s territory is now borderless, and from the day after the end of the war on top, some people have begun to take action, and they have occupied the land as kings, and for a while the New World was also panicked.

Now at this time, all kinds of forces are about to move, Whitebeard is dead, and who doesn’t want to share the cake he left behind?

“That’s right, just three days later, and then start occupying Whitebeard’s territory.”


Gaji knew that was the case.

“However, Your Excellency, Whitebeard’s territory is quite a lot, and do you know where Whitebeard’s territory is?”

“Whitebeard’s territory? This, I don’t know anywhere except Fishman Island. ”

Being reminded by Gaji like this, Ling Bai suddenly realized that he really only knew about Fishman Island, as for Whitebeard’s other territories, he didn’t know, and he didn’t even know how much and where, after all, Ling Bai was now in the New World, and he was only active here in the paradise, as well as the route from the entrance of the New World to here.

The entire New World, other places, Ling Bai did not know, and certainly had not been there, and he had only been in this world for less than twenty days.

“Hehe, Your Excellency can find Doflamingo, Doflamingo has the intelligence ability that is said to be the third in the world.”

“Doflamingo? The third intelligence capability in the world? ”

“That’s right, the first is the Aunt Pirates, and the second is the world government, of course, the world government used to be the world first.”

“So, I see.”

It seems that Doflamingo will still be used, but Ling Bai estimates that there are still many places where he will use Doflamingo in the future, and the use value of this guy is very large.

Kaji smiled and said, “If you need to leave in three days, then my troops will also be at Your Excellency’s disposal.” ”

“Gaji, after everything is over, I may not be able to help your Wenzhi Mok family return to the glory of the North Sea.”

Seeing that Gaji was so excited, Ling Bai did not forget to draw him a big cake.

“Haha, that’s troublesome Your Excellency! We still have long-term cooperation opportunities, right? ”

Gazhi also plotted to be able to hold Ling Bai’s thigh all the time, and with the help of Ling Bai’s strength and reputation, let Wenzhi Mok return to the peak of the North Sea!

Moreover, Ling Bai can’t look at the North Sea, right?

The new world is the target of this monster!

And the existence that can dominate the new world is the hegemon, and now Ling Bai, this boy in front of Gaji, is already one of the emperors of the sea, and he was born, less than twenty days! This speed of rise is really terrifying to the extreme! It’s like a lie that only appears in stories, but now it is real in reality.

“By the way, Your Excellency… Lei Jiu… It’s okay…”

“Lei Jiu? Quite obedient,”

Ling Bai’s face was calm, speaking of this, he hadn’t picked this flower yet.

This conversation lasted for more than an hour, and in the end, Gaji wanted to invite Ling Bai to a big meal, but Ling Bai still forgot.

In the evening, Ling Bai returned to his residence, and finally saw Peach Rabbit and Lei Jiu.

Today, Lei Jiu is wearing a white shirt, while Peach Rabbit is wearing a white floral cheongsam.

For Peach Rabbit’s clothes, Ling Bai couldn’t help but brighten his eyes, sure enough, Peach Rabbit knew him best.

And Peach Rabbit had already done Ling Bai’s dinner at this time, and Peach Rabbit’s cooking skills were still good in Ling Bai’s opinion.

During the meal, Ling Bai’s face was calm, and the peach rabbit kept looking at Ling Bai, of course, from time to time he gave Ling Bai vegetables, as for Lei Jiu, he could only sit opposite Ling Bai, with a calm face, but his heart was very uneasy.

Ling Bai, one of the current emperors of the sea, you dare to believe that he is sitting in front of him now, and he, three days ago, in Malin Fando, killed all sides, and the generals almost died two! However, there is also a member of CP0, who is said to be not inferior to the existence of the general, of course, the last to die, the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, was also killed by Ling Bai.

In the face of Ling Bai’s ruthless role, Lei Jiu is like a woman who has never seen the world, and now she can only be uneasy in front of Ling Bai.

And the scary thing is that now this sea emperor is younger than himself, just a boy, and Lei Jiu is also in his twenties.

Moreover, his father actually gave himself to Ling Bai, that is to say, now she Lei Jiu, except for the surname Wen Zhi Moke, has almost nothing to do with the Wen Zhi Moke family.

After eating, Ling Bai took the two to soak in the hot spring pool in this house.

And seeing that Peach Rabbit’s face was slightly red, Lei Jiu also knew that she was also unable to escape the clutches of the devil.

After all, this powerful female vice admiral beside her can’t escape Ling Bai’s clutches!

And she, not to mention.

However, remembering herself was much better than the woman who entered the dungeon below the house today.

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