Sign In At The Beginning To Have The Abyss As A Demon God

Chapter 215 The Arrival of the Hanging Book

When Wen Kunxiang, who was thinking about the plan, noticed that someone was approaching him, he immediately sealed the plan in his mind about creating a catastrophe of heaven and earth in the deepest part of his heart.

At the same time, he also added layers of big locks to his memory just now, covering it with a layer of disguise by the way.

The key to unlocking memory is very simple to return to Jiezhu. Besides that, Wen Kunxiang doesn't trust any method.

"Dear classmate, we haven't seen each other for a long time? This time I'm here to share good news with you."

Before Wen Kunxiang came to this world, he saw this teacher appear in front of own at first sight.

There was an approachable smile on the face of the familiar teacher, and even a little flattering could be seen in the smile.

"This teacher, I don't know what you want to do if you can show up here? But I don't think I have much to buy."

As long as there is no problem with a person's mind, he can figure out a very simple thing.

Sometimes Wen Kunxiang does make some tricky operations, but who betrayed his own intelligence.

Wen Kunxiang still knows this very well, except for this guy in front of him, who can betray students so conveniently.

"Don't say that, this is something that every student has to go through. Although I am very optimistic about you, you can't be an exception!"

The teacher whose name Wen Kunxiang didn't know became more and more familiar, making Wen Kunxiang a little confused about what this guy wanted to do here.

If this is like a friend, Wen Kunxiang even feels it? Did you forget that you still have such a good friend whom you made a year-round?

"This teacher, I still have a lot of work to do, so I won't keep you."

Extend the index finger with both hands, gently press the corner of Own's mouth, and then lift it upwards.

In this way, he forced himself to make a smiling face, in order to influence the guy in front of him to express his unhappiness at the moment.

"Don't do this! I have something very important to discuss with you this time. It is very important to you!"

Xuan Shu's performance at this time is completely different from the performance in front of other teachers, even the one Wen Kunxiang has seen is much stronger than it is now.

"If you have anything important, please tell me quickly. If not, I will go to see my family members!"

I don't know what the teacher in front of me is wrong, and Wen Kunxiang doesn't want to waste any time here.

I don't want to know the so-called very important thing from this teacher, but I just want to leave here as soon as possible.

"Really don't want to listen to me? From the spirit of the phase world, your performance like this is not a good start!"

The voice, which was a little bit familiar and sounded funny, became so gloomy and cold at this time.

Just like a poisonous snake that has appeared, it unscrupulously opened its own snake kiss, revealing its own fangs.

"I really don't know what this teacher are you talking about? What is the spirit of the phase world, I am the real Wen Kunxiang."

Wen Kunxiang stopped and turned around in a very natural way. At this time, his face was full of confusion.

It seems that I don't know what the teacher is talking about, and I don't know what the spirit of the fragrance world is.

"Don't pretend! It doesn't make any sense to continue to pretend to be in front of me, after all, I have been looking at you all the time!"

Just standing there quietly, as if seeing through all the hanging books, looking at Wen Kunxiang very, very calmly.

It's just that Xuan Shu's calm gaze was so vicious and so cold in Wen Kunxiang's eyes.

Wen Kunxiang had the urge to dig out the eyeballs of this guy in front of him, but Wen Kunxiang couldn't do that.

"How is it possible? Even if you have been looking at me, but I am the real Wen Kunxiang, you can check if you don't believe it!"

Wen Kunxiang has full confidence in body, soul, will, memory, or anything else.

Wen Kunxiang absolutely believes that it is impossible for him to reveal any flaws, nor for any problems during the inspection.

"In this case, it's boring. I will show up in front of you with a lot of determination this time."

At this time, Xuan Shu smiled, obviously not even a word of what Wen Kunxiang said at this time.

"That kind of overlapping phase world has lost all the state of power, the power that is advancing by leaps and bounds. I haven't said this to other people!"

After breaking his fingers and counting Wen Kunxiang one by one, after appearing in this world, his flaws were exposed in front of everyone.

If these flaws are not connected by some people, even if these flaws are ten times more numerous, it would not be a big deal.

But at this moment, there is such a caring person who very kindly connected all these broken masters together.

"Then this teacher, tell me now! What do you want? I will try my best to satisfy you."

Plain, without anger, just said this sentence lightly, it seems that Wen Kunxiang is confident of fulfilling all the conditions of this teacher.

"My idea is very simple, I need a weapon, a weapon that can make me stronger and more lethal!"

When saying this, the teacher's eyes always unconsciously looked towards the void where there was nothing beside Wen Kunxiang.

Obviously what the teacher was referring to was the Heart Ape Falling Magic Cudgel, or a weapon similar to the Heart Ape Falling Magic Cudgel.

"Okay! I agreed to your request, seven days! You come to pick it up after seven days, and I promise that the weapon will satisfy you."

A smile appeared on his face, Wen Kunxiang agreed to this, and the teacher naturally showed a smile on his face at this time.

"Then that would be great! Don't worry! Others don't know how special you are, I've helped you hide it."

With a smile on his face, this hanging book seems to have left this place, but actually? Still wandering around here.

[Really, really annoying! No one has ever threatened, no one! You scumbag, dare to threaten me! 】

There was still a faint smile on his face, but in his heart, Wen Kunxiang's anger at this time could not be contained at all.

A guy swaggeringly walked in front of own and threatened him, as if he had eaten himself.

The disgusting posture and the disgusting high expression of Xuanshu made Wen Kunxiang want to pull his head off.

[However, it is true that after I appeared, many things could not stand scrutiny, but since he knew it, it is estimated that many people also knew it. 】

There was no hiding, or Wen Kunxiang had no ability to hide at that time.

This also caused Wen Kunxiang to run naked in front of everyone after coming to this world.

For ordinary students, of course nothing can go wrong, but those teachers, as well as the dean and the like! Naturally, this matter is clear.

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