The monster that crawled out of Wang Le's body just squatted in place, with black eyes spreading red bloodshot eyes from the center.

The beastly and dangerous aura on this monster became stronger and stronger, but it always maintained a half-squatting posture.

"Son, what's the matter with you! Don't scare your mother! Son! Hurry up and change back to the way you were before!"

The black shadow squatting there is like an irrational beast, this kind of thing makes it difficult for Wang Le's mother to accept.

As for what the own son said to let himself leave quickly, at this moment Wang Le's mother was not willing to leave at all.

Instead, he called here, Wang Le wanted to use this method to reclaim his son's humanity.

"Now immediately seal the Vajra seal, and use the treasures obtained from unknown places to seal up this evil thing as much as possible!"

Those monks also had some careful thoughts in their hearts, and naturally they were not willing to leave here immediately.

Instead, the hands clasped together, and pure white light spots appeared in front of these monks, condensed into tokens engraved with different patterns.

While the thing crawling out of that unknown place did not respond, the monks stood in a circle.

Only the ordinary people, when they noticed something wrong here, all left here one by one.

The roar of cars, electric cars, and bicycles are not idle. Everyone knows that home is not safe.

So what I was thinking about was to leave the village immediately, but in just a few minutes, there were only a dozen people left in the house.

The ten people left were nine monks and Wang Le's father and mother. There were no outsiders.

"Run! If you don't run, it will be too late! I really don't know if I will still know you at that time!"

The eyes of the monster who was squatting slowly turned from black to red, grinning, as if he was about to kill.

Only a trace of pure black remained in the monster's eyes, and the slightly trembling muscles released a scorching breath.

Obviously the monster at this time was already on the verge of madness, and the part that belonged to Wang Le was insignificant.

"Amitābha! The donor has such great perseverance, and he is also a person with a root of wisdom. I also ask the donor to hold on for a while."

The nine monks in a circle bit their own index fingers and smeared blood on the tokens floating in front of them.

Soon those tokens emitted a golden yellow light that made people feel warm, and people wanted to take refuge from the bottom of their hearts.

Even this dark, scaly monster was somewhat relieved by the light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just as Wang Le was enjoying the quietness that this light brought to him, he suddenly heard the sound of impact.

What you see is the father and mother kneeling on the ground, their hands clasped together, and they start to kowtow towards the light.

The sound of kowtow is very loud, which also means that the force used when Ke these heads is very large.

It was only a few times that Wang Le's parents' foreheads appeared red, swollen and black, and it was inevitable that they would bleed again.

"You damn bald donkeys! What are you doing?! Do you want to die! If this is the case, then I will fulfill you!"

The anger instantly made the monster's sanity, which had been doing its best to maintain, disappear, and the body disappeared in place.

The speed of this monster at this time has surpassed the limit that ordinary people can observe with the naked eye.


The golden light emitted by those tokens suddenly caused ripples, the center of the ripple where a black paw appeared.

The monster was lying there, a pair of new red eyes staring at the monk who was lingering outside the golden light.

After the golden light collided with the monster, there was a long trembling sound similar to that after metal was struck.

"Amitābha! Donor, I am helpless. As long as the donor is willing to take refuge as soon as possible, there will be no problems with these two donors."

What the monk headed originally wanted to express is that as long as he forgets the monster he turns into, he can stand by himself.

So as long as you receive the gift from that place, Wang Le's parents will also be free from the influence of the gift.

"Dead! You are all going to die! You are all going to die! No one can live!"

It's just that although the monk meant this, but what he said was really unpleasant.

That was like a threat, threatening that if this monster didn't surrender, Wang Le's parents would be killed here alive.

"Ha ha……"

The monster's original hysteria completely disappeared after shouting the angry words, and its eyes had completely turned scarlet.

There was no words, just the kind of trembling from his throat, and Wang Le completely disappeared at this moment.

"Quick! Increase your strength!"

The monk headed at this time also seemed to have discovered what he said, which had exactly the opposite effect.

Immediately greet your own companion without any reservations, and unite to stimulate that gift to the greatest extent.

Under the radiance of this light, the monster born from Wang Le's soul did not respond to such light.

Wang Le, who had been suppressing animality and destructive instinct, had disappeared, and the monster would not be affected by this light.

Nor would he choose to take refuge just because this kind of light appeared in front of own's eyes and brought a little warm feeling.


The metallic vibrato that appeared after the golden light was hit, appeared one after another in a short period of time.

The golden light that was originally brilliant like fine iron slowly appeared waves like turbulent waves.


Everything has its limits, not to mention the tokens that appeared in the hands of these monks, none of them seemed to be a good thing.

So this happened naturally. First of all, the sharp claws of this monster had cracked in the cage made of golden light.

And then? The monster frantically attacked the location of the crack, and then a claw came out.

The light cages formed by the nine monks using the tokens and their positions have thus become fragmented light spots.

"How can it be!!!"

When seeing this kind of sight, the high monk couldn't believe it at all, didn't believe that such a situation would happen.

The protective shield formed by nine people after the chance they had, the final result turned out to be like this.

The idea that these monks came up with after seeing this monster is very simple, that is, that this monster has just been born.

What was born was still a wild one, why the capable Transcendentists naturally gave these monks enough confidence.

But these monks never thought that things would be like this, this monster simply broke through the imprisonment of himself and others.

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