Having arrived at that bizarre world again, Shen Xing had not had time to think carefully about anything.

I felt that my own body and spirit were being pulled by something, and quickly lost consciousness.

When Shen Xing's consciousness regained his consciousness again, the place where he lived was already a prison.

"What happened to me just now? Why did I suddenly become like that? Why did I do such a thing."

When he came to this strange place, Shen Xing didn't feel scared, but worried about himself just now.

The self that was completely different from the usual self just now, the self that made Shen Xing feel very strange.

"Now I seem to be much better, but in fact I still haven't gotten better, and the root of the problem can't be solved."

Shen Xing knew exactly what the culprit who turned himself into just now was.

But knowing the reason does not mean that it can be solved. Shen Xing is very clear that the change just now is due to the spell.

But how to remove the influence of the incantation, and even what method can be used to find the main body of the incantation.

For Shen Xing, these things were all things that he didn't know, how to solve this kind of situation.

"Who is it! I am a soldier of the Ministry of War, if it is an ordinary citizen, please reply, otherwise I will use force directly!"

Just as Shen Xing felt worried about owning these things, a cautious soldier appeared at the corner of the prison corridor.

The soldier wore a sea-blue armor and a long knife around his waist, which looked strange.

"I don't know whether I should call myself an ordinary citizen or a wild Transcendent that you have been guarding."

Although the soldier in front of him is different from the soldier that Shen Xing usually sees, Shen Xing still knows that the guy in front of him is a soldier.

But having said that, Shen Xing now doesn't know what kind of attitude he should use to face this soldier.

Compared with the current problems, 90% of the chances are because of himself. In this case, it is difficult for Shen Xing not to be guilty.

"Whether you are an ordinary civilian or a wild Transcendent, as long as you are not those monsters, then you are a civilian."

After the soldier said something like this, the soldier walked out from the corner of the corridor.

However, the weapon is still in a state of being able to attack at all times. Obviously, it is impossible to win the trust of people in one sentence.

"Okay! But this Dage, can you tell me what the situation is like now?"

Just regaining his sanity, Shen Xing had no idea what the consequences of what he had done before.

What the hell is this place that does not seem to be much different from reality?

"I don't know. I was only on the way to perform the task, and suddenly fainted, and then I came to this place."

That soldier was also a little confused at this time, and it was only a few people who could discover the truth in this world.

Obviously, this soldier level has not yet reached the level of knowing the truth, so this soldier at this time asked three questions.

I don’t know how I came to this place, I don’t know what this place is? I don't even know how to leave here.

"That's it! Although I know some, there seems to be a big difference between this place and the place I know."

The abyss that Shen Xing had experienced before was an absurd look, and it had never been so real.

Suddenly when he arrived at a place where he didn't know how to leave, Shen Xing also didn't know what to do.

"Since you don't know anything, then go find it with me. In such a big place, there will always be someone who knows something."

At this time, the soldier issued an own invitation to Shen Xing, inviting Shen Xing to explore the prison together.

Find more trustworthy companions, and work with others to figure out how to leave this strange place.


Just as Shen Xing and the soldier started to move, the five Dong Tianbao also successfully entered the abyss.

The abyss that the five of them entered was like a grotesque playground, and many clowns with masks wandered around.

It symbolizes that in this building, no one uses his true face to appear in front of everyone.

It would be very scary to investigate this kind of thing, but the five people also understand that this kind of time is not suitable to discuss this kind of thing.

"How is it? Lao Jin, can you find the whereabouts of the soldiers now? If you can't find it, then we have lost our wife and lost our troops this time!"

Dong Tianbao looked at the person in charge of the military department quite directly, that is, the guy named Lao Jin.

A qualified general will know how to sacrifice, but he knows how to maximize sacrifice.

The purpose of photographing the soldiers for probing before was to determine the scope of influence, but also to prepare for now.

"Don't worry, it's a bit strange. But I can feel that my soldiers are nearby."

In the abyss, the gifts that everyone can get are all strange, and what this old gold gets is tracking.

Tracking based on breath and items, those soldiers naturally have enough items to be tracked.

But the most weird thing is that this old Jin can feel that own soldiers are nearby, but that feeling is very illusory.

"Found it! No, damn it, I didn't expect a world like this to have a deeper and more terrifying place!"

After a while, Lao Jin unexpectedly discovered the location of the soldiers, but Lao Jin was too happy.

Suddenly felt the horror of that place, and then the five people felt that the ground under their feet began to become soft.

"What the hell is going on? If you don't give a reason for your brains! Then I will ask you to settle the account!"

"I was hurt by you this time!"

"No! No way to leave!"

"You wait! I must make you look good!"

Dong Tianbao and other people wanted to leave, but the one that looked soft was like a swamp, firmly holding on to his own foot, and still having strength like a whirlpool.

Others felt afraid of this situation, and quite directly cursed the culprit responsible for this situation.

"Enough! Although dangerous this time, as long as we can survive and escape, we must have done a great job!"

There is no way to escape, Lao Jin can only think about better things as much as possible, such as what benefits can be gained after leaving here.

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