Sign In At The Beginning To Have The Abyss As A Demon God

Chapter 269 The Real Nightmare Prison (Part 2)

The alienated prison in the dark, ferocious monsters stared at each other, and Shen Xing and Mo Xiaodao, who were running wild in the light, did not dare to stop.

The original area of ​​the prison was not small, but in the light, the prison became much smaller.

Soon Mo Xiaodao and Shen Xing had gone to own's predetermined location, which was the cell where the economic criminals were detained.

Darkness came as promised at The next moment, and the terrifying alienation of the prison was truly revealed in front of Shen Xing and Mo Xiaodao.

Creeping walls of flesh and blood, monsters gradually appearing, but the most important thing is the changed prison terrain.

[Now I’m not sure what is going on in this prison, just to be on the safe side, let’s communicate in this way! ]

In this prison that had become exactly the same as the legendary purgatory, Shen Xing did not dare to speak at will.

So the back of the used dagger was stained with blood, and this text was written on a part of the wall that had not changed into flesh and blood.

[Yes? It's very good, but are you sure it's useful? Those monsters have already begun to appear. ]

To communicate in this way, to some extent, a lot of important time was wasted.

In the darkness, the weird-looking paintings began to have blood, bones, and fur.

Only Shen Xing, Mo Xiaodao's brain and eyes couldn't understand these scenes, so what he saw was a full screen of dark animal husbandry.

The eyes and soul of Mo Xiaodao and Shen Xing were instinctively protecting themselves, so all they saw were darker and vaguer things.

[Currently still]

"It doesn't matter! We are still communicating in that way. In the end, our end must not be very good. Think about what to do!"

Shen Xing just wrote three words with a dagger soaked in blood, and then approached Shen Xing and said these words close to his ears.

No way, the speed of communication with this method is too slow. Mo Xiaodao worried that the things had already rushed up, and he hadn't finished writing his own sentence.

"I don't know what to do in this situation, but I think? Now we better not act rashly."

Shen Xing, who wanted to leave here immediately at this time, felt like a disaster in his heart as soon as he used this thought.

After feeling that kind of crisis, Shen Xing thought that he would simply put aside the idea of ​​leaving now.

"What is this? It looks so horrible, these monsters seem to have been staring at us?"

As the bodies of those monsters gradually became complete in the dark, Shen Xing and Mo Xiaodao could see more and more things.

A monster that combined the body of a wolf, the wings of a vulture, the head of a snake, and the tail of a dog appeared in front of them.

The strange appearance of these monsters is second, and even more unacceptable is the number of these monsters.

Under the cover of darkness, this flesh and blood prison seemed to become more spacious.

But now the corridors and prisons of this place are already occupied by those monsters, there is no gap.

"These monsters don't seem to react to our words, so we can speak boldly now."

When Mo Xiaodao noticed that he was speaking, it did not arouse these monsters' alertness or abnormal behavior.

Mo Xiaodao had a lot of courage, and his voice was louder than before. After all, the previous life style that advocated all was really awkward.

"I think the prerequisite for these monsters to attack us should be to escape, or to expose a sufficiently lethal flaw."

I don't know why, I saw these monsters, when this kind of mixed up, very awkward image.

Shen Xing, who had never seen these monsters before, and even less aware of the habits of these monsters, suddenly understood how to deal with these monsters.

"The businessman who enters this prison still can't change his own nature, and the same is true in this strange suggestion."

At this time, Shen Xing fell into the same state once again. He didn't know it. Mo Xiaodao directly regarded Shen Xing's appearance at this time, and I was his true face.

So at this time, Mo Xiaodao didn't do anything else at this time because of this kind of thing.

"The body of the wolf represents that this monster has the characteristics of a group, which means that this monster will appear in groups."

At this time, the unimaginable number of these monsters has become the strongest proof that Shen Xing said this is what he said.

"The wings of a vulture means that these guys will only attack prey that is rotten and does not have the slightest ability to resist."

At this moment, all the monsters stood still and waited quietly, which seemed to be no problem in Mo Xiaodao's view.

It's just that Mo Xiaodao at this time, I have slowly received a relatively secret weapon and held it in my hand.

"The head of the snake means that these monsters are like snakes, good at forbearing, and most of the time they will hide in the dark."

Of course, this is true of all monsters in this prison, but this monster will not attack at will in the dark.

It is precisely because of this that in many cases when facing such a monster, there is no need to worry too much.

"Dog's tail? This is to prove that these monsters will not hesitate to follow when they encounter monsters larger than themselves."

Shen Xing said all the characteristics of this monster that appeared here without reservation.

The concrete image and characteristics of this monster became concrete in the hearts of Shen Xing and Mo Xiaodao.

"Sure enough, it is very similar to those criminal kings! It's just that I want to know, why do you know this?"

After Shen Xing had summed up the characteristics of this monster, Mo Xiaodao also agreed with Shen Xing's views.

But because of this, another question has arisen, that is, what is Shen Xing's identity?

"What did I just say? Did the situation at that time happen again? This is really not a good thing!"

Hearing Mo Xiaodao's questioning, Shen Xing also recalled the words he had just said in front of Mo Xiaodao.

I also understand that I have fallen into the own situation again just now, a state where I cannot succeed.

"Okay, although I want to solve these problems now, but I can't help it, let's find a way to get out of here now!"

These monsters are bullying and fearing hardship, but this does not mean that these monsters are not dangerous. In fact, these monsters are very strong and dangerous.

So if you want to leave here, you also need a suitable method, otherwise you will have to be smashed by these monsters.

As for Shen Xing, Mo Xiaodao's luck was good to some extent, because the sound of fighting came from far away from the prison.

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