The stainless steel hospital bed temporarily used by the dissection table does not have any bedding. After all, Shen Xing is just a prisoner.

Although many straps have been added to the stainless steel hospital bed, there are still many parts like a smooth mirror.

At this time, a certain bodyguard whose emotions fluctuated in this environment, only felt his own eyes flashed.

Then I saw that in the scenes reflected from the hospital bed, there were suddenly more things that shouldn't have appeared.

"Everyone! Now enter the state of emergency alert! All medical staff! Now begin to evacuate in an orderly manner."

The bodyguard who discovered the strangeness didn't think it was his own dazzling, let alone treat it as a trivial matter.

It is to greet his own companions immediately, not to let the medical staff who should be protected leave this place in an orderly manner.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The head nurse, who has the highest status among these medical staff, feels that everything is normal now.

But since those security personnel made this decision at this time, the head nurse and other medical staff also began to evacuate according to the instructions of the security personnel.

"No way, you can't leave at all. It's just ordinary people, things that soldiers have faced, you will see them soon."

Everything that appeared in his eyes made Shen Xing unable to distinguish between true and false. Those medical staff who hadn't seen so many had no such troubles.

Even the health of these medical staff has a little reaction at this time, but these reactions are all attributed to poor health.

It's just that some things are not always undetectable, especially in this place.

"What are you talking about?! Do you know what my Big Brother saw, right?! Say it, you criminal!"

Mo Xiaobei, who heard Shen Xing mutter to himself, grabbed Shen Xing's collar at this time. At this time, Mo Xiaobei had no idea to leave.

It’s just at this moment that I really want to know why the own Big Brother died.

"What are those things! Are they weird in the legend? Are they all fake? Why do things like this happen!"

Just as Mo Xiaobei took this opportunity to inquire about Shen Xing's specific situation, other people also discovered the strangeness of this place.

It's just that it's no longer limited to a smooth reflective surface like a mirror, but any place.

It's just that what they see is still very vague and illusory, and even they themselves wonder if these are true.

"Did you see it too? I saw it too! I saw a lot of faces!"

"Why do I see so many pythons?"

"I can only see the thick black mist. Did this criminal impose any toxin on us!"

One person has noticed that this place is abnormal, and everyone has also discovered that this place is abnormal.

It's just that everyone sees different things, some people see human faces, some people see pythons, and some people see black mist.

Because everyone saw different things at this time, some people began to wonder if these were Shen Xing's tricks.

"Say! Did you use this method to make my brother and other soldiers die here!!!"

Hearing the thoughts of a certain colleague, Mo Xiaobei's eyes were red, roaring like an evil spirit!

In Mo Xiaobei's opinion, his colleague's idea is the most possible, but he still doesn't know what method this guy used.

"I asked you to leave here quickly. It's too late. You can't leave as easily as before."

Lying in the hospital bed, Shen Xing tilted his head to look at the panicked people, and directly told this cruel fact.

From Shen Xing's perspective, those strange tentacles had completely enclosed the room, leaving no gap.

If these medical staff had bodyguards before, they didn't notice anything unusual in this place.

Wanting to leave this place, although it will be a little uncomfortable, but it is not a big problem.

But now these guys have been able to observe those things, which means that those things will not let everyone here.

The more intuitive manifestation is that no one can find the door to leave, as if this place has become a fragmented space.

"I don't believe it! Everything must be Illusion Art! The exit is clearly there! How could it suddenly disappear!"

When a certain bodyguard and medical staff wanted to leave, they found that there was no way to leave.

Therefore, all the fear and dissatisfaction at this time can only be vented on Shen Xing who is trapped there.

"You have already begun to believe it? It's just that you believe it at this time, it's already a bit late."

Shen Xing, lying in the hospital bed, was a little happy at this moment, but also felt the sadness of these people.

Things like this could have been avoided, just because those guys concealed it.

Now these people here will lose their own lives, just because they don't understand the reality of this world.

"After all! Everything is because of you! It's because of you, so this place has such an unreasonable phenomenon!"

Mo Xiaobei, who realized afterwards, also understood this unusual atmosphere, and then? It was as if everything was to blame on Shen Xing.

Was it because Mo Xiaobei was stupid to make such a choice? Is it because Mo Xiaobei doesn't know the real source of these problems?

Of course not, it's just that Mo Xiaobei can find it now, can see it with his own eyes, and only Shen Xing can let his anger vent.

"I see. Although I can't seem to do anything in that place, here, I can still help you!"

After saying these words, Shen Xing's body began to show dim light in this place filled with black mist.

The bright white light spots are distributed very regularly in all directions of Shen Xing's body, like a ray of hope in a desperate situation.

"I don't know what my inheritance actually means, but now my inheritance is the key that allows me to unlock the shackles!"

All of those bright white spots of light suddenly disappeared, and Shen Xing's originally thin body turned into a fit body in an instant.

The straps used to tie Shen Xing were all broken away at this time. The original tough animal skins were like white paper, which did not cause any obstacle to Shen Xing at all.

At this moment, Shen Xing was like a tiger that was off the brakes. Everyone who had been venting their fears to Shen Xing at this moment didn't even dare to breathe.

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