An indescribable body, unparalleled wisdom, jumping out of the perspective of the world.

After collecting these three things, Wen Kunxiang looked at the originally huge world, the powerful root.

From the current point of view, those guys and the world are still difficult to resist.

But at this time, everything is not as vague as before, and a lot of things can be seen.

"Defeat all the worlds and swallow them. This is the first batch of phase worlds. This is where those worlds once existed."

The seemingly empty place where Wen Kunxiang stays now is in the extremely long past, which is difficult to measure with time.

There used to be countless different worlds in this place. These worlds had different roads and different times.

But these worlds are definitely not harmonious, they swallow each other and compete with each other.

It's just that the world where Wen Kunxiang lives has become the last laugh in these worlds.

Become the final winner of these worlds, and finally gather the heritage of all the worlds, and become the behemoth today.

A world without the existence of other worlds, a time derived from itself, can be called the real world.

"From this perspective, the choice of the nine guys is understandable, and it can even be said to be the most correct choice."

That world is like the sun that illuminates all nothingness, and those phase worlds are like Star.

Under the brilliance of the sun, I was swallowed, hidden, and lost everything, including my own reality.

Moreover, he has become more intelligent with the sun, and even vaguely wants to break through the present level and go to a higher place.

The one that looks more emptiness in appearance, in fact it exists forever, the level of eternal Immortal.

"Just? I hate it the most! So I must stop it! Stop all that from happening!"

Countless worlds that could have their own time, own reality, and have their own independent trajectory.

In this way, I became a vassal and slave of that world, lost own time, lost own reality.

As a result, there are countless creatures, just like Wen Kunxiang at the beginning, seeking their own truth like moths into the fire.

But the end result is just to become that world Spiritual Qi is revived and become a further ladder for that world.

"So now the first step I want to do! Is to revive that damn Spiritual Qi! Completely dead!"

The recovery of Spiritual Qi, which has been completely shattered by countless worlds, will not change no matter what the final result will be.

So if you want to change the past, you can only recover from Spiritual Qi, the inevitable source of change.

As long as these phase worlds do not become the basic unit of Spiritual Qi's recovery, there is room for flexibility in everything.

"But if everything in these worlds is false, then these worlds will never be free from this fate."

It is easy to say that these phase worlds are free from the destiny of destruction, but Wen Kunxiang really wants to change.

But there is no clue, no matter what you think? No matter how you look at it? Can't think of a good way.

"Unless the phase worlds that have been branded can be like me, but this is the case?"

At this time, Wen Kunxiang suddenly thought of own existence, an existence that doesn't need that world.

As long as all phase worlds are transformed into existences just like themselves, then those guys will not have the ability to use the destruction of the world to initiate the recovery of Spiritual Qi.

"Wait! Maybe it's possible! After all, those phase worlds were originally condensed from the traces of destruction."

Wen Kunxiang, who was feeling whimsical about the idea of ​​own, suddenly thought of its feasibility.

anyway? The existence of the phase world is always condensed by the traces after destruction.

It is fundamentally different from the real world before. It is precisely because of this that the nine beings can so easily distort the time of changing the phase world.

So as long as you find a suitable method, those phase worlds can be transformed into the same way of existence as you did at that time.

Wandering outside the world, there is no existence, no traces. At that time, if that guy wants to destroy those phase worlds at the same time, it will naturally not be so easy.

"It is very difficult to make those phase worlds truly real, but to turn those phase worlds into nothingness? This is very simple!"

Those phase worlds who want to have reality need to snatch, snatch the concept of reality in that huge original world.

This kind of thing is for the phase world that can only depend on the shadow world derived from the original world.

A task that is completely impossible to complete, even if it succeeds by fluke, it will be treated as a unique Magic Treasures or tool.

But if it turns into nothingness, it won't be that difficult, as long as the will of the phase world itself is willing.

Then those phase worlds themselves can be turned into nothingness in an instant, of course this also means that those phase worlds will die out.

"So the problem now is that I need to find the concept of existence between death and reorganization as soon as possible."

It takes a price to come back after falling into extinction, but there must be a special concept between extinction and reorganization.

Just like Wen Kunxiang's current special state, as long as he can find the root of this concept.

It is possible to make those phase worlds between the state of death and reorganization, and they can be switched at will.

At that time, we don't talk about offensive and defensive translocation, but there is still Wen Kunxiang in the phase world.

"First of all, it must be divided and not exist in the world. Only in this way can we isolate all influences and return to true nothingness."

Just like what those nine guys did to Wen Kunxiang in the root cause at that time.

Deprived Wen Kunxiang of everything that can exist in that world, body, life, wisdom, Hun and Po, existence.

Everything disappeared completely, only the anger and the will, which finally condensed the anger and the will into an entity.

In the end, the original concept and image that are most similar to the current state have been formed.

"In other words, the key lies in the will. But the phase world does not have a truly independent and indelible will."

The world is mostly ruthless, and it is difficult to give birth to Wen Kunxiang's indelible will no matter what method is used.

In other words, these phase worlds naturally lack the key to returning or entering that state.

"So at this time, we need the intervention of external forces, that is, me, and I will provide them with this medium."

Perhaps it was accidental, perhaps it was inevitable, these phase worlds would ultimately have to choose to rely on to survive.

The only difference? In the eyes of that world, those phase worlds are just climbing stairs.

In Wen Kunxiang's eyes, these worlds are tools for revenge!

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