Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 108 Shocking explosion, Wang Dapeng's fear

In the groggy night, suddenly a huge concussive wave came from somewhere. The violent wind wave accompanied by the hot air invaded the faces of the people around him.

"Then, what is that?!"

A dazzling ray of light shone in everyone's eyes.

The surviving humans suddenly looked up, only to see a soaring golden crow glowing with fire in the rising sun on the horizon.

Opposite the Golden Crow Dapeng, there turned out to be a mighty and domineering ink-colored dragon whose scales were wrapped in black flames, as if it had rushed out of the abyss of hell! !


The huge black flame dragon and the Burning Sun Golden Crow collided in the air, like two huge waves rolling and facing each other.


The black and red tones collide fiercely in the sky, lighting up the distant sky like the dawn after dawn...

A violent explosion came from the direction of the laboratory building. The thick smoke and the extremely hot wave immediately collapsed the surrounding high-rise buildings. The few survivors nearby were annihilated into dregs by this explosive and scorching wave. .

"That flame, is it Wang Dapeng?"

Xiao Hanyan also saw this shocking and terrifying explosion in a high-rise building several kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

Relying on the powerful energy coming out of it, Xiao Hanyan immediately deduced that it was the destruction-level Wang Dapeng who had taken action.

Xiao Hanyan thought for a moment, took out the walkie-talkie on the table, and said to the other side:

"Wang Dapeng has taken action. The situation has changed. Don't activate Miaomiao until the situation is out of control!"

On the other side of the intercom, Wei Ying, who was only a few hundred meters away from the experimental building, looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Just behind the Guard Eagle, several huge armored tanks were driving impressively, and there were hundreds of guard members armed with high-tech equipment around them, ready to go.

Just one shot of these high-tech equipment such as laser guns is enough to kill a C-class heretic!

After a while, the subordinate next to him suddenly said in surprise: "Captain, look at those ninjas!"

Wei Ying finally regained his composure and looked at the surrounding black-clothed ninjas who were fighting the awakened ones in the base.

He was shocked to find that these ninjas seemed to have lost their backbone. At the moment of the explosion, each one turned into a black shadow and fled underground, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

The ground in the distance was empty except for the mottled blood stains and the fallen awakened ones.

"Is it over?"

Wei Ying frowned and looked at the miraculous scene in front of him from a distance, but the shock in his eyes could not fade for a long time.

"Is this the strength of a destructive level powerhouse? It's really terrifying..."

A deafening explosion came from the center of the laboratory building, followed by thick smoke, covering the entire laboratory area.

Suddenly, a white swirling light curtain emerged from the sky.

After several battles, Ji Youfeng, dressed in shabby clothes, walked out of the whirlpool in embarrassment. His original white suit had been completely dyed black, and the glasses he was wearing were thrown away.

Ji Youfeng felt the aftermath of the explosion in front of him with a solemn expression. The violent collision, like the sky collapsing and the earth collapsing, had already completely destroyed the experimental building that had been repaired not long ago.

The ground is also filled with craters created after the explosion, and there are still black or red high-temperature flames burning on them. The collapsed ruins look like purgatory on earth.

Even Ji Youfeng didn't expect that Shura's strength was so terrifying, and that a single blow against Wang Dapeng could cause such an astonishing explosion!

A figure with blazing feet and blazing fire flying out of the smoke of the explosion.

This man was thin and had dark skin, but his body was wrapped in scorching fire. He looked like a god of fire who had descended from the world.

It is none other than the Burning Sun King Dapeng, one of the three destructive-level beings in Yuhai! !

"Let him run away..."

"That boy is not simple!"

Wang Dapeng walked out of the flames with an ugly expression, covering his normal wrist, which was scorched black by an inexplicable black fire at some point.

He, a person with fire powers, was actually burned by fire! !

But this was not what frightened Wang Dapeng the most.

What really shocked Wang Dapeng was the fight just now. He actually felt an energy fluctuation from the opponent's black flame that was far beyond the ordinary S-level awakened ones. That was——

"Destruction level..."

A trace of ferocity flashed in Wang Dapeng's eyes: "Yongye Dynasty, Shura?"

Now even he had to start to face up to this mysterious organization that he had never heard of.

The communicator in Ji Youfeng's arms vibrated, and when he opened it, he was shocked to learn that the black-clothed ninjas had retreated.

There was no trace of joy on Ji Youfeng's face after hearing the good news. He raised his head and looked at the thick smoke that lingered after the explosion. He had an incomprehensible look in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A golden outline streaked across the sky of Yuhai Base, and the rising sun was slowly showing its signs at this moment. It seemed that it was also afraid of the earth-shattering and destructive explosion not long ago.

Dawn broke in the sky, and weak sunlight shone on the ground. Countless humans who had survived a night of fierce fighting dragged their exhausted bodies and looked at the rising sun in the sky as if they were surviving a disaster.

It's finally dawn...

The flames of war and gunpowder filled the night, and they were extremely lucky to have survived the battle. m.


In the familiar second-floor villa of Yuhai Center, Yui, who was wearing a white dress, had woken up at some point and was sitting on the sofa on the first floor, holding her beautiful face in a daze.

Suddenly, the door handle made a "click" sound.

Yui seemed to sense something, stood up from the sofa and walked quickly towards the door of the villa.

The door of the villa was opened from the outside, and Mu Qiu walked in slowly from outside.

He was still wearing a black windbreaker, a white shirt inside, clean and tidy, and even his face looked calm, without the slightest sense of fatigue.

From the outside, it is hard to believe that this man had just experienced a shocking battle last night.

He held a bag in his hand, which contained some bread and sausages that he didn't know where he got from.

Mu Qiu rubbed the girl's head, carried the bag, and said with a faint smile on his face:

"I'm a little tired, so I'll just make do with it this morning!"

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