Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 136 New Challenge, the Awakener Trial Live Broadcast by All

"Boss, I've brought you the stuff from Xilan Base!"

In the underground bar of Yuhai Base, a tattooed gangster held a leather box in his hand and handed it to Wang Dapeng with a face full of courtesy.

At this moment, Wang Dapeng's eyes were filled with a genuine desire.

For him, any item that can enhance his strength is the target of his greedy desire.

Slowly opening the switch of the leather box, a heavy sawtooth broadsword was placed flat inside.

The broadsword is made of an unknown metal material, with a flat and blunt blade and a transparent crystal core on the handle. It looks like a heavy black iron ruler on the surface.

Wang Dapeng took out the broadsword, first waved his hand, and wiped the blade carefully like caressing a lover.

The next second, Wang Dapeng suddenly raised the broadsword, and the energy surged, and a ball of hot flames in his hand burst out!

The strange thing is that the flames were all absorbed by the sawtooth broadsword at the moment of explosion!

The transparent crystal core at the handle was instantly infused with deep red, and then the blade of the entire broadsword was burning with intense flames!

Wang Dapeng waved his arm holding the sword, and the deep red flame burning at the blade also erupted, and a billiard table next to him was instantly burned to charcoal.


Wang Dapeng shouted, with obvious excitement in his voice, looking at the sawtooth broadsword in his hand like a treasure.

"Congratulations, Boss, you got the artifact, and you are one step closer to ruling the Jade Sea!!"

The compliments of his subordinates reached Wang Dapeng's ears, and Wang Dapeng's eyes were full of disdain: "Rule the Jade Sea?"

"I want more than just a small Jade Sea base!"

The seed of ambition, like the flames wrapped around the sawtooth broadsword, continued to grow and expand in Wang Dapeng's heart...

Whether it is this Jade Sea base or Xiao Hanyan, the ice queen, they all have to crawl at his feet! !

"The Awakener Trial has begun. How are our people preparing?"

The thug next to him replied: "Yes, Boss. Now Weiying is ready to let those awakened ones lead the team. At present, the strongest among those awakened ones should be the Ice Lord Mu Qiu who has been in the limelight recently!"

A hint of teasing flashed in Wang Dapeng's eyes: "Ice Lord?"

How could Wang Dapeng not guess that Xiao Hanyan was planning to train Mu Qiu to deal with him?

However, Wang Dapeng had no intention of letting the enemy grow up...

"Bone Dragon went out on a mission a few days ago, right?"

Wang Dapeng grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth: "Notify Sun Wuyi and let him get in touch with Bone Dragon."

"It's time to teach our Bingjun a lesson... Dare to provoke my Shenglong Club, you will pay the price in blood!"

Wang Dapeng had already given orders to his subordinates while chatting and laughing, then picked up a jacket on the sofa and put it on, lit a cigarette and said with a smile:

"Let's go, let me see this wonderful hunting show!"


In the huge training base, Wei Ying looked at the noisy crowd and frowned slightly.

He couldn't understand why Xiao Hanyan agreed to Wang Dapeng's proposal before, in his opinion, it was just a joke.

The combat power of the awakened is limited, and letting these children who have not grown up face the zombies alone is tantamount to sending them to death!

When Wei Ying asked Xiao Hanyan about his thoughts, the leader of the Yuhai base only replied with five words:

"This is the end of the world!"

The surging and terrifying zombie tide, the mysterious and insidious alien cult members, and the intrigues within the base, at this critical moment when the storm is about to come, there is no time for these children to grow up.

It's life or death!

Xiao Hanyan's thoughts are very decisive, but this is also the most straightforward reality. If these children don't have the courage to resist even this small zombie tide, let alone the huge risks they will encounter in the future.

The faces of many awakened people in the audience were full of worry, and many children even cried when they heard that they had to fight those zombies.

Wei Ying took out the whistle in his arms, and the clear whistle sounded throughout the audience, and also calmed down the noisy awakened people temporarily.

Surrounded by many eyes, Wei Ying slowly said: "The area where you are going to conduct the trial this time is located in the yellow zone of Lan'an City. Due to the last siege against the Alien Cult, all the high-level zombies in it have been killed, and the only ones left are some ordinary zombies below level B!"

Hearing this news, many awakened people, including the instructor, felt a little relieved.

At least it shows that this is not a suicide mission!

"Now the ordinary zombies in the yellow zone have a tendency to condense into a giant zombie tide, and your task is to eliminate as many zombie heretics as possible in the three-day time limit..."

"Each instructor's students form a team. Taking the number of crystal cores as an example, different levels of crystal cores can be exchanged for corresponding points."

"The top three teams with the highest total points can enter the exchange office to select any equipment below S level. The top five teams have the right to apply to join the law enforcement team, and the team that persists to the end can also choose B-level equipment in the exchange office!" M.

Wei Ying looked around and found that most of the awakened people were still in deep thought, and then said:

"Of course, the purpose of the base conducting this trial is not to let you die. In this operation, each team will have its own instructor accompanying them."

"Under normal circumstances, teachers are not allowed to interfere with the hunting of the team. In an emergency, the instructor can make an exception to rescue the students, but accordingly, the entire team will lose the qualification for the trial."

Risks are always accompanied by opportunities. The rewards proposed by Wei Ying even tempted the veteran awakeners who guided the children.

They have witnessed the powerful power of the high-tech equipment in the exchange office. They are very painful to replace any piece of equipment in it. Now they can let these fledgling children choose it themselves, which is really a great bargain.

Not to mention the generous treatment of joining the law enforcement team.

After hearing this, these veteran awakeners wished they were a few decades younger and joined this trial.

Wei Ying looked at the awakeners with slightly excited faces, which was very different from their desperate reactions just now.

It is true that there must be brave men under heavy rewards!

He sighed and shook his head, and turned his gaze to the dozens of law enforcement team members behind him.

These law enforcement team members understood, and suddenly a surge of energy emerged from their bodies, and their bodies began to change one by one!

Some grew a pair of wings on their backs, some simply turned into flying birds and geese, and some awakened people's bodies even turned into some flying insects...

Hundreds of awakened people in the stadium looked up in surprise, and they suddenly found that these law enforcement team members were all mutant awakened people with the ability to fly!

What made them even more curious was that the awakened people in these law enforcement teams were all carrying camera-like shooting equipment.

Wei Ying took out the communication equipment in his arms and whispered.

Then, huge white curtains appeared on the walls near the streets of the entire Yuhai base, which surprised many human survivors.

"In order to ensure the safety of the awakened and the fairness of the trial, each team will be equipped with a law enforcement team member holding a monitoring device throughout the trial."

"They will follow the team conducting the trial throughout the process, and the pictures will be transmitted to the big screens throughout the base..."

"In other words, tens of thousands of survivors in the Yuhai base will watch the trial..."

"This is not only a trial for awakened people, but also a live broadcast for all humans in the base!"

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