These zombies are actually controlled!

Many awakened people looked at each other, and they could see the horror in each other's eyes.

What kind of existence can control so many zombie heretics at one time?

"It's an S-level soul-eating worm!"

Ji Yue stared, and after a while, he moved his eyes away from the depths of the corpse tide, calmed his mind, and explained to his companions around him.

Soul-eating worms are an extremely terrifying species. Their pollen can make some low-level awakened people physically weak and mentally unstable. In severe cases, it can weaken the awakened people's abilities and cause hallucinations.

High-level soul-eating worms can even control other creatures to a certain extent through mental power.

These zombies like now are controlled by the spiritual threads of soul-eating worms, which will cause such a corpse tide riot.

However, this soul-eating worm is too outrageous. Such a huge corpse tide cannot be controlled by an S-level...

"Is it, is it the monster in the red zone of Lan'an City?"

An awakened person guessed the culprit of this corpse tide riot, and his voice trembled.

If the monster really came out in person, let alone the awakened ones, even the White Death would not be their opponent!

I am afraid that only the base guardian like Wang Dapeng can compete with it!

"I didn't detect the energy beyond the S-level..."

Ji Yue shook her head, but still looked at the zombies in front of her with worry.

Even these astonishing numbers of zombie monsters are far beyond their ability to deal with.

All they can do now is to try their best to stop them and hold on until the law enforcement team arrives to wipe out these zombies in one fell swoop!

At this point, there is only one way to fight!


Just when everyone looked sad and didn't know how to deal with these monsters, the zombies in front of them roared from nowhere.

Along with this roar, the zombies suddenly roared violently, and then countless zombie monsters rioted and rushed towards hundreds of awakened ones frantically.

In an instant, a big melee between hundreds of awakened ones and thousands of zombies broke out in this empty block! !

A wide variety of superpowers with different styles are displayed on the awakened ones. Any of them can be called amazing killing skills before the end of the world.

In contrast, the zombies and monsters that are rushing towards them are mainly based on strength and speed. More monsters drag their huge bodies to attack, and they roll up extraordinary momentum when they open and close. Even the earth is cracked by the fierce rush of these monsters.

With drastic blows, the shadows of bullets and gunpowder continue to emerge in the group of corpses. In less than a few minutes, the air is filled with a strong smell of blood, and scarlet bloodstains are splattered on the ground and sky.

But soon, everyone found that the number of these zombies seemed to be endless, and there was no end to the black tide of corpses.

"Damn it, the information is wrong!"

The number of these terrifying zombie monsters like black clouds pressing down on the city is more than thousands?

"Damn, who told me there were only a thousand zombies? There are more than thousands!"

They suddenly discovered that countless zombies were attracted by gunfire and artillery fire at the end of the street on the other side!

How small were the hundreds of awakened people in front of this wave of zombies?

What's more, most of them were new awakened people who participated in the trial, so how could they be opponents of these middle and high-level zombies?

In the air, countless fierce flying mutant beasts attacked the crowd below rapidly. More than a dozen law enforcement teams carrying equipment on their shoulders and responsible for transmitting the images were torn to pieces by the sharp claws of mutant beasts in an instant.

The scene of disembowelment was presented in front of tens of thousands of survivors in the base. The scene of zombies besieging the city like hell was terrifying.

In the Yuhai base, countless humans looked at the pictures from the distant battlefield and couldn't help but feel nervous.

"How long will it take for the law enforcement team to arrive?!"

In the meeting room of the base, Xiao Hanyan was also extremely anxious, holding up the intercom in her hand and asking.

The voice of Wei Ying came from the intercom, mixed with the roar of zombies and the roar of artillery fire:

"We encountered the remaining zombies on the way, and it is expected to take some time to reach the target location!"

Xiao Hanyan looked at the awakened people who were surrounded and attacked by the zombie tide in the picture, and saw that they could not hold on, and his eyes were worried.

After all, there are also many emerging awakened people here, and these people are the future of Yuhai Base in the future.

"Hanyan, why are you so anxious? It's just a few hundred awakened people. The base doesn't need these few hundred people."

Wang Dapeng half-lying on the chair, looking at the front-line scenes on the screen, yawning boredly.

In his opinion, the death of a few awakened people is not a common thing. Even if all these hundreds of awakened people died, it would not hurt the entire Yuhai, at most losing a few good seedlings.

Xiao Hanyan glanced at Wang Dapeng with disgust and stopped talking.

On the front battlefield, the awakened members of the trial team had been dispersed by the tide of corpses, and countless hungry and bloodthirsty zombie monsters rushed towards the flesh and blood in front of them.

Dozens of young awakened members had died tragically in the mouths of zombie monsters, and the remaining more than a hundred survivors obviously could not hold on for long.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, they would probably die at the hands of these man-eating monsters!

In the crowd, Ji Yue, who was wearing glasses and tall, was surrounded by everyone. She activated her supernatural power and her eyes were silvery white at this moment, watching the situation in the field intently.

Her ability can see through the enemy's weaknesses to the greatest extent. The scene in her eyes keeps changing. Ji Yue is trying to use her ability to find a way out for everyone.

At this moment, her companion's anxious cry suddenly came to her ear: "Be careful!"

Ji Yue sensed something, turned her head and looked, and then her pupils widened, and a panic flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Suddenly, a gray-haired giant wolf leaped several feet in the sky, waving its sharp claws flashing with cold light and rushing towards her!

The ability of the pupil technique allows her to clearly see the gray wolf's body expanding in her eyes.

The ferocious bloody mouth has opened, and it will swallow her whole in the next second, but her body has no time to react!

Ji Yue is completely desperate. She can even imagine the horrible scene of her head and body being separated.

Suddenly, Ji Yue felt a hint of coolness around her, and the gradually deepening chill made her sober.

The next moment, a streak of ice-blue light pierced through the air and hit the gray wolf that was flying towards it.

Without even a scream, the huge gray wolf was frozen into a ball of ice.

Starting from the ice, a crystal blue physical staircase that went down appeared out of thin air along the direction of the streak!

Perhaps stimulated by the sudden biting cold, the eyes of all the awakened people present were attracted.

At the end of the stairs, there was a sound of footsteps, and then a handsome man in a black windbreaker and a white shirt walked down with a smile on his face.

Next to the man, there was a delicate girl with pink hair and a white dress.

A gentle and playful chuckle spread throughout the audience: "Teacher Ji is not in a good state now..."

"I didn't expect it to be so lively here, how about adding me?"

At this moment, Mu Qiu was like a god descending from heaven!

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