Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 162 The most perfect combination, flesh and soul

On the darkening street at dusk, two stretched shadows, one long and one short, appeared on the ground.

Mu Qiu walked slowly on the street, followed by a girl in a red dress with a delicate face like a porcelain doll.

There was no one around, and the girl's melodious humming and brisk footsteps came from behind.

It can be seen that the girl was in a particularly happy mood.

Mu Qiu walked into a dark alley in black clothes, followed by a girl named "Qin Mengdie".

The "tapping" footsteps gradually slowed down, and only the sound of water drops fell in the empty streets.

At a certain moment, Mu Qiu's figure suddenly stopped.

A drop of crystal water gently dripped onto the ground along the water pipe of the building...

Suddenly, a strange energy wave was released from under Mu Qiu's feet, and the unique space energy rippled like ripples, instantly swallowing Mu Qiu and the girl in the red dress behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the two were already in a light blue geometric space.

Mu Qiu slowly turned around, and the girl with a bright smile on her face was still standing in front of him.

An extremely dangerous, destructive energy wave burst out from Mu Qiu, rushing straight towards the girl in the red dress in front of him!

The surrounding space was even cracked by the violent energy wave!

"Who are you?!"

Mu Qiu stared at the girl in the red dress who claimed to be his sister, and his indifferent eyes were completely different from the gentle brother image before.

There was no doubt that Mu Qiu could sense that this girl in the red dress was the one who called him in Lan'an City a few days ago...


The obscure, looming destructive wave on the girl!

Facing Mu Qiu, who exuded a dangerous aura, Qin Mengdie's face was filled with a happy smile.

She was completely defenseless, without any aura leaking out, and she slowly walked to Mu Qiu:

"Die'er is your sister, brother..."

The girl gently hugged Mu Qiu, stood on tiptoe, and her delicate little face pressed tightly against Mu Qiu's chest:

"Die'er has always believed that brother will definitely recover..."

The girl murmured ambiguous words, which made Mu Qiu feel confused.

The girl seemed to sense Mu Qiu's doubts and chuckled:

"It seems that brother has not fully recovered yet, let Die'er help brother recall!"

Qin Mengdie stretched out her green jade hand and gently pointed at Mu Qiu's eyebrows.

Mu Qiu could feel that the girl's actions had no murderous intent, but he still raised his defense to the maximum. If there was anything wrong, he would immediately counterattack.

After all, the one in front of him was a genuine destructive existence!


A soft voice came from my mind, and at the same time, fragments of memories emerged from the depths of my mind...


At the beginning of the apocalypse, the whole city fell into a chaos of blood and tears.

The roars of countless zombies and the shrill screams of humans resounded in the chaotic city.

The original civilized order has been completely broken, replaced by a bloody city without humanity.

In the corner of a shopping mall building, a man in black held a shivering petite girl in his arms.

And outside the door next to them, the roars of zombies and the fierce wails of humans continued to sound.

"Brother...I'm afraid..."

The girl in his arms was filled with fear and anxiety, and she shrank in the man's arms and trembled.

The screams of humans kept coming from my ears, and the locked door was shaking constantly.

Even so, the man still hugged the girl tightly in his arms: "Don't be afraid, Dier, I'm here... We will definitely get out alive!"

The brother and sister huddled in the corner of the utility room, as if this small and dark room was the last pure land for mankind.

But neither of them noticed that there was a clear, bloody purple scratch on the man's ankle...


In the dangerous ruins full of zombies and monsters, a dazzling fire burst out of nowhere on the street.

Countless zombies were attracted by the sound of the flames.

I saw that the street had been engulfed by the raging fire and turned into an endless fire area burning with crimson flames.

Many zombies around had long been burned into charred corpses by the flames, and there were endless flames on both sides of the street.

In this blazing flame, a human figure about a foot tall stood in the center of the flames.

From a distance, the figure was surrounded by fiercely burning hot flames, with two horns on its head and bloodshot eyes. From a distance, it looked like a huge fire monster.

In the palm of the fire monster was a terrifying zombie of the same height.

A ball of crimson flames exploded from the monster's palm, and the tall zombie was enveloped by the flames, and immediately let out a hideous scream.

As the zombie's wailing gradually subsided, its originally huge body shrank and dehydrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a mummy in an instant.

The flame that burned the zombie was swallowed back into the monster's body, and the body of the fire monster also vaguely grew a few inches larger.

Suddenly, the ground under the fire monster's feet cracked inch by inch, and a deformed zombie that was several times smaller than the fire monster crawled out from the ground.

As soon as the deformed zombie crawled out, it rushed to the front of the flame monster like a ghost, and a strong mental wave directly attacked its brain!

This turned out to be a mutant zombie specializing in the spirit!

Although the flame monster can manipulate flames and has infinite power, it has no way to deal with this kind of mental attack without substance.

In an instant, the flame monster's eyes were dull and it was about to be hit.


At this moment, a strange girl's giggle came from my ear.

At the same time, a more violent mental shock hit the mutant zombie.

The mutant zombie was not careful and was backfired by the spirit. There was a human-like panic in his eyes. He wailed and fell to the ground with blood flowing from his seven orifices.

The flame monster also regained consciousness at this time, lifted the body of the mutant zombie, burned it with flames, and ate it frantically.

The blazing fire reflected the face of the flame monster, and vaguely you can see the face of a human!

On the shoulder of the flame monster, there was actually a delicate girl in a red dress with a rosy face, who was laughing softly.

As the monster finished eating, the girl raised her lips and looked down at the zombie monsters below.

The tall, terrifying flame monster and the delicate girl in the red dress were like real overlords in this street full of monsters. Wherever they passed, there were shrunken corpses of zombies and the smell of blood in the air.

The high-level zombies were constantly being eaten and devoured like prey, and the figures of the two people were gradually moving away in the city...

In the dim streets, the light of dusk fell.

The girl in the red dress snuggled up to Mu Qiu's chest, her cheeks rosy, and she said affectionately:

"You eat flesh and blood, I eat living souls, we are the most perfect existence in the world."

"We should have been one..."


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