At dusk, in the ruins of a human restricted area marked on a map somewhere...

The roar of zombies and some strange buzzing sounds spread throughout the city, and the dim city was completely covered in blood.


Suddenly, a roar of a beast exploded in the silent city like thunder from the ground.

Countless zombie monsters were attracted by this roar full of violence, and drove towards the source of the sound with a low roar in their throats.

But suddenly, a powerful energy wave came from a distance.

The strong wind that came with it even made a tornado-like whistling sound.

In a flash, a huge white shadow rushed from a distance like a meteorite.

The next moment, the huge white shadow had already rushed straight to the center of the zombie group.

There was a loud "bang" like a meteorite falling to the ground, and the solid ground was instantly smashed into a huge hole by the huge body.

Hundreds of zombies were affected by the residual power of the earthquake, and their skin and flesh were torn apart in an instant. Some low-level zombies were directly shattered into pieces and turned into a pool of blood.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the terrifying existence in the deep pit was gradually exposed-

This was actually a white tiger with black patterns on its abdomen and limbs!

The eyes of the white tiger with red eyes were red, and its body was huge. It exuded an extremely majestic and terrifying aura. ŴŴŴ.

The bloody mouth of the white tiger with red eyes was already biting the bodies of several zombies.

With a short low hum, the huge white tiger with red eyes looked up to the sky and swallowed.

Several high-level zombies with strong strength in this area were swallowed up in an instant.

The red-eyed white tiger was obviously not satisfied after swallowing a few zombies. It bent its hind legs and swooped down again.

The hard ground was violently impacted by this huge body, leaving a deep gully.

The broken limbs of zombies were scattered on both sides of the street, and the hot blood flowed on the ground to form a shallow river.

At this time, there was no zombie heretic figure on the surrounding streets.

The high-level zombies in this area already had a certain instinct to avoid danger.

These zombies were all subdued by the majestic momentum of the white tiger with hanging eyes, and they fled out of this area driven by the instinct of fear.

The white tiger with hanging eyes was originally crawling on the ground, gnawing at the corpse of a huge mutant zombie with its sharp teeth.

But the next moment, it seemed to sense something and suddenly raised its head to look at the tall building in the distance.

The white tiger's red eyes became deeper and deeper, and the next second, its huge figure rushed towards the distance like thunder and lightning.

With one leap, it actually jumped dozens of meters into the air. Just as the huge body of the Diaoqing White Tiger was about to fall on the roof, an amazing scene happened-

The body of the Diaoqing White Tiger was actually twisted and folded in the air, gradually turning into a three-meter-tall human figure, with only the head still a tiger's face.

In an instant, the Diaoqing White Tiger, which was as big as a truck, had turned into a strange image of a tiger head and a human body, with only the eyes still red, implying a violent meaning.

As soon as the white tiger landed on the roof, it looked in a certain direction under its feet, grinned and said:

"You humans are really hypocritical and insidious. You have been watching here for so long. Do you also want to learn from me to taste fresh flesh and blood?"

I saw that a short rag doll with the image of a prince wearing a crown appeared on the eaves under the white tiger's feet.

A ray of black light suddenly flashed in the button eyes of the rag doll, and a vague electronic voice came out of its mouth:

"Tiger, don't confuse me with lowly humans!"

The rag doll in the image of a prince suddenly turned 180 degrees and said to the back:

"You called us together, so you should show up too, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure of a purple-robed man appeared in the void in front of the rag doll.

"Hehe, I've kept you waiting for a long time..."

The voice of the purple-robed man seemed extremely empty, as if he was a terminally ill patient.

At this moment, a purple shadow passed through the sky, and a huge human-faced poisonous moth flew from the sky in the distance.

As the moth flapped its wings, purple powder scattered in the air.

The terrifying thing is that no matter the body parts or steel and glass on the ground, they were corroded by strong sulfuric acid the moment they touched the purple powder, and there was no body left.

"Haha, the envoy of the Heterogeneous Religion has come to visit us. I am sorry for not welcoming you!"

The strange thing is that the face of the purple moth vaguely looks like a human woman, and even the voice it makes is as charming and charming as a woman.

"Lord Moth King, you are too kind..."

The purple-robed man lowered his head, and his words were still weak.

At this time, the tiger-faced white tiger said:

"Has the human base started to move?"

The purple-robed man said: "Yes, the three bases have reached an agreement to form a coalition to carry out a clean-up operation on more than a dozen surrounding cities..."

"Haha, humans are indeed a low-level race with bad roots. They are still daydreaming at this point!"

The white tiger showed a humanized grin on his face, and his mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth stained with blood.

"It seems that it is our turn to give them some surprises~"

The enchanting voice of the strange-faced poison moth echoed on the rooftop, enchanting and with a touch of terrifying weirdness.

Only the short rag doll in the shape of a prince sitting in the corner of the eaves remained silent.

After a while, a dark light flashed in the eyes of the rag doll:

"After the matter is done, I want the souls of those humans!"

"You kid, your appetite is a bit big, right?!"

The eyes of the hanging white tiger were fierce, and it was not only eating fresh flesh.

Compared with these soulless and rotten zombies, it prefers to devour those human awakeners with fresh bodies and strong souls.

A strong energy wave suddenly emanated from the rag doll's body, rushing straight to the bottom of the heart.

However, the purple moth hovering in the sky did not look anxious at all, and there was a faint sound of a woman's snickering.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the purple-robed man said repeatedly:

"You two should be patient, the Holy Church will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Hearing the purple-robed man take out the name of the Alien Church, the two monsters calmed down their anger.

For the mysterious and powerful Alien Church, these destructive-level strongmen also feel daunted.

The purple-robed man did not say anything more. There was no point in saying more about the existence of these monsters. The best way was to trade with them by offering fundamental benefits.

The purple-robed man of the Heterogeneous Religion, the white tiger with a tiger head and a human body, the strange rag doll with the image of a prince, and the strange-faced poisonous moth with a human head and a moth body.

The four parties discussed something together, and finally, with the sunset, the sun was about to fall below the horizon.

In the twilight, a woman's sweet laughter that went straight to the soul could be heard:

"I am looking forward to the pathetic self-salvation of the fragile humans..."

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