While multiple teams were fighting fiercely in major cities...

Lan'an City, which is closest to Yuhai Base, also welcomed a large team of thousands of people.

On the old road covered with traces of war, hundreds of modified cars were driving on it.

Behind them were still hundreds of tall and mighty mecha giants.

This is a high-tech product from Xilan Base, and it also represents the latest masterpiece of mankind in combat.

And the power of each mecha also comes from the mutant crystal core containing different energy.

The requirements for the operator are also not high, and even ordinary humans can control these tall mechas after a period of training.

Just these hundreds of mechas are enough to cross a city ruins full of dangerous zombies.

Each mecha has a combat power at least comparable to that of a B-level awakener!

And the production process of these cutting-edge high-tech equipment is strictly kept secret by Xilan Base, and it is determined not to reveal a single bit.

As a large base, the high-tech equipment produced and manufactured by Xilan Base is only allowed to be exchanged between bases through crystal core resources.

Even if the technology experts in other bases racked their brains, they could not crack the operation methods of these pioneering mechanical products of the times.

Hundreds of vehicles of various shapes were driving on the road, rushing towards the city in front of them.

The surrounding mecha warriors were like guards, following the convoy at a leisurely pace.

"Teacher, I have been driving for a day, how about you drive for a while?"

In one of the seemingly ordinary jeep off-road vehicles, Lin Feng, wearing goggles, looked hopeless and turned to look at Mu Qiu lying on the co-pilot next to him.

Lin Feng was also convinced. His teacher seemed to have known about this situation in advance and took him to take the driving test early.

Finally, after scrapping more than a dozen cars, Lin Feng reluctantly learned to drive.

But Lin Feng did not expect that the first thing he did after learning to drive was to act as a driver for Mu Qiu.

Long-term driving had exhausted him physically and mentally, so he looked at Mu Qiu next to him with resentment.

The latter lay down on the passenger seat, wearing a pair of sunglasses and blowing the wind leisurely.

When Lin Feng's words came, Mu Qiu rested his chin by the car window and waved his hand indifferently:

"Young people should exercise more and keep driving!"

Lin Feng naturally sneered at Mu Qiu's remarks of lying down.

In the back of the jeep, there were four girls sitting: Yui, Qin Mengdie, Xu Wen, and Xue Qianya.

Among the four girls, only Xu Wen looked a little nervous, holding the brown squirrel in her arms and watching the surrounding scene.

After all, she had never experienced such a large-scale battle.

Xue Qianya and Yui beside her were expressionless, and there was no panic.

Xue Qianya's eyes were calm, as if the sky would not fall and her cold eyes would not make any waves.

As for Yui... she looked around with a silly face, with curiosity in her eyes.

Qin Mengdie, the smallest of the four, who was wearing a red Lolita dress, leaned against the car window like Mu Qiu, propped up her head, and raised an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth.

The modified off-road vehicle had a much wider back seat, so it was not crowded even if four or five people sat there.

According to Yu Hai's plan, nearly 20,000 ordinary humans, including awakened ones and signs, would be dispatched.

They were divided into four teams to carry out a cleanup operation in more than a dozen surrounding cities.

He Anping from Weiying and Xilan Base was in charge of one team, while Wang Dapeng and Zhang Qing were in charge of one team each.

As for Mu Qiu...

The person in charge of the team was the captain of the law enforcement team, Ji Youfeng, who was called the White Death.

The members were mostly awakened ones from various search teams and some ordinary human guards who were temporarily recruited.

The team of thousands of people quickly rushed along the road and rushed into the human restricted area in front of them.

After two battles, the encirclement and suppression of the Heterogeneous Cult and the Awakener Trial, most of the high-level zombies in Lan'an City have been wiped out.

The few remaining low-level zombies are not powerful enough and pose little threat to them.

As expected, when hundreds of cars rushed into the city, the violent vibrations and noises instantly attracted the attention of many zombies.

Groups of terrifying zombies rushed towards the convoy.

But how could these low-level zombies with fragile bodies be the opponents of the modified steel beasts?

The armored cars instantly crushed and hit the bodies of these cold-blooded monsters.

Thick blood gathered on the ground, and a sea of ​​blood and corpses appeared under the convoy in an instant.

The zombies in Lan'an City are obviously not as vast as those in other cities. They have already shown signs of decline under the impact of several waves of zombies.

There were even few high-level zombies in the whole process, and the occasional attack of a few A-level zombies was also completely eliminated by the tall mecha warriors.

After several rounds of battles, the bodies of many modified armored vehicles were stained with blood, and scratches and body parts were scattered around the bodies.

However, no one died in the whole process, but several armored vehicles were scrapped due to excessive wear and tear.

In just half a day, the convoy had rushed from the edge of the city to the most prosperous central street in Lan'an City. M.

Only when we arrived at this central street could we finally find the appearance of some high-level heretics.

These sporadic monsters were obviously high-level beings that had newly spawned after the trial war.

However, how could a few A-level zombie monsters be the opponent of thousands of human coalition forces?

In just a quarter of an hour, the entire downtown street fell silent.

And the convoy stopped.

Many humans walked out of the car, and in an instant, thousands of human figures appeared on the empty street.

The air was faintly filled with the smell of blood and the stench of corpses.

Ji Youfeng, wearing a white suit, slowly walked out of a military vehicle in front of him. The short-haired woman standing next to him was Ji Youfeng's sister Ji Yue.

As soon as he got off the car, everyone's eyes were focused on Ji Youfeng.

Ji Youfeng first glanced in the direction of Mu Qiu, then looked around, and then slowly said:

"Disperse on the spot according to the original plan and search the entire city..."

"The main task is to search for survivors, mark resource areas along the way, and sound the alarm in case of emergency!"

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