"This little thing is quite interesting..."

Mu Qiu played with the palm-sized iron black box in her hand with great interest.

He could sense it, just like the space storage group in Yuhai Base before.

This small black box also has a built-in storage space.

But unlike the former, this black box seems to be locked and requires a specific key to open it.

The corresponding keys are the rings made of energy crystal nuclei worn by these people.

Just as Mu Qiu was looking at it, another tall mecha was slashing in front of him with a giant blade!

In response to the fierce attack in front of her, Mu Qiu only moved her feet slightly, and her figure just dodged the attack in a flash.

Then Mu Qiu turned sideways and pulled the trigger of the laser cannon on her shoulder again.

A huge laser beam spurted out from the barrel, and a deafening explosion sounded next to Mu Qiu.

At the same time, the battle ahead was coming to an end.

The dozen or so robots that rushed towards Lu Qianqian were all destroyed into a pile of scrap metal.

Although the dozens of robots fighting the fleeing human team were also partially damaged.

However, the human side was already seriously injured, and they were already exhausted from running away all the way. They were about to be surrounded and defeated by an army of robots.

At the critical moment, an ancient giant sword flashing with electric arcs came through the air with the power of Mount Tai!

With a loud bang, the heavy sword instantly crushed several tall mechas.

A deep pit was smashed into the ground, and rubble flew everywhere.

Several people followed the sound and saw a familiar figure wearing an open coat flying through the air.


"Brother Luo!!"

Several people were originally surrounded by dozens of robots and had fallen into despair, but when they saw the middle-aged man coming through the air, their faces immediately showed a look of joy.

The middle-aged man called "Brother Luo" pulled out the ancient black iron heavy sword from the ground and stood in front of everyone.

He first looked back at Mu Qiu and Lu Qianqian, then turned around and swung his sword to attack the dozens of tall mechas in front of him.

I saw the man holding a dark iron heavy sword, but its power was extremely astonishing.

I don’t know what kind of metal this heavy sword is made of. It is extremely strong. Those laser bullets hitting the broad sword body are unable to break even an inch.

And when the man slashed at those mechas with his sword, the strength of the blessing on the heavy sword suddenly increased several times, creating a critical force, and the wind howled.

Under the overwhelming force, even those tall machines made of special metals were instantly turned into scrap metal.

In just a few breaths, the sound of mechas exploding was heard everywhere, and dozens of mechas had been destroyed by the middle-aged man with his sword.

The seemingly extremely heavy sword turned out to be nothing in the man's hands, and the light blue figure was as light as a goose feather.

In the blink of an eye, several more mechas exploded into a pile of scrap metal.

The violent explosions of many robots even caused the surrounding houses to collapse.

"Uncle is so strong..."

The few remaining humans stood in the distance, looking shocked as they watched the middle-aged man holding a heavy sword destroy and chop down the robots one after another.

The half-grown boy with messy hair jumped up and cheered, his eyes shining with admiration.

Mu Qiu looked at the middle-aged man with a playful look on his face.

What he was more interested in was this man's abilities.

To be able to develop this kind of superpower to such a level, this man is quite a talent.

Just as the sword-wielding man was fighting a fierce battle with an army of robots, a mecha rushed out from the side and attacked directly behind Lu Qianqian!


At the critical moment, a woman's exclamation came from the remaining team.

Lu Qianqian felt the howling wind behind her, and several fiery red fox tails composed of strange energy swaying behind her.

A ball of rose-red mist swayed away, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

The next second, a beam of laser shot through the air, directly piercing the ground where Lu Qianqian was.

The robot hit the air with one strike and turned its attention to the few remaining team members not far ahead.

The mechanical foot made of special metal spewed flames from its tail, and in a few breaths it was speeding towards the direction of the people!

With laser fire all over the sky, they were unable to resist with scars all over their bodies.

A woman in the team closed her eyes subconsciously.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion in her ears. The woman opened her eyes and saw the hot and charming Lu Qianqian standing in front of her!

"Thank you for the reminder, little sister..."

“But don’t forget, keeping yourself safe is the most important thing~”

Lu Qianqian turned around, licked her red lips, and winked at the woman behind her.

For some reason, the woman's cheeks turned slightly red and she lowered her head instantly.

Several companions beside him also looked at Lu Qianqian with shocked eyes.

Just like their captain, a dangerous high-tech robot was eliminated in a matter of seconds...

This woman is so strong!

At the same time, the battle between a man holding a sword and an army of robots in the distance came to an end.

The surrounding houses were shaken and collapsed inch by inch under the aftermath of the mechanical explosion, and the ground was sunken.

The man in a light cyan coat pulled out the dark iron heavy sword from the chest of a scrapped robot.

A pile of scrap metal had fallen beneath his feet.

The sword-wielding man carried the dark iron heavy sword behind his back and walked towards the crowd.

As the man approached, everyone saw that the middle-aged man's shoulders and abdomen had been opened with blood-colored holes, and blood was still flowing from them!


"Brother Luo, are you okay?!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand, coughed twice and then gasped:

"I didn't expect the reinforcements from the other side to come so quickly. It was indeed my fault this time..."

As he said that, the middle-aged man walked towards Mu Qiu and the two people not far ahead. With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said:

"Friends, we meet again."

Mu Qiu smiled and nodded meaningfully:

"Yeah, what a coincidence..."


In a corner of the city under the night sky, a bonfire rose along the dark corner, lighting up the dim night sky.

There were several human figures sitting around the campfire. These were the surviving humans from the hunted team.

Due to previous battles, all the zombies near the outskirts of the city had been wiped out.

In a short period of time, they are not afraid of these zombies looking for bonfires to attack.

An iron rack was placed next to the flame, and emergency food such as canned bread was baked on the iron rack.

Wisps of aroma flowed down the air into everyone's noses, like seductive jade hands touching their taste buds...

The wild-haired boy on the side stared straight at the food on the iron rack, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you both for your help. I'm Luo Xiuwen, the super awakener. These are my team members..."

The powerful man carrying a sword sat cross-legged by the fire and took the lead in introducing.

Mu Qiu raised the corners of her mouth, pointed at Lu Qianqian and said with a squinted smile:

"This is Lu Qianqian, a mutant awakener. As you can see, she is very powerful..."

After hearing Mu Qiu praising her strength, Lu Qianqian immediately raised her mouth in joy.

But immediately after, Mu Qiu’s other words made Lu Qianqian stunned——

"My name is Qiu Mu. As you can see, I am just an ordinary awakened healer..."

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