Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 26 Listen to everything! The mutant abilities of Loli Xu Wen and Song Conghua

Unlike the Yuhai Safe Zone, which was quickly recaptured, Lan'an City quickly faced collapse shortly after the outbreak of the apocalyptic virus.

In less than a month, Lan'an City was captured by countless zombie heretics and completely turned into a survival paradise for these irrational monsters.

Here, many zombie heretics eat each other and evolve, breeding many heretical monsters with terrifying power.

In a neighborhood in Lan'an City, hundreds of kilometers away from Yuhai City.

Thousands of hungry zombies with withered bodies, staring blankly, waving their deformed sharp claws, and constantly making "gurgle" sounds from their throats.

The air exuded a strong smell of putrefaction and blood, as if forming a smelly blood mist, which was nauseating.

Because they cannot be replenished with fresh flesh and blood for a long time, these zombies can only rely on the small amount of supernatural energy in their bodies to barely maintain their lives.

When the supernatural energy in their bodies is not enough to move, they will kill their own kind crazily, fight and devour each other, and rob each other of their supernatural energy to survive.

It has nothing to do with rational wisdom, it is just a survival instinct of living creatures.

A zombie seemed to have discovered something. It suddenly opened its big mouth, stretched out its sharp claws, and rushed towards an iron fence in the distance with a ferocious face...

At this moment, the violent roar of the car sounded.

A jeep with a ferocious appearance and armored body armor sprinted like a steel beast, slamming into an iron fence next to the block.

All the zombies behind the iron net were crushed and destroyed by this steel behemoth.

For a moment, blood mist filled the sky, and blurred limbs and broken arms were splashed everywhere, directly dyeing the off-road vehicle body in blood red.


The fat man got out of the car first. He was wearing a pair of square sunglasses and looking at his masterpiece with a proud look.

"Full of darkness and horror, this violent aesthetic is simply a classic work of art!"

The fat man's face showed a look of intoxication, as if he was sighing for his masterpiece.

"Stop playing tricks, don't forget that we are here to do business!"

Wei Ling'er and little lolita Xu Wen walked out from behind the car. They both frowned when they saw this bloody scene, with disgust on their faces.

Mu Qiu also got out of the passenger seat, still wearing a black windbreaker and waist-tie trousers, looking casual.

Feeling the strong smell of blood in the air, as if the real blood was about to invade the skin, arousing the hidden inner demons... Mu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The violent emotions belonging to the Fire Demon Lord in his body also rarely conveyed a relaxed emotion.

Feeling like going home~

At the same time, the same violent engine roar came from behind, and another armed off-road vehicle sped from behind.

"Holy Mother" Liu Qingfei, middle-aged uncle Chen Weiguo and licking dog Song Conghua got out of the car.

Seven people gathered together.

Wei Ling'er was the first to say: "There are many high-level heretics in the city. Driving in and making too much noise can easily cause zombie riots. Then we have to explore on foot!"

As she spoke, Wei Ling'er took out a tablet with an electronic map carved on it.

"It marks the location of a large number of resources hidden in the city. Our task is to determine the detailed location of these resources and clean up the powerful heretics around them..."

"If survivors are found in the ruins of this city, we must protect their safety as much as possible and report to the base for rescue!"

Wei Ling'er briefly introduced the general mission process, then pointed to a certain location on the map and looked at Xu Wen, the lolita in the floral skirt beside her.

Xu Wen nodded knowingly, put her finger to her mouth and whistled softly.

Mu Qiu seemed to feel something. She looked up and saw a sparrow the size of a hand swooped down and landed in Xu Wen's delicate palm. ŴŴŴ.

Several obscure sounds suddenly came out of Xu Wen's mouth.

The sparrow seemed to understand something. After chirping twice, it spread its wings and flew into the distance.

Mu Qiu looked on in amazement.

Chen Weiguo couldn't help but exclaimed: "No matter how many times I see Xiaowen's abilities, I am still amazed..."

After a while, the sparrow flew back, Xu Wen fed a nut to it, and the little sparrow immediately rubbed Xu Wen's cheek affectionately.

"Sister Ling'er, Maomao said that if you go to the southeast, there will be a dark mass of zombies, and there is also a monster inside that makes Maomao tremble!"

Mu Qiu examined the sparrow named Maomao and found that the latter was not as simple as it seemed. Although the supernatural energy in its body was not high, it still reached D level!

Judging from the way it comes and goes like the wind, this little sparrow probably still has speed powers, so it would be perfect for it to explore the way.

When Wei Ling'er learned the news, she looked at several locations marked on the map, thought for a while and then said:

"In that case, let's take a detour and go to the Third People's Hospital of Lan'an City to search for medical resources first!"

"Wenwen, please tell Maomao to check the situation from a distance and report it immediately if anything happens!"

Others obviously didn't have any objections, so the group of seven people set out on their journey due east of the city.

The fat man hit Mu Qiu with his elbow and said with a smile, "How about it? Wenwen's superpower is very convenient!"

"Thanks to these little guys, we have avoided a lot of casualties!" Chen Weiguo also said with an honest smile.

Hearing everyone's praise, Xu Wen blushed again: "No! Thanks to everyone's protection..."

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, suddenly more than a dozen zombies jumped out from the dark corner of the street, rushing towards everyone with their bloody mouths wide open.

Mu Qiu had expected it, but did not make any move.

The first one to react among the others was Lao Chen. He crossed his arms, and as the energy surged, a wide barrier several feet long immediately appeared in front of everyone.

A murderous intent flashed in Song Conghua's eyes. He roared, his body changed, and a layer of dark blue mane began to appear on his body surface, extending to his face. The muscles on his arms could be clearly seen bulging, and even his chest bulged with it. The veins on the back of his hands bulged, and two sharp spikes several feet long protruded.

This Song Conghua was surprisingly a wolf-shaped mutant awakener!

Song Conghua's leg tendons suddenly tensed up, and his feet shook. He rushed over like an arrow, swinging a fist at a zombie, and the protruding spikes on the back of his fist directly pierced the zombie's head.

Then he pulled the zombie next to him, smashed his fists into the zombie's chest like a giant hammer, and immediately pulled it outward with force, and the zombie was torn into two halves!

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