Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 279 Soul Linkage Device, Virtual and Reality

The low-rise buildings passed by one by one. Looking around, the residential area of ​​this base seemed to be no different from the remote streets before the end of the world.

Finally, Mao Yuming brought Mu Qiu and the others to a high-rise building on the edge of this base.

This building is a rare high-rise building in the residential area.

Although it is not as tall as the skyscrapers in the central area.

It stands out from the low buildings in the slums.

The whole building looks like a hotel before the end of the world. Mao Yuming led the two into the building.

He whispered beside Mu Qiu: "This building is one of the bases of our resistance army in the civilian area."

"On weekdays, it is used to entertain some external awakeners or combat teams that are about to go out..."

Mu Qiu nodded slightly, and Lu Qianqian beside him complained to Mu Qiu with soul transmission:

"This Xilan base is really stingy. People were arranged to live in this kind of residence when they came here..."

Mu Qiu smiled: "It seems that this base is really self-righteous and does not take external awakeners seriously."

This is also a very normal thing. After all, these human bases are coveting Xilan's high technology.

Whether the transaction will be made depends on the decision of Xilan Base itself.

So some small and medium-sized human bases are eager to curry favor with this future city known as the "City of Hope" for mankind.

While chatting and laughing, Mao Yuming brought the two to the front desk of the hotel building.

He looked around quietly, revealing a pendant on his chest:

"Come for a double room, the bed must be big enough!"

As he said that, he took out a bracelet on his wrist.

The receptionist was a woman. When she saw Mao Yuming showing the pendant engraved with a special pattern.

The woman immediately understood, took out a scanner-like device, and flashed a beam of blue light on the screen of the bracelet.

The value on the bracelet screen was instantly deducted.

Without extra verbal communication, the woman just nodded to Mao Yuming and handed over the access card:

"Please move to room 1006 upstairs..."

The whole process was very natural. After a while, the three of them took the elevator to go upstairs slowly.

In front of the elevator, Mao Yuming whispered to Mu Qiu:

"The surveillance here will be transmitted to the terminal brain building in the central area, so the necessary procedures still need to be followed."

He passed by several room doors like a whirlwind tour.

Mu Qiu could keenly sense the breath of living people in these rooms.

But strangely, he didn't hear any sound of activity in the room.

Mao Yuming took the two to a room with the number "1006".

After swiping the access card, the door opened with a "beep".

Mu Qiu walked into the room and found that the decoration inside was no different from the hotel before the end of the world.

The area of ​​the room was quite large. From the extended floor-to-ceiling window, you could just see the tall central building in the distance.

This reminded Mu Qiu of his independent villa in Yuhai.

However, what Mu Qiu cared about most was that there were two unique helmets placed in front of the bedside table in the room.

The helmet was made of white metal all over, and it would completely cover the head when worn like a motorcycle helmet.

The helmet looked quite heavy, and Mu Qiu picked up a helmet and looked at it for a while.

Strangely, he actually felt a special soul energy from this helmet-like device!

"Is this the port you mentioned to log in to the game?"

Mu Qiu turned his head and looked at Mao Yuming.

The latter stared at the mechanical helmet in Mu Qiu's hand, lost in thought.

After a while, Mao Yuming slowly explained:

"In addition to conducting human transformation experiments, scientists at the base also focus on researching high-tech in various aspects..."

"And this helmet that can shuttle between virtual and reality is the masterpiece developed by the base-the mental linkage device!"

"After wearing this helmet, through the connection to the brain nerves, the whole person's spirit will be immersed in a brand new world!"

"In this immersive game world, everything in the real world will be isolated, you will no longer have all kinds of troubles in reality, and completely experience a brand new life!!"

"And the key to another world requires nothing more than an ordinary energy crystal core..." M.

Mao Yuming said a shocking fact in ordinary words.

Mu Qiu looked around the high-tech helmet in his hand and was amazed.

Then, Mao Yuming continued:

"The senior management of Xilan Base has a firm control over mechanical equipment and other weapons."

"But they are very generous and offer this virtual helmet that can immerse the mind into another world to the public for free."

"For a time, countless humans who wanted to escape reality flocked to another world, and most of the ordinary people in the base were addicted to this virtual world..."

"Some time ago, this kind of game helmet was also circulated in other human bases, and even some powerful awakeners were willing to immerse themselves in the virtual space..."

Hearing Mao Yuming's story, Mu Qiu instantly understood the thoughts of these humans who were addicted to the virtual world.

The real world has long been occupied by mutated zombie monsters, and the human race is in decline.

In this situation, many people have despaired of the real world, especially those ordinary humans who have no special powers and are still bullied and discriminated against in the base.

Therefore, these people choose to numb themselves by immersing themselves in the second life of the game world.

"The Xilan high-level officials have been advocating for humans to enter the game world, and have also set up many generous rewards according to the levels in the game."

"Even the currency in the game - Crystal Source is connected to the real world and has become the main currency of the Xilan base."

"For a time, it attracted countless humans to enter the virtual world carefully created by the high-level officials of the base, even some awakened people and mutants were no exception and sank into the game world."

"With the appearance of the game helmet, the voices of opposition in the base have been rapidly weakened, which is also a big blow to our resistance army."

Mao Yuming said with a strange look:

"Uncle has always opposed us using helmets to enter the virtual world, saying that this is the base's spiritual poisoning of the human race."

Lu Qianqian on the side said with concentration:

"If the world in the game is the same as the real world..."

"Spiritual satisfaction in the virtual world may also be a good choice for ordinary people."

This is why the ordinary survivors seen by the two along the way are extremely rare...

Mu Qiu nodded with a smile, without comment.

Of course, in comparison, this is nothing more than the weak's escape from reality and helpless compromise.

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