Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 287 The rebels’ headquarters, the strange leader

Located underground at the junction of the central area of ​​​​Xilan Base and the civilian area——

A man wearing an open coat and a half-grown boy led Mu Qiu and Lu Qianqian.

Walking in an underground base surrounded by silver metal steel.

Looking at the silver and iron walls around me that are becoming more and more technological, there is still white light emitting from them.

Although Mu Qiu already knew this, she still nodded with admiration in her eyes.

After Lu Qianqian secretly followed Mao Yuming back to the headquarters of the resistance army that day, she also informed Mu Qiu of this information.

What is unimaginable is that the passage into the resistance headquarters is actually located in an underground pipe at the junction of the central area and the slums!

As Mu Qiu expected, the day after Luo Xiuwen returned to the headquarters, he went to the hotel in the civilian area to pick up Mu Qiu and the two of them.

After all, no matter it is Lu Qianqian, an S-level powerful awakener.

Or maybe it's Mu Qiu who is carrying the lost sacred object - [The Box of Monsters].

The weight of both has to be taken seriously by this resistance organization that is in urgent need of strength.

Walking through a passage made of some kind of silver metal.

Mu Qiu could feel that this iron-like silver passage was emitting some unique electromagnetic light waves...

He guessed that this silver wall should have the function of isolating detection.

Luo Xiuwen, who was walking in front, turned to look at Mu Qiu and explained:

"This is the tunnel leading to our headquarters. Because it is built in the sewer, no one will notice it."

The young man Mao Yuming on the side echoed:

"Yes, yes, those idiots in the combat troops thought that our headquarters would be built in a slum. They searched openly and covertly for a long time but still couldn't find the location of our headquarters!"

Lu Qianqian asked: "Then no one usually searches these sewers?"

Mao Yuming shook his finger with a proud look on his face:

"There is a special anti-reconnaissance device outside the headquarters, and we will report any situation at any time."

"And the ones that usually enter the sewers are basically cleaning robots. It couldn't be easier to fool those mindless machines!"

Obviously, the rebels cleverly adopted the dark-under-the-light strategy.

The headquarters was deliberately built on the edge of the central area.

"The peripheral members of the resistance are usually hidden among the crowds in the central area or civilian areas. Most people still don't know the specific location of the headquarters!"

While talking, Luo Xiuwen had already led several people deep into the passage.

Several people once passed by a large room with the door open, and the sound of welding and disassembling parts could be heard from inside.

After hearing the sound, I saw tall gray and black mechas standing in the space inside the gate.

A short, bald man was busy disassembling parts in front of a mecha.

Next to him were a group of maintenance personnel helping him up and down.

"This is Tony. His superpower is mechanical transformation. After the equipment and weapons in the resistance are damaged, he will lead the technical department to repair them..."

After a brief greeting, Luo Xiuwen took a few more people and moved on.

During this period, many well-equipped resistance fighters passed by in the silver passage illuminated by white light.

Holding a firearm, he was in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to pay attention to Mu Qiu and his party.

Seeing this, Luo Xiuwen explained: "The resistance has established branches throughout the base to transmit and receive intelligence."

"These branches are always at risk of being destroyed by patrol forces, and we must always be prepared to respond to friendly forces."

Mu Qiu nodded, and it could be seen that the resistance army had tried their best to compete with the senior officials of Xilan Base.

After a while, several people came to a mechanical door deep underground.

Luo Xiuwen was seen aiming his pupils at the detection screen next to the door.

After the green pass signal flashed on the screen, he pressed the palm print again.

With a "boom", the door slowly rose from bottom to top.

When Mu Qiu and Lu Qianqian walked in, they were shocked to find that what appeared inside the door was a scene of a battle command room——

The walls are covered with surveillance screens on all sides.

Various weird scientific research equipment are placed on the console, and in the middle is a table similar to a conference room.

There are already several figures in the command room at this moment, sitting around as if discussing some plan.

Mu Qiu noticed that these people had different shapes.

Some are awakened ones with supernatural powers, some are transformed half-orcs, and some are ordinary humans with mediocre strength.

Among them was a woman like Ah Xing, whom Mu Qiu had met before.

When he saw Luo Xiuwen and Mu Qiu walking in.

The figures sitting together immediately stood up from the table.

Luo Xiuwen took the lead in introducing:

"This is Brother Qiu and Miss Lu that I mentioned to you before..."

Luo Xiuwen then pointed to a small figure on the high platform of the round table:

"This is the leader of our resistance army and an outstanding scientist at the Xilan Base—Professor Zhou Yi!"

What Mu Qiu didn't expect was that the leader of the resistance was actually the palm-sized villain in front of him!

I saw this palm-sized weirdo in front of the high platform with a slender body and purple skin.

Wearing a white tight-fitting suit, his head is shaped like an inverted triangle.

The limbs are covered with frog-like webs, which looks quite weird.

Just as Luo Xiuwen finished speaking, this weirdo called "Professor Zhou" jumped to the front of the high platform and waved to Mu Qiu and the others:

"Hello you guys!"

A strange baby voice came from Professor Zhou's mouth, and it sounded like a child of several years old was saying hello.


Lu Qianqian reacted and politely returned her hand, with a smile on her face.

This is really different from the image of the legion leader she imagined, either old and calm, or a tough guy...

It seemed that she saw the forcedness of Lu Qianqian's smile.

One of the rough-looking yellow-haired men grinned and said:

"Don't underestimate Professor Zhou. The box weapons in the base were originally developed by his organization!"


Lu Qianqian looked at the palm-sized "dwarf" in front of her with a surprised expression.

Professor Zhou, who was regarded as a "dwarf", did not care about this.

Instead, he focused his attention on a purple-black box hanging on Mu Qiu's chest.

"Can you show it to me?"

Professor Zhou stood up on tiptoes and pointed at the "box of monsters" hanging on Mu Qiu's chest.

With a smile on her face, Mu Qiu didn't shy away and handed the box of monsters directly to Professor Zhou at the table.

The people around were all staring at the purple box with strange patterns in Mu Qiu's hand.

This is a destructive level weapon, enough to stand side by side with the sacred objects of their base!

Professor Zhou held the purple box that was as big as its body and fiddled with it for a while. M.

Lu Qianqian also took this opportunity to raise her own doubts:

"You just invited us in, and you're not afraid of any problems with us?"

The rough-looking man with yellow hair pointed at the screen behind him and said with a smile:

"Sister, don't expect you to come in so easily."

"But from the moment you stepped into the passage of the headquarters, you were subject to all-round surveillance and investigation!"

"As long as there is a slight movement, it will be immediately surrounded by magnetic signals throughout the headquarters, ensuring that not a single hair can be transmitted out!"

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