Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 31 The food of the strange baby, Mu Qiu's


Everyone was shocked when they heard Song Conghua's analysis.

Even Mu Qiu's eyes showed excitement, and he looked at the huge monster baby like a meat mountain with eager eyes.

Specializing in the spiritual ability of the soul has always been his shortcoming, and now he finally encountered a spiritual heretic!

This ability, which can make up for his spiritual shortcomings, is too tempting for him!

I must "eat" it! !

Just when Mu Qiu was thinking about how to "eat" this spiritual heretic without revealing his true identity.

This monster baby also showed its bloody white teeth, and looked at everyone with eyes like a toddler staring at the food on the plate...


Suddenly, an invisible spiritual attack broke through the sky and hit the barrier shield condensed by Lao Zhang directly.

The light blue shield that looked extremely solid dimmed in an instant, and then broke directly without any stagnation.

Old Zhang was the first to be hit. He was whipped several meters by this spiritual power like a whip and hit the wall behind him.

The aftermath of the attack hit the people behind Old Chen like an air cannonball.

Suddenly, Mu Qiu's palm was filled with waves, and an ice wall was condensed to block the crowd in front.

The invisible shock impact instantly collided with the ice wall, and the ice wall as high as a person cracked in an instant, and the aftermath of the shock was also offset in the explosion.

Mu Qiu retracted his slightly numb palm. Sure enough, the physique in human form was far inferior to the Flame Demon Lord who had evolved into a "monster".

This monster baby was only at the A level. If he was in the Flame Demon state, he could crush it to death with one hand.

But he couldn't reveal his identity in front of people. He wanted to defeat this tricky monster baby with only the B-level ice ability and the physique in human form. Xiao was a little headache for Mu Qiu.

At this moment, a figure passed by Mu Qiu as fast as the wind.

Mu Qiu looked closely and saw that the figure was Wei Ling'er who had transformed into a spirit cat!

Wei Ling'er flashed in front of the strange baby, and her open nails turned into furry cat claws, and she pounced on the strange baby's head.


With Wei Ling'er's delicate cry, her pair of claws were less than two feet away from the big-headed strange baby...

The strange baby stared blankly at Wei Ling'er's flying figure, opened its big mouth, and looked like it was looking at a new toy.

But the next moment, Wei Ling'er's cat claws seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and the two collided with each other and immediately made a sound of metal clashing.

Wei Ling'er's cat claws stabbed out madly, hitting the invisible barrier in the air with fierce sparks, but it was unable to break through this invisible barrier composed of telekinesis.


The strange baby suddenly grinned, and looked at Wei Ling'er with its hollow black eyes. One of its short fleshy hands grabbed the cat girl who was stabbing hard.

Seeing this, Wei Ling'er hurriedly dodged backwards. The strange baby's fleshy hand grabbed nothing, and its face immediately showed impatience. It actually lay on the ground and crawled towards Wei Ling'er with its hands and feet.

Standing in the distance, Xu Wen saw Wei Ling'er trapped in danger. Although her face was horrified, she still suppressed her fear.

Xu Wen gently patted the squirrel on her shoulder, whispered something, and then put the squirrel on the ground.

As soon as this ugly squirrel, which was not even as big as an ordinary person's palm, landed on the ground, its body quickly expanded, and finally it was big enough to be on par with beasts like cattle and horses!

As the squirrel grew bigger, its eyes also turned red, its hair exploded and its face became brutal, and finally it rushed directly towards the big-headed strange baby and bit it!

"Fatty, go help Ling'er!"

Liu Qingfei noticed that the fat man beside her had not taken any action yet, and hurriedly urged him.

The fat man looked at the terrifying monster baby in front of him, swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and then his body stagnated and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, Song Conghua saw Liu Qingfei calling for the fat man to help, bit his silver teeth, shook his body, and his dark blue mane extended to his face, revealing his white fangs, and changed into a werewolf again.

Song Conghua roared, and then followed the fat man and pounced on him.

Liu Qingfei saw that Song Conghua was seriously injured and still wanted to fight, and just wanted to stop him, but before she could speak, Song Conghua had disappeared.

She sighed lightly and looked at Mu Qiu with hope.

Mu Qiu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and also looked at Liu Qingfei:

"Don't worry, my saint, I will take action this time no matter what..."

For a "full meal"!

After saying that, Mu Qiu's feet were full of wind, and the black windbreaker he was wearing also fluttered.

Seeing Mu Qiu also taking action, Liu Qingfei breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

Then she looked at the people fighting in front of her with a worried look.

The fat man's ability is good at speed. Almost in a few moves, his slightly bloated body has hit the huge flesh of the monster baby.

The fat man wore a steel knuckles on his hand, and cleverly used dark energy to punch the monster baby's thigh.

"So hard!"

The fat man felt that this punch seemed to hit a pile of meat. The spikes on the knuckles could not penetrate the mutated skin of the monster baby. Instead, the recoil force from the knuckles made the fat man's arm numb.


Although the monster baby was not hurt, it was obviously angered by the "ingredients" that harassed it. It waved its fleshy hands and launched a tentacle-like telekinetic attack.

Before the fat man could react, an invisible whip had already whipped him, and the fat man was instantly whipped to the ground.

Immediately, another powerful wave came, and this time the target was directly the fat man's head!

The fat man felt a gust of wind coming from his ears, and endured the severe pain on his skin. He rolled on the ground, and the ground around him was broken with a "boom", leaving a deep gully mark.

Xu Wen's giant squirrel was also spread out by an invisible telekinesis at the moment of attacking the monster baby, and was immediately blasted away by the monster baby's impatient palm.

Song Conghua, who was following the fat man, saw that the monster baby's eyes were completely attracted by the fat man, his eyes lit up, and he waved the claws on his fist bones and attacked the monster baby's back.

At the same time, Wei Ling'er, who was spared by the monster baby, also seized the opportunity and flew up to grab the monster baby's neck.

Two puffs were heard, and the sharp claws instantly pierced the monster baby's neck and back.

In an instant, two pools of blood flew.


The big-headed monster baby roared in pain, and it was difficult to keep a weird smile on its face. It turned its head with a hideous face and waved its fists at the two people without reason.

Wei Ling'er and Song Conghua staggered to avoid the monster baby's huge flesh fist. At this time, they were just exhausted and had not yet regenerated their old strength.

But the next second, two more telekinetic attacks came straight at the two people!

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