Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 310 The channel connecting virtuality and reality

Just as the outside world was in an uproar, the entire high-tech city built by Xilan Base fell into silence.

Whether it was the central area or the residential area, the streets were empty, and only the patrolling robots were still making mechanical sounds.

If the biggest victim of this catastrophe of players is Xilan Base itself.

Xilan Base is a large human base with nearly 100,000 people.

Most of the humans have joined the world of virtual games, and most of the manpower has been lost.

Even if there were no patrolling robots and high-tech mechas sitting in...

There are already many human bases with ulterior motives who want to take this opportunity to bring this attractive high-tech base under their command.

Xilan Base, in the human restricted area called the Terminal Brain Building.

Along with the sound of gears running, a tall mechanical door automatically rose.

A brown-haired man in a leather coat walked in indifferently.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed throughout the laboratory, and a thin man in a white coat appeared in front of the brown-haired man.

The man had wavy green hair and looked weak, like a terminally ill patient.

"Many bases have already launched a joint petition against us, demanding that the culprit of the incident be found as soon as possible and their players be rescued..."

The thin man's tone was also weak, and his breath was weak.

"Who leaked the news of the God Realm World?!"

Thinking of the previous leak of the Zhulong Secret Box information, and the existence of this "Nightmare" was actually exposed to other human bases.

There is no doubt that there is a traitor among the senior management of Xilan Base! m.

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the brown-haired man, and he said indifferently:

"Tell them that we are also victims of this incident, and we are already trying our best to break through the space barrier and rescue the victims of this incident."

The man's tone was cold, as if he didn't care about the lives of the players trapped in the game at all.

Thinking that his chance to be promoted to the Destruction Level was lost for nothing, the murderous intent in the eyes of the brown-haired man became more and more intense.

That traitor...

"Who is it?!"


The huge disturbance in the outside world naturally did not affect the players trapped in the Divine Realm Continent.

Because of the different speeds of time and space, the outside world was still in uproar for three days because of the disaster that swept 100,000 people.

In the game, nearly a month has passed.

In this month, the players have transformed from the initial shock and panic to the current excitement and numbness.

Some players desperately searched for the exit of this world, but in the end, they died in the hands of big and small bosses before they ran through a layer.

Of course, a large number of young talents also emerged during this period.

A large part of these are "seed players" who entered the game from other human bases to experience and hone their skills.

After these people reacted, they quickly attracted their companions to form guild organizations.

With strong strength and outstanding leadership, they gained a lot of prestige...

In this way, names that have never been heard of have become famous in this virtual game world.

There is no doubt that if these rising stars with supernatural powers can return to the real world in the future, they will become the overlords who dominate the end of the world!

[Divine Realm Continent, 81st Floor, Forest of Barriers]

The branches and leaves are lush, the birds are singing, and the roar of some monsters can be faintly heard in the depths of the forest...

On the branch of a towering tree, a man in an open-collared Taoist robe leaned on the tree trunk.

A dark kitten lay flat on the man's legs, dozing with its pupils closed.

The warm sunlight shone on the man's handsome face through the scattered leaves.

The man's eyes were half-closed, and he was holding an apple that he had picked from nowhere and eating it.

A strange pink butterfly flew from the depths of the jungle and was about to land on the man's shoulder...

Just as the butterfly's wings flapped, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the air towards the man!

[Ghostly Monkey, lv76]

As the light screen flashed, a monkey with red eyes, with sharp teeth and claws, pounced towards the man!

However, the man leaning on the tree trunk did not dodge at all, and calmly took another bite of the apple——

The man slowly raised his other arm, closed his five fingers, and instantly clamped the ferocious monkey.

The next second, with a slight force on his arm, this little boss that gave countless players a headache turned into a pool of blood-colored crystals and exploded in the air!

At this time, the strange butterfly circled around the man intimately, and finally landed on the man's fingertips.

As if receiving some news, Mu Qiu, who was leaning on the branch, suddenly opened his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Oh? Still can't find it..."

Countless players are rushing to find the key that can open the channel connecting virtual and reality.

Although "Nightmare" did not clearly point out the location of the apocalypse key.

But many players generally believe that the key is hidden in the final 100th level.

But as the boss of the final level, Mu Qiu has already explored the entire ominous abyss to the bottom -

The Apocalypse Key is not in the final ominous abyss at all!

Mu Qiu's eyes revealed a look of deep thought. Even he couldn't figure out whether the so-called key to the apocalypse existed in this world...

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!"

Mu Qiu smiled indifferently. It was still too difficult to trap him in this space alone.

After eating the last bite of the apple, Mu Qiu narrowed her eyes.

I have to say that this illusion space built with soul energy is really well done, even the feeling of fullness from food is so real...

Of course, this feeling of fullness does not translate into the real world.

Mu Qiu also thought in a funny way, if some players were not discovered and remained fasting for a long time, would they starve to death?

The butterfly fluttered and flew away into the distance again in an instant.

At this moment, a light spot suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qiu's eyes.

Mu Qiu clicked on it, and a light-screen interface similar to a video call appeared in front of her.

The picture shows the appearance of a tall orc with antlers—

It is Mao Yuming who turned into a beast in the game world!

I saw Mao Yuming saying in the screen:

"Brother Qiu, our guild will besiege the 82nd floor tomorrow. Do you have time to come with us?"

Speaking of this, Mu Qiu was a little interested, and the corners of her mouth raised:

"Okay, I must be involved in such an important matter!"

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