"It, they are coming!!"

"Run, those monsters are coming!"

"Help, save me..."

The shrill screams and wails echoed in my ears.

The sky was gloomy, and as the shadows covered it, countless ragged humans were terrified and fled in a panic.

In just a short moment, the defense line formed by the remaining humans had collapsed.

For a time, countless humans were killed and wounded, and corpses were everywhere.

The blood-stained human corpses and the terrifying and hideous laughter of monsters echoed in the darkness...

This day is the end of the human race! !

"Child, the human race in this world has no future..."

"Live on, you must live on!"

"Go back to the past with the hope of the whole race... Go back to a thousand years ago..."

"Eliminate the ancestor of the Eternal Night before the catastrophe and prevent the rise of the Eternal Night Dynasty."

"You are the last hope of our human race..."

"You are——"

"The son of the savior!!"

The old voice echoed in his mind, low and hoarse, but it seemed to fall into his heart like a huge stone.

Fanyin suddenly woke up from the dream and sat up suddenly.

Chaotic fragments of memory filled his mind, replaying like an old film.

The originally clear eyes were full of bloodshot, the beautiful face turned pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his smooth and white forehead.

Fanyin's chest rose and fell violently, and his expression was terrified. Obviously, he had not recovered from the nightmare just now.

Subconsciously, he tightly grasped the glittering jade pendant around his neck, as if it was the only object she could rely on.

"You seem to have nightmares often..."

Just then, a clear voice came from beside him.

Fan Yin, who was awakened, suddenly turned her head and saw Mu Qiu sitting on the grass on the hillside.

He held his chin with his right hand and looked at him with interest.

Fan Yin then recalled that she and the man in front of her had been walking in the dense forest for an unknown period of time.

Finally, they chose to rest on this hillside.

The bushes on both sides gradually became sparse, and a dark river could be vaguely seen from a distance.

A bonfire was lit next to the two of them, reflecting the handsome face of the man.

Looking closely, the man held his chin with one hand and tilted his head slightly, looking at himself with a smile on his lips, looking harmless...

This look was very different from the domineering figure of the boss fighting alone in Fan Yin's eyes.

"Having a nightmare?"

Fan Yin shook her head slowly, but the shock hidden in her eyes had not faded away.

Mu Qiu narrowed his eyes and looked at the jade pendant on the woman's chest without leaving a trace...

A gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and he said softly:

"Do you mind telling me your story?"

Looking at Mu Qiu's sincere expression, ripples flashed in Fanyin's clear eyes.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Holding her legs together, Fanyin lowered her head, her eyes flickering.

Until this moment, this always strong girl showed her vulnerable side to strangers for the first time...

"I live in a corrupt and dark world, where it is ruled by a powerful force, enslaving and oppressing the humans living there..."

"The humans there have no rights to speak of, from land, food, to freedom, layer by layer of exploitation..."

"All those who resist that force will be ruthlessly slaughtered like livestock!"

Mu Qiu looked at the woman who was trapped in the depths of his memory, his expression indifferent.

"My mission is to save my people and save them from the darkness!"

Fanyin suddenly raised her head and looked at the endless chaos and darkness in the sky.

When she first came to this world, she was entangled with two fragments of memory in her mind.

Even many times, she herself could not tell which time and space she was the real her...

But the nightmare that kept echoing in her mind recently reminded her of her mission to come to this time and space.

That is -

Before the Eternal Night Dynasty rose and became the overlord of this world...

Destroy the Lord of Eternal Night and destroy the Eternal Night Dynasty! !

Fanyin suddenly looked at Mu Qiu and smiled bitterly:

"It's ridiculous, trying to fight a powerful force with one's own strength..."

The intersection of the two was limited to the game world, and in reality they were just strangers who had never met.

For Fanyin, perhaps after leaving the God Realm World, the two would not recognize each other even if they met in such a big world.

In this world where there are only the two of them, Mu Qiu is a perfect listener...

This is also the reason why she confided her heart to Mu Qiu.

Looking at the woman with sparkling eyes, Mu Qiu chuckled and shook his head.

Stretching and yawning, Mu Qiu also looked at the dark sky:

"I think the funny thing is not your weakness, but the faith you keep."


The woman raised her head, and Mu Qiu lowered his head to look at her.

When their eyes met, Fanyin saw a little teasing in Mu Qiu's deep eyes like the ocean.

"That's right, since you are in so much pain, why do you let yourself bear so much?"

Mu Qiu's eyes revealed a rare seriousness, and he laughed loudly:

"I am free before my death, so why should I care about the flood after my death?!"

Looking at the carefree Mu Qiu, Fan Yin raised the corner of his mouth, shook his head and laughed:

"I can't escape, this is my fate..."

She is a dead soul from a thousand years later...

The entire human race has used all their luck to send her here.

She carries the hope of hundreds of millions of human beings!

Mu Qiu looked at the jade pendant on Fan Yin's chest and said jokingly:

"I am a little curious about what kind of opponent you are facing. If you have the chance, you must see it..."

He can feel the powerful energy contained in the jade pendant, which shows that the opponent Fan Yin is facing must not be ordinary.

Fan Yin looked at Mu Qiu and said:

"What about you? You can achieve such a status in the game world. Your identity in reality is also extraordinary, right?"

In Fan Yin's heart, Mu Qiu has been linked to the young master of a large force in the end times.

Mu Qiu narrowed his eyes and joked:

"Actually, I'm just an ordinary survivor. I got a great job in the game by chance..."

Fan Yin seemed to have walked out of the nightmare.

Hearing Mu Qiu's answer, he laughed out loud, with a look of doubt in his eyes:

"If the great [Gu Ye] who is so powerful in the God's Domain is spread outside and is just an ordinary person, you will probably be in trouble by many people!"

How many human forces has Mu Qiu offended in the game world?

Mu Qiu stroked his chin and said seriously:

"Do you really want to know my identity?"

Fan Yin smiled and shook her head:

"You and I don't know each other. If nothing unexpected happens, we will have no intersection after leaving this world. Why should I care about your identity?"

Mu Qiu didn't expect Fan Yin to have such an answer.

Slightly startled, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Miss Jian Ji, you are really interesting!"

It has been a long time since he met such an interesting person.

Mu Qiu took out two unknown fruits as big as fists like a magic trick.

He picked them from the trees in the jungle. They are neither poisonous nor tasteless.

Throwing a fruit to Fan Yin, Mu Qiu smiled and said:

"Since you have made up your mind, let's drink to your faith!"

Fan Yin took the fruit and looked at Mu Qiu's face with a smile like spring breeze.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and laughed with her.

A beautiful woman's smile is charming.

Just like this, under the chaotic night, a man and a woman on the hillside beside the dark river held fruits in their hands and smiled at each other...

A hearty laugh suddenly came from the silent night sky, adding some vitality to this long dead world.

The light curtain covering this world flickered with stars in the dark night sky.

It was as if a clue was leading the fateful meeting...

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