
At this moment, the leaders of the major forces attending the meeting all showed shock on their faces.

Zou Xiang nodded and said hoarsely:

"The energy of the Lord of Eternal Night is mixed with a trace of corpse qi. After repeated verification of the samples, it can be confirmed that the experimental data is correct!"

Zou Xiang's words fell on everyone's heart like a huge hammer. The expressions on their faces could no longer remain calm. Some people even stood up directly, with horror on their faces.

Zou Xiang's figure gradually faded, and the middle-aged man in a suit appeared on the screen again:

"A high-level zombie lurked in the human base, and then replaced the original base and became the leader of a human force..."

"Everyone, do you feel a little ridiculous?"

The man in a suit put his hand on the square table with a smile on his face.

At this time, the man in the suit took the initiative to ask:

"What is its intention to come to the human base?"

"Are there other high-level heretics lurking in the base?"

"Is this a signal from those heretics who want to annex the human world?"

The questions asked by the man in the suit were like a loud bell, penetrating into people's hearts.

"Everyone, this is not just a matter of the Dongxiao region... This is related to the life and death of the entire human race!"

Everyone's face showed a solemn expression, and it was obvious that most of them had been persuaded by the man in the suit.

At this time, in the corner of the screen, a man said:

"What do you want to do?"

The man in the suit tapped the table lightly and suddenly paused:

"It's very simple... Eliminate the heretics and destroy the Eternal Night Dynasty!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone could feel the strong murderous aura coming from the screen across the screen!

However, the scene fell into silence again...

Obviously, no one wanted to face this terrifying destruction-level corpse king directly.

Everyone is in danger in the end times, even if the Lord of Eternal Night really led the corpse tide to occupy a region.

As long as they are not bullied, they will most likely turn a blind eye.

No force is willing to "sacrifice themselves for others" and serve as cannon fodder to test the zombie clan.

In this apocalypse, the word "hero" has become derogatory after all...

As if he expected everyone to react like this, the man in the suit continued:

"The Eternal Night Dynasty also looted a large number of advanced scientific and technological equipment from the Xilan Base. These items must not fall into the hands of the zombies..."

"Also, the Eternal Night Dynasty has occupied the territories of more than a dozen cities including the Xilan Base. We also need to take these lands and humans back from the hands of the heretics!"

Hearing this, many leaders' eyes just glowed:

"You mean..."

The man in the suit knocked on the table, indignant:

"Since no one has spoken, then my Wangcheng Base is willing to be the leader. Anyone who is willing to work together to eliminate the heretics..."

"Afterwards, whether it is the seized scientific and technological equipment or the land and population, I can give them all to the forces participating in the encirclement and suppression!!"

In an instant, the words of the man in the suit shocked everyone like thunder from the blue sky.

What is the most scarce thing in the apocalypse?




The Eternal Night Dynasty occupied a large area of ​​Dongxiao Territory, and the resources accumulated were naturally unimaginable.

The man in the suit promised that these could be given to the forces participating in the encirclement and suppression afterwards!!

The world is bustling for profit. Eliminating heretics can bring reputation to oneself and gain a large amount of resources...

Many people's eyes have flashed with a gleam of light.

There is no doubt that they are tempted.

"My Wanhua Base joins the alliance to eliminate the Eternal Night Dynasty!"

A man with a feminine appearance spoke first.

Then, several more voices came out:

"My Lingu Base agrees to join!"

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, my Xingmeng Base will also join you!"

"And me..."

Voices came out from the screen, and the corner of the old man in the suit raised a barely perceptible smile.

In a short while, several large and small bases agreed to join the action alliance to encircle and suppress the Eternal Night Dynasty.

There are still many leaders of the base forces who have not given in, and are keeping a wait-and-see state...

The man in the suit was not angry, but smiled and said:

"Since you have made your choice, let my Wangcheng base conduct a simple analysis of the combat power of the Eternal Night Dynasty, and we will make detailed plans later..."

At this time, Zou Xiang's weak voice came out:

"According to the current intelligence, the main force of the Eternal Night Dynasty is some black shadow soldiers of unknown origin..."

As he said, the figure of a black shadow monster appeared on the screen-

The whole body was wrapped in thick darkness, only the eyes showed a red color...

"These monsters cannot speak, and their thoughts seem to be restricted to a certain extent, but they are extremely loyal to the Eternal Night Dynasty. The initial judgment is that their strength is roughly between level A and level C, and the specific number is unknown..."

Next, the figure of the skeleton soldier appeared on the screen again:

"The strength of these skeleton soldiers is relatively strong, but the number is quite limited..."

Next, Zou Xiang explained to everyone some of the former Yuhai Base's troops.

"The most noteworthy thing is the highest combat power of the Eternal Night Dynasty..."

Several figures appeared on the screen-

One wore a demon mask, one wore a white suit, and there was an angel phantom with golden light all over his body.

"The Lord of Eternal Night is a destructive existence. In addition, the former guardian of Yuhai Base is also suspected to be controlled by the Eternal Night Dynasty..."

"There is also the former captain of the law enforcement team of Yuhai Base-the white death god Ji Youfeng who appeared in Xilan Base. I don’t know what means he used to be upgraded to the destructive level. Now he is also under the command of the Lord of Eternal Night."

"In addition, according to the news, the Soul Devouring Butterfly King entrenched in Lan'an City also has a close relationship with the Lord of Eternal Night, and the possibility of his attack cannot be ruled out."

When Zou Xiang finished talking about the approximate combat power of the Eternal Night Dynasty, everyone slowly breathed a sigh of relief. ŴŴŴ.

The strength of the Eternal Night Dynasty is indeed strong. None of them dares to confront it head-on.

But now they have formed an alliance, and there are as many as six large and small human forces participating.

There are several times more destructive masters than them, so there is no need to worry about backlash.

After another in-depth discussion, everyone's confidence increased!

"In this case, let's arrange troops as soon as possible to remove this cancer in the human force as soon as possible!!"

The man in a suit said to everyone righteously:

"We are an alliance formed against the Eternal Night Dynasty, with the purpose of killing heretics and eliminating evil demons..."

"The code name of this plan is called-"


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