Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 40 A cozy resort hotel, a pure land in the end times

The waitress at the counter also felt the same way: "Thanks to our manager, we have a place in this apocalyptic world!"

The waitress seemed to think that Mu Qiu and others were survivors who had just been "rescued" back to the hotel. She kept praising the hotel owner for his kindness and wisdom, trying to elevate the hotel owner's status in the hearts of Mu Qiu and others.

But Mu Qiu always felt that something was strange, but she couldn't explain it clearly.

Everyone here is radiant and full of energy, and their eyes seem to be filled with hope and yearning for the future...

What are they yearning for?

At this time, the fat man, who had drunk too much, realized that Qi Qi was following behind Mu Qiu. His eyes widened: "Zu...Zu Qi?!"

Well, this fat guy is also an old homebody.

The fat man seemed to have sobered up a bit from the alcohol, and his eyes were filled with disbelief as he approached.

Concubine Liu Qing also noticed that the delicate-looking Qi Qi, who was wearing a black trench coat, seemed to have come with Mu Qiu and the others, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is this girl?"

When Wei Ling'er saw Fatty's excited reaction, she quickly told several people that Qi Qi was a COSER, and that she had been substituted into the persona of "Qi Qi" after the apocalypse and could not extricate herself.

Song Conghua was originally chatting with another man on the side, but when he heard the noise here, he also came over.

When he saw Qi Qi for the first time, Song Conghua also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

After hearing the story of "Zi Qi", Concubine Liu Qing couldn't help but look at Qi Qi with pity in her eyes, and sighed: "This child must have experienced a lot of grievances..."

However, the fat man was very drunk and rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "This restoration is too similar, it is more like a real person than a real person..."

Qi Qi looked around at the crowd and found that everyone was staring at him. He felt a little uncomfortable, with a pair of red eyes full of innocence.

Feeling Qi Qi gently tugging at the corner of her clothes, Mu Qiu coughed lightly and turned her attention to the man who just walked with Song Conghua: "Who is this?"

Before Song Conghua could speak, the fat man introduced him: "He is Lao Song's childhood friend..."

Wei Ling'er turned her gaze to Song Conghua, and only then did Song Conghua show a rare expression of joy.

He put his arm around the shoulder of the man next to him and said, "A Dong is my brother since childhood. I haven't seen him since the apocalypse broke out. I didn't expect to meet him here..."

"A Dong" seemed to be a shy boy. He lowered his head in embarrassment when being looked at by so many beauties, and just said softly: "Hello... hello."

Only then did they realize that Adong's left sleeve was empty, and one of his arms was broken!

Sensing everyone's gaze, A Dong explained: "It was broken while escaping two years ago, but my dominant hand is my right hand. I can still live without an arm, which is much better than those who lost their lives... ....”

While everyone was talking, one of the security guards came over and reminded: "I have kept you waiting for a long time. I will take a few of them to see the manager now."

Everyone followed the security guard and walked over, but before leaving, Adong grabbed Song Conghua.

Song Conghua turned his head and saw A Dong's complicated expression.

After two seconds, A Dong seemed to have made some big decision. He sighed softly and said to Song Conghua: "Conghua, I live a good life here. You... you should leave here as soon as possible!"

Mu Qiu was walking behind. When she heard A Dong's words, her eyes flashed. She didn't know what she thought of, but the expression on her face was as if she didn't realize it, and she continued to walk forward.

The decoration of the entire hotel is similar to a Western-style castle, spacious and luxurious.

There were also many survivors passing by along the way, but they were still smiling and their eyes were full of hope, as if they had forgotten the sorrow of living in the end of the world.

A couple was walking in the empty lobby of the hotel with their children in hand. The family had a harmonious and warm atmosphere, and it seemed as if they were just out for an ordinary outing. The couple whispered lovingly, and there was even more love in their eyes.

“This place is really a paradise!”

"Yes, it will be difficult to see such a scene after the end of the world..."

The fat man suddenly said, under the influence of his drunkenness, "Let me tell you, we might as well stay in this hotel, and we will have to live a precarious and miserable life when we get back to the base..."

But as soon as he said this, Wei Ling'er's sharp eyes shot him back.

Soon, the security guard led everyone to a room deep on the second floor. The three characters "Manager's Room" were clearly engraved on the gilt nameplate at the door of the room.

The security guard pushed the door open and saw a desk placed in the room. Sitting in the center of the desk was a short, middle-aged man wearing a black suit, bald head, and bald.

Next to the middle-aged man, there was an old man with huge earlobes sitting.

The strangest thing is that this old man has a unique appearance. A pair of earlobes have almost dropped to his shoulders. He wears a white turban on his head and has a kind smile on his face.

The room was filled with a faint scent of sandalwood, and an incense burner stood quietly not far away.

The security guard introduced: "The man in the middle is the general manager of our New Century Resort Hotel, Mr. Sun Yusun."

"Next to me is Mr. Hong, our hotel consultant..."

When Sun Yu, a short middle-aged man, saw the women in the three teams of Yui Qi, his eyes also showed a touch of surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect that there would be so many beauties in an awakened team.

Sun Yu waved his hand to signal the security guard to withdraw.

After the security guard closed the door, Sun Yu smiled and said:

"Welcome all friends to our New Century Resort Hotel. I am Sun Yu, the general manager of the hotel. I didn't have time to go out to greet you. Please forgive me for not being able to greet you."

Wei Ling'er stepped forward and said, "Manager Sun, you are polite. We are the search team of Yuhai Base. This time we came because we found some shops that were searched when exploring the ruins of the city, so we expected that there were survivors' camps around..."

"I wanted to ask if you need help, but I didn't expect..." Wei Ling'er paused, a little embarrassed.

"I didn't expect that a small hotel would be so strong in the end of the world, and the people inside are so united, right?" The hotel owner Sun Yu said with a smile.

Wei Ling'er stuck out her tongue and didn't refute.

Sun Yu looked unconcerned, and then said with emotion: "This is all thanks to my special ability..."

"Special ability?"

"Everyone, look..."

Sun Yu raised his hand, and a gentle beam of light shone towards everyone from his palm.

Chen Weiguo was startled and erected a barrier to block it, but was stopped by Song Conghua: "Wait, I don't feel any hostility from him..."

In an instant, the beam of light spread to several people, and they immediately felt relaxed, and even the tense nerves of the past few days were relaxed. The fat man was even shocked and sobered up.

Sun Yu retracted his palm and said: "This is my special ability - mental relaxation."

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