Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 472: Lu Jinze's autobiography, a puppet being controlled

"Being manipulated?"

Mu Qiu did not expect that such a powerful pair of brothers, Lu Jinchang and Lu Jinze, who were at the level of destruction, would be manipulated by others to become a member of the Heterogeneous Religion.

"Since you know about the Heterogeneous Religion, do you know the origin of this Heterogeneous Religion?"

Mu Qiu shook his head. Everyone knew that the Heterogeneous Religion had done all kinds of evil things and was abandoned by the human race, but no one knew how the Heterogeneous Religion was born and what its purpose was...

"The reason why the Heterogeneous Religion is called a cult is because it is the best at bewitching people and advocating evil arts such as killing and blood sacrifice."

"However, what the world does not know is that this cult already existed long before the outbreak of the apocalypse!"

Another heavy news came out of Lu Jinze's mouth!

"At that time, the apocalypse had just begun. My elder brother and I also awakened our special powers and saved tens of thousands of humans during a zombie siege..."

"But even so, the crisis of the zombie tide was far from over. The increasing lack of food alone was enough to drive the remaining human race crazy!"

"My elder brother and I had no other options. In despair, a mysterious figure in a red robe appeared before us..."

Mu Qiu's eyes suddenly flashed: "Red-robed cult leader, Immortal Sacrifice Master?!"

Lu Jinze nodded: "That's right. At that time, we didn't know the existence of the Alien Cult, nor did we know what kind of abyss we had fallen into. ....."

"The red-robed man gave us two brothers powerful strength. We were simply unmatched in the early days of the apocalypse. Not only did we resolve the zombie crisis, but we also cleared out the zombies in the surrounding towns in one fell swoop."

"More and more human races joined the Qingyang base after hearing the news, and the reputation of the Shanze duo grew stronger and stronger."

"We gradually believed in the mysterious red-robed man who gave us powerful strength, joined the church that he said could bring salvation to the world in the apocalypse, and even treated him as a guest of honor."

"But we didn't expect that this was just the beginning of a nightmare..."

Lu Jinze knelt on the ground, scratching frantically stroking his hair:

"As time went by, my brother and I found that our temperaments had changed in some way. Many cruel decisions that we had never dared to think of before could be implemented without hesitation."

"At first we didn't care, and still used the resources given by the red robes to upgrade our levels and expand our territory..."

"But later, our temperaments changed so much that we even attracted suspicion and panic from our families. At this moment, we realized how much we had changed."

"'s too late, everything is too late..."

"My brother and I had already taken power from the red robes when we first started. I have been secretly manipulated by him, and many decisions that go against my will are subtly influenced by that red-robed man. "

"This situation has not been eliminated after my two brothers were promoted to the destruction level, but has become more and more serious. Many times we can't even control our actions, just like puppets at his mercy..." m.

Lu Jinze's tone actually brought tears to his eyes: "I even... I even killed my wife who I loved for many years with my own hands! ! "

The middle-aged man with scars all over his body regained his madness again, and the water at the bottom of the lake began to roll back and rage at a high speed, turning into small water dragons that surged out.

"I was worried that I would kill my daughter again out of control, so I sent her to the distant Dongxiao Yuhai to carry out the mission."

"But I didn't expect that the entire Dongxiao domain was actually annexed by the Yongye Dynasty, and even Qianqian lost contact after the Redemption War in Yuhai..."

Mu Qiu asked back: "Is this also the reason why you broke up with the Yiyuan Sect this time?"

Lu Jinze nodded: "Meeting Qianqian again, in order to prevent the previous nightmare from repeating the same mistake, I forcibly broke free from the shackles and tried my best to take Qianqian away from Southern Xinjiang."

"However, at the most critical moment, I was blocked by my eldest brother. After the battle with the Beast King, I was already seriously injured and was easily defeated by my eldest brother, and then I was imprisoned in this lake bottom swamp!"

Lu Jinze's face was hideous and distorted, almost crazy.

He didn't expect that it would be his eldest brother who jumped out to stop him at the last moment!

Although Lu Jinchang was obviously controlled by someone at this time, the brothers' quarrels and fratricide still happened after all.

No one thought that the two heroes of Shanze were puppets manipulated from the beginning.

Hearing Lu Jinze's description, Mu Qiu narrowed his eyes under the mask and suddenly said:

"Since it is as you said, what is the true identity of the red-robed man who manipulated your two brothers?"

Being able to manipulate two powerful Destruction-level masters with such extraordinary strength, Mu Qiu couldn't help but think of the four Daoyuan-level teachers who united the power of Heaven to besiege him at Wangcheng Base that day.

Only Daoyuan-level masters can manipulate two Destruction-level beings like this.


Lu Jinze muttered to himself, and suddenly raised his head. Through his messy hair, his pupils filled with bloodshot could be seen:

"When my brother stopped me that day, in the battle of life and death, I saw countless blood-colored threads entangled behind him!!"

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