Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 500: Suppressing all races, the Lord of Eternal Night descends


Xu Wen, who was rescued by Mu Qiu, opened her mouth slightly, and her clear eyes were also filled with surprise.

In her impression, Mu Qiu still had the status of Shura who subverted Yuhai, which was one of the reasons why she had never thought of asking Yuhai for help.

Destruction-level combat power could no longer turn the tide of the battle on a battlefield of this level. Instead, it would put her teacher in danger, so she chose to take the responsibility herself.

But the current situation is obviously beyond Xu Wen's expectations.

"You little guys are really more troublesome than the others..."

A magnetic voice came from under the mask, with the same indifference in his tone.

Suddenly, Xu Wen seemed to have transformed back into the girl with a ponytail in a floral skirt. The figure in front of her had not changed for many years!

"Teacher..." Tears fell from the corners of Xu Wen's eyes, but a smile appeared on her cherry-like mouth.

Mu Qiu raised her head and looked at the figure wrapped in thunder and lightning in mid-air.

When their eyes met, Thor seemed to notice something, and his eyes changed slightly:


At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded from the battlefield below:

"Overlord Guye, he is Overlord Guye who killed countless fellow human beings in the Divine Continent!!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a handsome man covered in blood on the battlefield, pointing at the black-robed figure and shouting, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

It is Xiao Yunyi from Yunxiao City!

Hearing Xiao Yunyi's name, everyone recalled the legend about the black-robed masked man:

"The overlord Gu Ye who slaughtered the geniuses of all major bases in the world of gods? He actually appears here?!"

Everyone looked at the black-robed figure in the distance with shock in their eyes:

"That Gu Ye actually has something to do with the Beast King. Could it be that the incident in God's Domain was also driven by the Beast King behind his back?!"

"It turns out that the Beast King had already planned to eradicate the genius of my human race!"

In an instant, everyone's suspicions and suspicions were cast on the Beast King and the black-robed figure. Countless eyes looked at the black figure standing under the giant tree with fear or hatred.

"This Gu Ye and the Beast King are in the same group, kill them both!!"

"Yes, Overlord Guye and the beasts brutally harmed my fellow human beings, which is really a shame for mankind!!"

As the sounds of shouting and cursing came from the crowd, more and more humans began to respond, as if they regarded Mu Qiu as a human spy, and their expressions were fierce and their hearts were filled with anger.

"Kill the Beast King and judge Gu Ye!"

"Kill the Beast King and judge Gu Ye!!"

For a time, countless people raised their arms and shouted, the crowd was excited and their morale was boosted!

"Mu Qiu..."

Under the giant tree, standing not far from Mu Qiu, Ye Fanyin and others looked at the many human beings below who were full of hatred, with complicated expressions.

Ye Fanyin looked around, her brows furrowed. She hurriedly stepped forward to explain, but was stopped by Ye Shenwei on the side.

The latter shrugged and glanced at the black figure in front of him. His usually arrogant face became a little more solemn:

"Wait a minute, this person's ability may be much greater than you think..."

After experiencing so many things, he had vaguely guessed Mu Qiu's identity.

Standing in front of the cliff surrounded by giant trees with branches and vines, Mu Qiu saw the reactions of the people below, and the eyes under the mask were profound.

He suddenly looked back at Ye Fanyin's face and chuckled:

"Don't be nervous, Miss Sword Girl..."

"Because this is human nature, not to mention..."

The calm tone as always was a bit more domineering, looking at the tragic battlefield below, he laughed and said:

"Why do I need to explain to others what I do all my life?!"

An unspeakable aura of terror brewed in the surrounding space...

At this moment, a powerful wave of destruction suddenly erupted in front of Mu Qiu, and a huge black shadow soared from the horizon!

"Lonely Night!!"

I saw Taoist Master Lu Xian charging towards Mu Qiu with an irresistible momentum with a huge horn on his head!

His son Jiang Dukuang was killed by Overlord Guye in the divine world.

This attack by Taoist Master Lu Xian has the potential to kill, and he is bound to kill the black-robed figure in front of him to avenge his son's murder!

The destructive-level fluctuations hit him, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space under the blow, which showed that the Taoist Master Luxian was furious!

Everyone could only see a huge beam of fierce light rushing past——

But the next second, the man in black robes in front of the giant tree suddenly raised his hand, and the giant deer transformed by Taoist Deer Immortal was instantly whipped away by him!

The huge figure was directly embedded in the cliff beside it, and there was no sound anymore...

This single blow actually broke the full blow of the destructive level powerhouse!

Everyone was dumbfounded after seeing this scene. The figure in front suddenly looked up at the sky, and a low murmur came from under the mask:

"If the law of heaven attacks me, I will swallow up the heaven. If all spirits do not accept me, I will..."

The black-robed figure raised his hand and slowly took off the crimson mask.

Revealing a handsome man's face, he suddenly flipped the mask upside down in the air, and a wild voice resounded through the sky:

"Suppress all races!!"

The next moment, majestic power soared into the sky, and a beam of blood-red light rose into the sky, making all living beings present tremble!

Then, a large area of ​​dark shadows suddenly emerged from the ground of the canyon, and quickly moved between the mountains like a wave, covering the sky and the earth, until it swept across the entire valley! !

Countless black figures emerged from the black wave, their blood-red eyes were full of evil desire for killing, and their purple skin showed how supreme they were!

Looking around, the entire mountain range has gathered dense black figures! !

At the same time, several terrifying figures slowly emerged in the void around the black-robed man——

A woman's laughter was heard among the flying butterflies, and a girl in a red dress gathered in the midst of butterflies...

The space on the side was shattered, and a man in a white suit with an expression as cold as ice stepped through the space and stood in the air...

The diffused yellow sand gathered, and a bronze man in red armor stepped into the air from the wild sand...

Amid the roar of artillery fire, a tall white mecha flew into the air...

The holy light shone, and a phantom of a holy angel emerged in the air...

These figures gathered around the black-robed man, and each of them exuded an extremely terrifying destructive aura!

And the next scene made the tens of millions of human troops present stunned their eyes——

The black figures that suddenly appeared all knelt on the ground, and their red eyes were full of admiration and respect.

Even the several destruction-level masters knelt on one knee at this moment, and the sound shook the earth:

"Welcome my Lord!!!"

The black-robed man who was bowed to by countless figures suddenly burned with red flames, and a long red dragon rushed into the sky along the blood light...

The blood light rising from the top of his head instantly covered the originally clear sky, turning it into a dark night...

The rolling red flames gradually dissipated along the blood light, and a domineering figure wearing crimson armor descended on this world-

A dark red long hair fluttered, and a handsome and evil man stepped out of the flames and stood in the air under the witness of hundreds of thousands of lives! ŴŴŴ.

A long fiery red dragon circled around him, and his weird face showed a domineering meaning, as if he was an unparalleled monarch who came to the world! !

In the distance, Lu Jinchang, the commander of the battlefield, looked at the evil man in the air, and his arm holding the scepter trembled.

His eyeballs trembled, and his old face instantly became extremely solemn, and he murmured:

"Lord of the Eternal Night..."

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