Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 621 The ceremony is about to be completed, and the first generation of the Owl King is defea

The blood pool was surging, and the rich blood seemed to turn into a physical blood hand that grasped the surroundings, revealing the hideous ghost faces below.

The spell array covering the entire Eternal Night King City was also spreading under the blessing of the blood sea.

The deep red blood sea covered the layers of earth like a wave, and the ground veins trembled. The blood waves swept all the creatures wherever they passed, and the black spells raged in the sky...

Even more strangely, the black spell began to emit an invisible smell of decay. Wherever it passed, the body qi of the creatures began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually turned into a pile of dry bones!

The mountains and rivers gradually collapsed, and cracks like abysses and canyons appeared. The grass and plants dried up and withered, and the vitality disappeared, turning into black powder and dissipating in the air.

All creatures began to age rapidly the moment the deep red blood sea and the black spell passed through. The vitality in the body seemed to be sucked away and quickly shriveled, and finally turned into a pool of dry bones.

In the center of the capital, the expanding black magic circle continuously shot out spell-like chains, injecting all the life essence absorbed from the outside world into the blood sea in the center of the array.

As the blood continued to flow in, the blood cocoon in the center of the array became more and more red, and the figure inside became clearer...

The price was that the entire world and the vitality of the life in it were shrinking and regressing!

"What is going on?!"

"So... so scary, is the sky collapsing?"

"My hand, my body!!"

The countless creatures below were shocked to see the sky collapse and fall one after another, revealing the empty and endless void above.

Some people even felt the abnormality of their bodies, wailing in pain, and soon turned into a pool of bones.

"High Priest, have you been deceiving me all this time?!"

Ye Jiuyou, who was high on the purple crystal throne, felt that the magic energy in his body was being continuously pulled by the black spell, and looked at the nightmare in the red robe with bloodshot eyes.

It was because Nightmare had promised him that if he gathered the power of the six reincarnations, he could open the reincarnation gate and save the people, that he raised the power of the Night Clan to help Nightmare, even at the cost of violating the wishes of his ancestors.

But everything that happened before his eyes was obviously beyond his expectations, so there was only one reason for this-

From the beginning to the end, the high priest of the three dynasties had been deceiving him!

Unfortunately, no one cares about the demon lord on the throne now, and everyone's eyes are focused on the center of the dark array.

As the energy in the blood pool condensed to the peak, the blood-red cocoon suddenly broke open, and a pair of black pupils suddenly opened-

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the sky was broken, and thunder roared in the broken sky. The angry thunder gradually faded away after a few breaths, and the heavenly punishment that angered the world did not come for a long time.

It was as if... even the will of heaven was afraid of the existence that was about to come.

"No, it's too late, hurry up!!"

Xue Qianya and the other owl kings looked at each other. They all felt the oppression brought by the strange existence in the center of the array. The throbbing that emerged from the depths of the soul was unique.

We must not let the existence inside come out!

For a moment, the first generation of owl kings exploded the magic energy that was still dissipating in their bodies to the extreme, and launched an attack from all directions in the center of the royal city towards the center of the array!

Xue Qianya stretched out her hands, lightly pointed her white jade fingers forward, and the Tao of death and life around her turned into a dark purple evil light, like a gust of wind sweeping across the world.

The space in the distance flickered frequently, and the already fragile space collapsed inch by inch under the continuous flickering of a white shadow, revealing the endless black void below.

Ji Youfeng controlled the evolved black prison space and rushed towards the blood cocoon in the center of the blood pool with a broken void blade in his hand!

The crazy sand giant standing in the north of the royal city punched out, trying to blast open the blood cocoon wrapped in an unknown object.

At the same time, ghostly demon butterflies, holy angels, and boundless blood shadows all launched a fierce attack on the center of the dark formation at the same time.

But surprisingly, the twelve priests surrounding the formation did not stop the desperate attacks of many owl kings.

Instead, they chanted obscure spells, and the blood and souls surging in the formation became deeper and deeper, and the boundless blood pool at the center of the formation gradually turned into a black ink color.

Seeing that the purple light containing the Dao of life and death was about to fall on the edge of the blood pool at the center of the formation, a strange scene happened-

The black spell chains were like giant pythons entwined on the purple beams, and then they devoured the Dao of life and death contained in it like greedy evil spirits, and even the invisible strong wind turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated.

Next, the demon butterflies, angel shadows, and killing blood were all devoured by the black iron chains that seemed to have life.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a huge shadow descended from the sky, crushing the blood cocoon with a mighty force like a falling Titan.

On the shoulder of this huge yellow sand giant, there stood a tall figure in armor.

The first generation of the corpse clan owl king - Jiang Yuan!

A white light flashed in the center of the formation, and a cold light slashed at the blood cocoon with a sharp blade in hand.

The white death god - Ji Youfeng!

The moment the sharp blade touched the surface of the blood cocoon, the blood-colored cocoon made a crisp "click" sound, and it was like a spider web winding and splitting.

The chanting of the twelve priests around him also stopped abruptly, the ceremony was complete!

The next moment, Ji Youfeng's cold eyes trembled suddenly, and his figure in the air was also stagnant for a moment.

I saw a pair of gray arms stretched out from the blood cocoon and grabbed the void blade in his hand.

In his eyes, the arm turned from gray to dark as ink, and the strange thing was that the void blade forged by Ji Youfeng's extraction of spatial power turned into ashes the moment it was grabbed by that hand!

Not only that, a decayed breath that made him extremely palpitating continued to extend along the blade and attacked his body!

Not good!!

Ji Youfeng's expression moved slightly, and he shuttled through space almost at the moment when the gray decayed power invaded his body, flashing a thousand meters away.

But then, Jiang Yuan had already controlled the huge crazy sand giant to crush down!


Amidst the flying dust, the 100-meter-high sand giant collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a castle in the air! !

The surface of the yellow sand giant turned into black gravel, and its movements became extremely slow, like an old film.

Jiang Yuan jumped off the giant's shoulder expressionlessly, driving the yellow sand to wrap his right fist and blast downward.

But the figure who walked out of the blood cocoon also punched out, with an indescribable smell of decay.

The two disproportionate fists, one large and one small, collided with each other, but did not make any sound.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan's right arm wrapped in yellow sand was also infected by the decayed breath and began to turn into a strange gray-black color.

Jiang Yuan was shocked. He found that he seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible suction cup and could not escape the erosion of the decayed breath at all.

He immediately stretched out his left hand and turned it into a knife, cutting off his right arm from the shoulder, and black and red blood spurted out.

Jiang Yuan also took the opportunity to withdraw, and the next moment his right arm also turned into black gravel and shattered!

Not only that, the broken part of his arm was also infected by the smell of decay, and it was difficult to grow a new arm.

As the ancestor of zombies, he couldn't even regenerate a broken limb! !

What kind of power is this? !

As Jiang Yuan was seriously injured, the yellow sand in the sky dissipated, revealing a gray-black figure, with ink-like hair dancing wildly, and a pair of black pupils filled with evil and indifference.

The moment they saw this figure, everyone present took a breath of cold air.

Because, this figure, whether in terms of body shape or face, is exactly the same as the Lord of Eternal Night in the sky! !

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