Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 91: Scorching Sun, Destruction-level Wang Dapeng

"What is that?"

A ball of red fire was reflected in everyone's eyes, and it was so dazzling even in the broad daylight.

The object wrapped in the dazzling red fire was finally seen clearly by many awakened people--

On the distant horizon, a huge convoy of punk motorcycles was seen.

One punk motorcycle after another was like a galloping horse on the grassland, accompanied by the violent roar of the steam engine, and was running wildly on the abandoned asphalt road.

In the middle of this obviously modified punk convoy, a fiery red painted motorcycle was roaring ahead of the rest of the vehicles.

What was surprising was that behind this group of modified wild motorcycles, there was actually a blazing fire!

And behind the wheels of the fiery red steam locomotive in the middle, a huge, dark green headless zombie was dragged by an iron chain!

The head of the giant zombie had been cut off long ago, but the body was still struggling frantically, rubbing a dark groove violently on the asphalt ground, showing its tenacious vitality.

What's more terrifying is that the closer you get, the more terrifying the energy fluctuations emitted by this headless zombie are. The dark green blood splashes on the road surface, and immediately corrodes the road surface into deep holes!

The headless zombie tied to the back of the car turned out to be a powerful S-level existence!


The unbridled wild voice came from the front of the car, and a thin and dark young man was seen sitting on the red motorcycle in the front:

He was wearing a black leather jacket, revealing his strong shoulders and arms, and a thin scar at the left corner of his eye added a bit of fierceness to his ordinary face.

The young man roared, and the roar of the engine became deafening.

Everyone clearly saw that the jet of the engine was not spewing black steam, but a fierce red flame!

Once the flames were released, they burst out like the breath of a giant dragon, and all of them sprayed on the headless zombie as if they had life.

The headless zombie was burned by the strong flames, and its struggling body became more violent, but the flames bit the zombie's flesh and blood like a thorn in the bone...

In just a few breaths, the headless zombie's body burned into a sticky charred corpse with a faint green luster! !


Almost at the moment when the fiery red flames burned the headless zombie into charcoal, a roar of zombies came from the back of the convoy.

One by one, the terrifying zombies with hideous faces followed closely behind the motorcycle team, roaring and running towards the Yuhai base! !

The strong stench of the corpse group was clearly audible even from hundreds of meters away.

Looking at their number, they were no less than the mutant zombies they encountered in the Lan'an City Club Building. Several of them had strong fluctuations on their bodies, and they were top-level A-level heretics! !

The speed of the zombies was extremely fast, but the steam locomotive they were chasing had obviously been modified in some strange way.

The engine was roaring, and the tires were rubbing against the ground, producing sparks. It was running even faster than some mutant zombies that were known for their speed!

Each steampunk locomotive had a red flag on the front of it, with a rising black dragon outlined in black paint.

The black dragon on a red background was the symbol of the Shenglong Society under Wang Dapeng, one of the three guardians of the Yuhai Base! !

The punk cars were speeding on the asphalt road, accompanied by billowing flames, and followed by a black tide of zombies. The extremely spectacular scene stunned everyone's eyes.

This scene looked like this team of more than a hundred people was having a bonfire carnival with the zombies in the flames...

Soon, this flamboyant team had already rushed to the front of the base wall.

And the man in a leather jacket on the red locomotive also jumped off the locomotive in an instant.

He bent his knees and squatted, took a breath, and his big mouth bulged up like a blower, as if there was some explosive energy brewing inside.

The convoy behind him stopped behind the man in the leather jacket, not worrying that the man in the jacket would have to resist the ferocious zombies alone.

At this time, the zombies were less than a hundred meters away from them, and in a few breaths they would completely invade this human safety zone called Yuhai!

The man in the jacket had a crazy look in his eyes, and he jumped high into the air. A ball of fire appeared under his feet to help him float in the air, and a beam of red, thick flames like magma sprayed out of his mouth.

The flame expanded and gushed in an instant, like a torrent of fire waves pouring down on the zombies in front of him.

Countless zombies were burned by the scorching flames that seemed to fall from the sky. They were unconscious and began to scream and roar wildly at this moment. Their ferocious facial features and dancing figures in the flames made them look like loyal believers of fire at first glance.

Countless low-level zombies could not even resist the high temperature and raging fire like a wave, and were directly burned to ashes.

A few high-level zombies jumped out of the sea of ​​fire, their bodies were burnt, and they grabbed the jacket youth with sharp teeth and claws as if they did not feel any pain.

At this moment, a grim smile appeared on the slightly dark face of the jacket man.

A ball of fire suddenly exploded around him, and his body began to burn violently like a flame.

Strangely, the jacket man's clothes were obtained from nowhere, and the fireproof effect was surprisingly good, and the leather did not seem to be burned at all.

I saw that his arms swelled several times in an instant, which was very different from his thin body.

The swollen arms were covered with flowing fiery red gullies, as if there were countless hot magma that was about to erupt and was accumulating power...

The jacket man was surrounded by fireworks, and his arms like magma swung violently. This blow with flashing flames was like a meteorite burning the ground and a volcanic eruption.

The first few A-level zombies that rushed over were directly smashed by the explosive fist, and even the several mutant zombies next to them were burned by the raging flames, and their bodies turned into charcoal in an instant.

But the jacket man's punch was not over yet. The fierce fist accompanied by the flames condensed into a hideous dog head in the air, and with the momentum of the sky river pouring back, it blasted towards the remaining zombies behind.

"Dog bite flame breath!!"

A huge fireball like nuclear fission rose directly from the flat ground, and the residual heat of the explosion made it difficult for people to open their eyes.

After the explosion, everyone opened their eyes, and what they saw was that the originally flat road was now full of burning flames. The fire was still raging and expanding outwards, with no sign of calming down.

And those crazy zombie monsters were now burned into dregs...

Everyone turned their eyes to the thin figure of the man in the jacket, but no one dared to underestimate this dark man with an unremarkable appearance.

Because he was the strategic "weapon" of the Yuhai Base, the fire elementalist known as "Scorching Sun" among the three guardians, and the head of the Shenglong Society - Wang Dapeng! !

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