Ye Xuan spread his hands and said helplessly, "Oh, how lonely it is to be invincible.

In fact, the script of this level is somewhat similar to the level of greed, the difference is that his "workmate" has reached the pinnacle of life step by step, becoming the consort of the strongest empire, marrying Bai Fumei, and obtaining countless resources.

But he is still a coolie mining Spirit Stones in the mine.

Of course, this is the original script.

Then when it comes to Ye Xuan, if you don’t change it, can it still be him~?

There is no way, Ye Xuan's cultivation speed is too heaven-defying, directly throwing his "hair" far-far.

Originally, in this way, the valued Talent who becomes the son-in-law will become Ye Xuan, but this bug has been fixed.

The princess was probably blind, she just took a fancy to the "Heavenly Chosen Son" in the illusion whose looks and cultivation base are not as good as Ye Xuan's.

Is it possible to make Ye Xuan feel jealous?

As soon as he was born, he attracted the attention of the Elder in the clan, and he wanted to make him the holy son directly!

From the beginning to the end, almost all the resources of the Ye family were tilted towards him, why didn't Tu Xuan want to get it?

How could he be half jealous of this false "chosen son"?

As for the princess, I'm sorry, is there a woman by Ye Xuan's side?

Which one is not magnificent?

Which one is not incomparable?

Which one is not Baba rushing to catch up!

Is Ye Xuan jealous of such a woman with big breasts and no brains?

What a fucking joke!

Although she is somewhat pretty, she is far behind Wanhuang!

How can this idiot catch up with his powerful, well-behaved and beautiful little Wanhuang?

Ye Xuan frowned and shook his head, and said in embarrassment: "Oh, there is no one who can fight."

After speaking, he went straight to the seventh floor.

"Welcome to the Tower of Bliss, the last floor, Pride."

The seventh relief was finally brightened. This relief has no color, only a black phantom figure, which looks weird and philosophical.

At this time, the emotions of the onlookers outside were also pulled to the highest point.

Ye Xuan couldn't clear the level because of betting [Many people at the scene hoped that Ye Xuan would fail in the last ten levels.

For a time, the entire tower was filled with booing.

The city lord looked at these people, but smiled coldly.

ask for flowers...

Without a trace, he walked to the side of the person who set up the handicap, and asked for the list of punters.

In the City of Bliss, there is no secret that can be hidden from the Lord of Bliss.

After getting the rubbings of this list, the city owner returned to his original position in a satisfied and low-key manner.

The Tower of Bliss, the seventh floor.

Ye Xuan lost consciousness, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in an extremely familiar place.

This is... Ye Family's Martial Arts Arena?

How come here?

Check out the own Cultivation Base again, it is the same as other than illusion, this scene is too real, but it makes Ye Xuan feel a little unreal.

There were quite a few Ye family disciples around, either chatting or competing, Ye Xuan could even hear their conversations and the muffled grunts when they were hit.

But the only abnormal thing is that their faces are blank, with no expression, no facial features, nothing... nothing.

Ye Xuan frowned, and tentatively called them a few times, but they didn't respond at all!

"Hey! Can't you hear me?"

Ye Xuan stepped forward again, shaking his hand in front of one of the disciples, but the other didn't seem to see him. .

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