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Chapter 55 The Temptation From The Headquarters, The Mysterious Ghost Recorder (Seeking Flowers, Eva

"Chen Xuan?"

Lu Pingchuan chewed on the name slightly, "That's right, the first thing I suspected was Chen Xuan, but from the report submitted by Zhong Qing, he didn't have the slightest aura.

And from his reaction, it is indeed the reaction of an ordinary person.

I have found many behavioral psychologists to analyze these, and there is no problem. "

Feeling as if his theory could not stand, Lu Pingchuan added.

"I also sent two captain-level ghost riders to Chen Xuan's house to confirm Chen Xuan's aura, and there was no ghost."

Using the Ghost Master to confirm the Ghost Master is the most simple and effective method in itself.

Moreover, Lu Pingchuan still sent two captain-level ghost riders to investigate secretly.

Didn't find the slightest problem.

However, how did he know that Chen Xuan's ghostly aura could be completely hidden because of the system.

This is also the reason why the ghosts and even the ghosts rewarded by the system did not harm Chen Xuan in the slightest.

For another Specter, even if Chen Xuan can control it, it will have many negative effects.

Even so, Chen Xuan's current personality and emotions have been affected to a certain extent, but compared to other ghost hunters, it is much weaker.

Hearing Lu Pingchuan's words, Luo Zhi was also silent for a moment.

He suddenly said, "Minister Lu, now there is an opportunity to verify whether it is Chen Xuan, and it is very effective."


Lu Pingchuan shrank his pupils and said quickly, "Dr. Luo, speak quickly!"

"Find someone to go to Chen Xuan's house."

Luo Zhi said clearly, "If Chen Xuan is really a gentleman, then he should not be at the home of Xingfu Community at this time, but on the road to Yongling City.

But such probing is risky.

Because we can't be sure if the gentleman is willing to reveal his true identity to us.

So my plan is to send someone to conduct a remote observation in the building opposite their house in Xingfu Community. First, determine whether he is at home. If he is, it proves that the gentleman is not Chen Xuan, and he attaches more importance to Chen Ruoqing than the former.

Of course, if Chen Xuan is not at home at all, the result is not 100% accurate, but at least more than 80% likely, the gentleman is Chen Xuan. "

Lu Pingchuan fell into silence, and after a full minute, he suddenly said.

"Okay, let's do that."

This decision may seem simple, but it is actually a huge risk.

Because once the vigilance of the gentleman is aroused, the other party may be dissatisfied, which is an undesired situation for the Ghost Rider headquarters.

Now that the power of the Ghost Rider is quite tricky to deal with the increasing number of supernatural events, I really don't want other problems to arise.

"Come on, send someone to Xingfu Community, no, in the community outside Xingfu Community, use binoculars to observe, don't send ghost hunters there."

Lu Pingchuan quickly issued an order.

"There is only one purpose, to confirm whether Chen Xuan is at home. If there is, let the unfamiliar number dial the phone, no, let the communication department use the way of promoting advertising, so it is not easy to suspect."

I don't use the power of the ghost hunter because I'm afraid that if Chen Xuan is really a gentleman, even if he is far away, he can clearly feel it.

On the contrary, this kind of secret is not easy to be discovered by traditional methods.

Soon, several investigators in plainclothes came to the rooftop of a street-facing community opposite Xingfu Community.

The time is approaching the afternoon, and there are not many residents left in the entire Xingfu Community because of the previous incident.

Investigators quickly found the floor where Chen Xuan's house was.

The high-powered telescope looked directly over.


The investigator was stunned for a moment, then looked at it for a few seconds before making a call.

"Report, found the target, the target is at home, sitting on the sofa watching TV, the content should be a series."

"at home?"

Lu Pingchuan's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow.

"Then the next plan!"

He ordered directly.

Not long after, Jingle's phone rang at Chen Xuan's house.

The phone rang and no one seemed to answer.

The second sound, still no one answered.

Lu Pingchuan and others who heard the voice at the same time couldn't help but change their expressions. Could it be that this Chen Xuan is fake?

At this moment, the phone was suddenly picked up, and Chen Xuan's voice came from it.

"Hello! Who is it?"

Lu Pingchuan and the others flickered and looked at the sound analysis expert next to them.

The expert looked at the instrument and nodded, confirming that it was Chen Xuan's voice without a doubt.

"Isn't it?"

Lu Pingchuan muttered to himself softly, and suddenly waved his hand, and immediately the regular advertising slogan of the communication staff on the other side sounded.

"It's not Chen Xuan, let's end this matter!"

After a moment, Lu Pingchuan directly ordered, "All recorded information about this operation will be destroyed. Whoever leaks the slightest bit will bear the consequences."


On the other end, just as Lu Pingchuan's order was issued, Chen Xuan slowly hung up the phone.

His eyes still looked at the TV in front of him, and he didn't move at all.

However, beside him, a rusty and blood-stained axe was placed at his feet at some point.

And during the call just now, from beginning to end, his lips didn't move at all.

If someone walked in at this time, they could see an old-fashioned tape recorder on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

The tape recorder seemed to be repeating the words just now.

"Hey, who are you?"

"I don't need it, thanks!"

"Hey, isn't it better to answer like this?"

An extremely strange scene appeared, and the voice recorder actually started to make a dialogue-like sound.

It was exactly the same as the voice he had just answered the phone.

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