Chen Xuan opened the mirror and handed it directly to the ghost doll.

The ghost doll raised his hand and replaced his gaze with the mirror.

In an instant, the head of the owner of the ghost barber shop appeared in the ghost mirror.

Suddenly, Specter's instinctive killing rules began to work.


Countless black strands of hair rose up from the back of its head like tentacles and began to protrude forward.

Under the existence of this mortal rule, the other self in the mirror actually possesses the same ability.

So, the head of the ghost barber shop began to use hair as a weapon, ready to tear this existence that has the same ability as himself.

However, its hair was raised, but it directly covered its face.

The black hair began to tangle, and the head of the entire Ghost Barbershop owner was completely wrapped in dense mahjong.

No gaps are revealed.

"Huh? You cover your eyes, isn't this a crash?"

Chen Xuan looked at this scene with a thoughtful look.

The ghost is dead.

But this kind of crash is only temporary. Once the mirror is removed, the power will disappear, the hair that was originally covered will be put down, and Specter can kill again.

The same is true of death.

But this is no longer important, the temporary crash is enough for Chen Xuan to find the ghost scissors.

Soon, he rummaged through the house recklessly.

But except for the head, the rest of the equipment is clear at a glance, and there is no ghost scissors at all.

"Is it really the three scissors?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but look at the three scissors that had never been moved, and now he can only suspect that these three scissors need to be under special circumstances before they can play the role of ghost scissors.

To be on the safe side, Chen Xuan chose to take away the three scissors.

With the scissors taken away, Chen Xuan naturally has no meaning to stay here any longer.

He took back the ghost mirror and let the ghost doll continue to suppress the other party.

In fact, Chen Xuan also considered letting the ghost doll devour it, but unfortunately, the ghost that devoured the last time has not completely digested it, so this time he can only give up.

Stepping out of the door of the Ghost Barbershop, Chen Xuan returned to the street again.

The current situation is not good.

Chen Xuan let the ghost doll walk in front, and absorbed the ghost disguised as a human being, so she could sense the direction of the ghost in advance.

"These three scissors are probably not ghost scissors."

Chen Xuan thought to himself, "Since this is the case, the ghost scissors can only be on the ghost city officer, or there is a clue on him.

There is also a 440 point, the current method of leaving here is not clear.

Chen Xuan also did not expect that he had been busy for a long time, but in the end he could not solve a problem.

I looked at the time, and before I knew it, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

"According to what Zhao Min said, at 4:44 p.m., the ghost city officials will start patrolling the three storefronts.

Maybe I can take this opportunity to observe first to see if the ghost town officials have ghost scissors. "

Chen Xuan had an idea in his mind and was ready to go back to the original Ghost Hotel.

It's not that he guessed that the ghost city officials will appear there, but that if there are survivors there, they can test the killing rules of the ghost city officials.

After a while on Elm Street, Chen Xuan understood a message, that the terrifying Specter may not kill people in a way that you can see.

So there must be some caution.

At 4:39, Chen Xuan saw the sign of the Ghost Hotel.

To his surprise, there were actually four figures walking out of the signboard at this time.

They looked nervous and fearful. After looking around, they hurriedly rushed into the darkness of the side street.

"There are actually four survivors, right?"

Chen Xuan glanced at the direction in which the other party fled, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

These people may be useful later.

Soon, 44 points came.

Chen Xuan hid in the shadows in the other direction, and there was a sudden wave of fluctuations from the ghost doll beside him.

A ghost appeared.

In the entire Ghost Street, there is only one person who can roam at will, and that is the ghost town officer.



A sound like the collision of keys came out of nowhere from the street.

The weak voice seemed to be ringing in his ears, making people have an urge to find out.

However, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed and he forcibly suppressed this impulse.

He knew that this was from the ability of the other side Li Gui, and it seemed that he could let those living people who were hiding in the dark come out on their own.

But I don't know what the survivors on the other side did, and they didn't show up.

Then, Chen Xuan saw that on the dark street in the distance, a figure in urban management costume came over step by step.

This figure, at first glance, is no different from ordinary urban management.

Medium stature, blue-black uniform, with a baton on his waist (aieb), he looks very much in line with the characteristics of urban management.

However, if you look closely, you can see that the exposed skin is full of large corpse spots, and even a strong corpse odor wafts from a long distance.

Looking up, on the top of the city management officer's head, there is actually a bald head.

No, to be precise, all the scalp on the head seemed to be torn off.

Only bloody flesh remains.

Blood still seemed to flow from the top of the head and down the face.

It seemed to soak through the clothes, and then dripped onto the ground.

Tick ​​tock!

With every step, blood fell to the ground.

The other party didn't seem to pay attention to anyone, but walked directly to the door of the Ghost Hotel.

The next moment, the door creaked and opened automatically.

Chen Xuan's footsteps moved and silently activated the ability of ghost shoes.

Appeared directly at the door of the Ghost Hotel.

He is also a master of art and bold, and if he were any ghost driver, he would never dare to follow behind the ghost city officials.

Chen Xuan could clearly see that the ghost town manager walked directly into the restaurant. At this moment, the ghost chef who was standing in the kitchen also appeared in the lobby at some point.

It seems to be welcoming the arrival of the ghost town officials.

The ghost town officer also stood in front of the ghost chef, and then, something that surprised Chen Xuan happened.

The ghost chef raised his arms, and Hi started to chop his clothes with the kitchen knife.

As a result, his coat fell to the ground in just one click, revealing a hideous, terrifying layer of terrifying fat.


Chen Xuan's mouth twitched, and he felt that something was wrong. Could it be that there is still such a weird habit among Specter?

If this is the case, he does not want to watch all this here, because it is too hot for the eyes.

However, he soon realized that he was thinking too much.

Because the ghost chef, who had just undressed, stood motionless, and then saw the ghost town manager unbutton himself.

To Chen Xuan's surprise, under his clothes, the ghost town officer's chest was actually not flesh and blood, but a piece of skeleton.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan wondered in his heart, is there a dead bone inside this ghost town?

But his outer head is intact, just a little rotten.

Before Chen Xuan could recover from his doubts, a scene that surprised him suddenly appeared.

The ghost town officer who reached into his chest actually grabbed a pair of old-fashioned scissors from it.

As soon as these old-fashioned scissors appeared, a terrifying ghostly breath was released from them.

"Ghost Scissors!"

Chen Xuan whispered in his heart, he didn't expect to find scissors here.

At this moment, he was very sure that this pair of scissors was the ghost scissors he was looking for.

But how could these ghost scissors be in the hands of the ghost city officials?

What is he using these scissors for?

I saw the ghost city officer holding the ghost scissors and slashing the scissors down at the ghost chef's fat.

An unbelievable scene appeared.

Originally, the ghost chef had layers upon layers of bloated and unsightly fat, but was cut off by a pair of scissors.

Then the flesh and blood actually stuck directly to his body.

And his bone-filled chest began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if a skeleton began to turn back into a living person.

"Absorb flesh and blood?"

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly understood a possibility.

"Could it be that the purpose of the existence of the ghosts in these three stores is to provide bodies for the ghost city officials?

Or, to let the ghost city officials harvest a complete body?"

Yes, Chen Xuan feels that he has found the law of the existence of Elm Street.

Ghost town officers get flesh from ghost chefs, and bones from headless skeletons in the ghost shop.

And get the hair from the head owner of the barber shop.

And this ghost scissors is the tool he used to piece together the perfect body.

In this way, everything makes sense.

Just as Chen Xuan was pondering, the clothes of the ghost town officer who had been piecing together the flesh and blood suddenly reappeared.

And after he put his ghost scissors in his chest, turned his head, took one step, and the whole person disappeared directly from the ghost hotel.

"Strength increased?"

Chen Xuan's complexion changed, and his subconscious ability to activate immediately disappeared.

Just as he and the ghost doll disappeared, the ghost town officer appeared there directly.


The keys on his waist were constantly colliding, making a crisp sound.

The ghost city management stood there, staring blankly ahead, as if waiting for something.

But Chen Xuan knew that it was sensing its own breath.

Chen Xuan clearly felt that after the ghost city management had flesh and blood, his senses and abilities were enhanced.

While thinking about it, suddenly the ghost city management figure disappeared again.

Coincidentally, in the position where he appeared, there happened to be a hidden survivor.


This is a woman who screamed uncontrollably when she saw the ghost town tube appear.

But at this moment, the ghost city manager turned his head, and his dull eyes instantly turned to her.

The next moment, the ghost scissors were directly pulled out of his chest by him.

Fake it at the woman.


The crisp closing sound of the scissors appeared in an instant, and the screams in the female's mouth also stopped abruptly.

Because the woman's body seemed to be cut directly from the middle by a giant pair of scissors.

No blood, no guts.

Even the screams were not issued, and there was no life at all.

At the same time, the flesh and blood on her body began to dissipate, as if absorbed by the ghost city management.

And the bones also disappeared, Chen Xuan found that the ghost city Guan's rickety figure seemed to become taller and straighter.

"Absorbed bone?"

On the last head, the scalp and hair also disappeared.

It appeared directly on the scalp of the ghost town officer.

It seemed to be completely buckled on it, so that the ghost town officer suddenly got a beautiful long black hair.


This state only lasted for a short moment, and the scalp and hair seemed to be unable to bear it, and began to rot and disappear quickly.

That feeling, like it's not its hair at all.

Not his hair? Where did his hair go?"

Chen Xuan's mind suddenly flashed such a question, and he couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Could it be that the ghost hair that my sister got has something to do with this ghost town manager?

Otherwise, why did the ghost blackboard give such a plan to let him come here to find ghost scissors?

The ghost town manager left, and after just a few steps, he disappeared completely.

Chen Xuan didn't keep up, the information he was able to determine now was.

The ghost town manager has ghost scissors, and the ghost town manager has clues to leave.

Chen Xuan guessed that the clue was probably related to the set of keys on him.


The ability of the ghost city management is terrible now. The ghost scissors are similar to their own death scythes. As long as the scissors go down, the person will be directly cut in half.

"I wonder if the ghost doll can suppress him?"

Chen Xuan made a conjecture, and according to his idea, used the ghost doll to suppress the ghost city officer, and then cut off his arm holding the scissors with the death sickle.

In this way, you can obtain ghost scissors, and the danger level of ghost city officials who lose ghost scissors is naturally greatly reduced.

As long as he can find a way to take his key, he might be able to find his way out.

But before that, you still need to determine where to leave.

"If I guess correctly, the last stop of the ghost town management must be the barber shop.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he walked directly in the direction of the Ghost Barbershop.

He decided to wait there for each other.

If you can successfully find the way out, then you can start.

In the dark and silent street, there were several screams from time to time.

Those survivors who were hiding in the dark were attracted by the sound of the ghost town officer's key, and were finally split open by a pair of scissors.

Chen Xuan didn't pay any attention to this, his purpose was just to find the ghost scissors and get out of here.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Chen Xuan finally saw the ghost town officer appear at the door of the ghost barber shop.

Compared to before, the ghost town officer's figure is taller and taller, and obviously he has obtained a lot of bones in the ghost store.


He pushed open the door and walked into the Ghost Barbershop, and it didn't take long for him to reappear.

This time, the proper hair did not appear on his head, but the scalp was still missing.

Showing bloody flesh.

Chen Xuan has been hiding far away, watching from a distance, while letting the ghost doll stare at each other.

Sensing Li Gui's breath, on the contrary, he can find the trace of the other party at this time.


The footsteps of the ghost town manager disappeared directly.

Also disappeared, there are ghost dolls.

Both are serious ghosts, and naturally there is no situation where they will be killed by each other.

As long as the ghost doll finds each other's location, Chen Xuan can also find it.

Time passed, an hour, two hours, three hours passed.

Chen Xuan could only feel that the ghost city officials seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the entire Elm Street.

It seems to be on patrol.

Finally, after a full four hours, Chen Xuan's eyes finally flashed, and the ghost doll stopped.

PS: Please customize, fully order, thank you! .

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