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Chapter 75: Strange Ghost Stairs, The Smog Expands, And The Terrifying Disaster Shrouding Xiadu (Ple

Dayu Villa!

Just as Chen Xuan got off the bus, he saw Zhu Pengcheng's figure appearing at the gate of the community.

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

Zhu Pengcheng said with a smile.

"Where did he go missing? I've dealt with paranormal events here before, and there have been no problems. 11

"Not here, but on the hill behind the villa area."

Zhu Pengcheng pointed to the distance.

"In order to maintain the topographical environment in that villa area, the back mountain has not been moved before."

"I've been thinking about the past few days since Mr. Chen lives here, whether to repair the back mountain and make it a garden-like place.

Who would have thought that, less than two days after the start of construction, five migrant workers went missing unexpectedly. "

"Are you sure it's missing?"

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows, "Have you seen a corpse or something?"

He didn't care about the life and death of a few migrant workers, but felt that if the other party was not a supernatural incident, it would simply be a waste of his time.

"No, they just disappeared out of thin air, and even the salutation of the shed is still there. 27

Zhu Pengcheng shook his head, "And I heard from the foreman that they just went to the old abandoned house in Houshan at night, and they never came back."

"Abandoned old house?"

Chen Xuan glanced at him, "Have you seen it?"


Zhu Pengcheng nodded, "But I didn't go in, I just looked outside. It is understood that when this building was developed before, because the old house was deep in the back mountain, the architectural style was retro, and the original planning drawings were not intended to be there. The location developed, so there was no movement.

Now that they are all missing, I feel this is unusual, so I ask Mr. Chen's opinion first. "

Chen Xuan nodded slightly when he heard the words. Zhu Pengcheng was sensitive to supernatural events because of the previous ghost ball incident.

So I thought of this possibility.

However, whether it is a supernatural event or not, he still needs to see it to know.

Under the leadership of Zhu Pengcheng, Chen Xuan soon came to the back mountain of the villa area.

The original concept here is an ecological garden, which is actually a gimmick made by developers to save costs.

Following a mountain road, Chen Xuan went straight down to the foot of the mountain.

In the middle of a mountain, I saw a three-story building made of blue bricks.

This small building looks retro and has a style similar to the palace. At first glance, it seems to have existed for at least a hundred years.

However, in the past hundred years, this small building has not been damaged in the slightest, but the walls of the yard outside are a little broken.

Chen Xuan's expression froze when he saw this small building for the first time.

Definitely has something to do with paranormal events.

"Okay! Let your people go away!"

Chen Xuan didn't approach, and directly said to Zhu Pengcheng, "It's very dangerous here, send someone to raise an alert and prohibit anyone from approaching."


Zhu Pengcheng did not expect Chen Xuan to make a judgment before he approached, and his face changed immediately.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."


Chen Xuan nodded, "I'll go in and see for myself, so don't follow me."

After speaking, he ignored the crowd and walked directly towards the old house.

As soon as he stepped inside the wall, Chen Xuan felt a cold wind rising out of nowhere in the yard.

And these winds are not blowing from other places, but are generated because of the strange aura emanating from the old house.

The door of the old house is in a double-door state, and it is covered with a thick layer of metal.

Chen Xuan subconsciously put his hand on it, and immediately raised his brows.

"Huh? Is there a mezzanine that isolates supernatural powers?"

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he realized that his ghost ability could not penetrate.

This shows that there must be pure gold in the interlayer.

Only pure gold can stop the invasion of its psychic powers.

This also proves that there must be ghosts in this old house.

There is such an old house in the backyard of his own house, and Chen Xuan, the owner, must not allow it.

At least, go in and check the situation.

After thinking about it, he took off the top hat on his head and put on his original suit.

Then he opened the door and stepped into the old house.


The moment Chen Xuan disappeared, the door of the old house closed automatically with a muffled sound.

Dark, damp, with a slight musty smell in the air.

This is Chen Xuan's first impression when he enters the old house.

, in front of the position is a long ladder.

This design is completely different from the current architectural style.

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand to open the door on the left, glanced over, and found that it was empty inside. Except for an old table and chairs, he saw no other abnormality.

On the other side, he also opened the door and took a look, it was the same pattern as on the left, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of Specter's ability.

"Just an ordinary room? No supernatural power at all?"

Chen Xuan's eyes with an (aiec) mask revealed a thoughtful look.

"But the whole house gives me the feeling that there is absolutely the power of the Specter, there is no way to go wrong.

Chen Xuan subconsciously looked back at the door.

Suddenly the complexion changed, because the door had disappeared without knowing when.


Chen Xuan clearly remembered that he had just entered here, and he just opened the door and didn't even enter the room.

Your location is definitely not far from the door.

But now, the door is gone, replaced by a staircase.

It was as if he had appeared upstairs.

"Is it a hallucination?"

Chen Xuan knocked on his ghost cane. His cane itself was good at hallucinations, but with the release of his ability, Chen Xuan really felt that there seemed to be a force of ghosts colliding around him.

However, this collision is not active, but passive.

In other words, Chen Xuan can feel it, but he can't crack it.

If you want to crack it, you must find the source of this old house.

So, where is the source?

Chen Xuan looked at the long stairs behind him, and did not go down, but continued on the Internet.

According to his guess, he should be able to walk to the second floor or even the third floor along the stairs.



Chen Xuan's pulsating footsteps began to head towards the stairs.

Soon, after walking for a few minutes, he suddenly stopped.

"Huh? The second floor is gone?"

Chen Xuan looked puzzled, but he clearly remembered that he had been gone for almost five minutes.

But as a result, the stairs upstairs seemed to have no end, and the door to the second floor was not seen yet.

"No, this illusion is the stairs?"

Chen Xuan understood, this was a ghost staircase with no end in sight.

He was very sure that the migrant workers who disappeared yesterday must have wanted to come in at night to have a look, but they couldn't find their way back on the stairs.

But after so long, why haven't they seen their shadows, even corpses?

Chen Xuan stopped and looked around, the damp and mottled walls and the creaky wooden stairs.

There is no light around, but it is not completely dark, as if there is a dim light reflecting the stairs.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan subconsciously looked at his feet, as if a force was pulling him, preventing him from moving.

Or, let him stop and rest.

"No! Is this the power of the Specter?"

Chen Xuan frowned and directly used the power of ghost shoes. Since you are an illusion, then I will let Specter's ability increase the speed of progress to see if it can break through the influence of illusion.


Chen Xuan's figure almost fell down a few steps, and he was able to walk dozens of steps.

However, this situation continued for a full ten minutes without the slightest result.

Whether Chen Xuan goes upstairs or downstairs, it seems as if there is no end.

It's an endless ghost staircase.

It seems like it never ends.

Also, as soon as you stop, your body seems to sit down uncontrollably.

It seems that there is a voice in your body constantly telling you, take a rest, you are too tired, it is good to sit here, even if it is just for a minute.

But Chen Xuan didn't sit down. His intuition told him that if he did sit down, he would probably be invaded by ghosts.

This kind of method is incomprehensible to him, and if he is careless, he might actually die.

"Can we just keep going?"

Chen Xuan said to himself that in his current state, it would not be a problem to walk for days and nights in a row, but if he couldn't find a way out, it would be really dangerous.

However, now is not the time to think too much, Chen Xuan thought about it, and continued to walk along the stairs.

Only by constantly walking and trying, can we find the law.

Time passed, I don't know how long, far away in the summer capital, the smog that appeared before seemed to be getting thicker and thicker.

"Minister Lu, the smog is a little weird recently!"

Inside the Ghost Rider headquarters building, an assistant said with a solemn expression.

"Beginning yesterday, this smog began to appear over Xiadu, and it specifically shrouded the location of the Ghost Rider's headquarters, covering a radius of more than ten kilometers.

"Anything unusual?"

Looking at the information in his hand, Lu Pingchuan asked suddenly.

He knew that being able to get the assistant to report him here must involve something very serious.

"There was nothing unusual at first, and those who were shrouded in smog didn't show any weird behavior."

The assistant said solemnly, "It's just that starting today, we have found sporadic missing persons.

And these missing persons are all within the scope of the garden haze. "


Lu Pingchuan raised his head, "Have you sent a ghost rider to investigate?"

"It's sent!"

The assistant said, "We sent a team to check and found that they were missing."

"Missing? Trapped somewhere?"

Lu Pingchuan glanced at him, but did not hear words like death.

"do not know!"

The assistant shook his head, "But seriously, we found that there were suddenly more graves in the places where people disappeared.


Lu Pingchuan's heart jumped, and when he heard these two words, he knew that there must be a supernatural event involved.

"That's right! There are pictures here!"

The assistant handed him a photo.

Lu Pingchuan took a look, and his eyes suddenly jumped. In the very center of a pedestrian street, a new tomb made of black graves appeared strangely on the street.

In the photo, you can also see the terrified eyes of the surrounding pedestrians.

"How could this be? Did you send someone to investigate? One team is not enough, so two, three.

Lu Pingchuan said quickly, this is the capital of Xia, the center of the entire Xia Kingdom.

If a large-scale paranormal event does occur, then the trouble is big.

"Send, a captain-level ghost rider, went over to check it out in person, and then took the photos.

The assistant said solemnly, "Yes

Because of this, the problem is more serious. "


"Because the captain is Xue Qian, he said that this tomb is exactly the same as the tomb in Fengmen Village, but there is one less tombstone."

"What? Fengmen Village?"

Lu Pingchuan suddenly stood up from his seat, his face completely changed.

He knew before that the supernatural incident in Fengmen Village involved ghost trees and those strange tombs.

If it weren't for the gentleman's shot, I'm afraid it would be difficult for these captains to leave.

But now, the spirit of Fengmen Village actually appeared in Xiadu.

This is not a very good signal.

"Isn't the ghost tree already dealt with? How can it still appear?"

"I suspect it wasn't dealt with, or rather, it emerged in another way."

Xue Qian didn't know when he came in.

"The medium this time is likely to be the smog. I checked the weather forecast. Originally, all areas in the summer have been sunny in the past few days, and there is no possibility of smog."

Xue Qian coughed a few times and said solemnly, "Minister Lu, I suspect that the supernatural event this time is likely to be a large-scale A-level supernatural event, and it may even rise to

, S grade.


Lu Pingchuan exclaimed in amazement, "Class?"

If it really became an S-level supernatural event, and it still enveloped Xiadu, it would be a terrible disaster.

So far, all recorded S-Class paranormal events in the archives have caused extremely terrifying and serious consequences.

"Quick, immediately mobilize all the captain-level ghost riders who can come out and prepare for the sudden supernatural event of the S-level."

After the shock, Lu Pingchuan hurriedly started giving orders with a serious look.

"Pay close attention to the trend of smog, and will transfer all personnel and important resources covering the regional headquarters.

Direct destruction that cannot be transferred.

Block that area.

Ban any movement of people, fast! Act now. "

"Minister Lu, that area is equivalent to nearly a quarter of Xiadu's area, isn't it a bit too big?"

"You should be praying now that it doesn't continue to spread!"

Lu Pingchuan glanced at his assistant and said.

"If it continues to expand, ordinary people in the entire Xiadu will suffer annihilation."

The assistant's expression froze, and among ordinary people, there is simply no ability to resist this kind of supernatural event.

It didn't take long for orders to be passed directly from the Ghost Rider headquarters.

All Ghost Riders who are not yet tasked are ordered to be ready to deal with the situation of paranormal events at any time.

Of course, the general ghost hunter must not be able to play a very good role here.

To be able to participate in this level of supernatural events, at least one must control the existence of two Specter Ghosts.

"Dr. Luo Zhi, should I be able to participate in this operation?"

On the fifth basement floor of the laboratory, Chen Ruo, with long black hair tied with several red headbands, asked lightly.

"You have mastered the ghost scissors, the ghost hair, and the ghost comb, the three ghosts, and you can definitely participate.

Luo Zhi nodded, "However, I think it's best to observe the changes in your body for a while."

"No, I feel fine."

The expression on Chen Ruoqing's face was a little indifferent, as if his mind was influenced by Li Gui, or it was caused by changes in his body.

"But before that, I have to contact my brother."

Chen Ruoqing reached out and rolled up a strand of long hair, and looked at the red headband tied to her hair.

"Why are there so many red headbands?"

There was a light of thought in her eyes, "Brother, are you hiding something from me?".

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