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Chapter 77 Talk To Chen Ruoqing, Showdown As A Gentleman? Xiadu Mutation, Ghost Realm Upgrade (Pleas

"So I'm not a gentleman, but a magician?"

After completing all the jigsaw puzzles, Chen Xuan finally understood the true meaning of the jigsaw puzzles.

Or rather, the real name of his suit.

Should be called, ghost magician.

The mask covers the expression, so that the world can't see the joy and anger.

The hat holds a world, which can be a rabbit that a magician needs, or a white dove.

Of course, it is more likely to be a ghost.

The ghost windbreaker looks very normal on the surface, but in fact it blocks all eyes from the outside, and cannot see the true mystery of the magician.

And that ghost stick is the magic wand used by magicians to perform magic, and has the ability to control all abilities.

This is also completely in line with the setting of the ghost cane's own ability.

Ghost gloves make the magician's hands become extremely flexible and can complete subtle movements to confuse the audience.

Finally, as a magician, you should have a pair of eyes that see through everything.

Only in this way can we be called a real magician.

Ghost hat, ghost mask, ghost windbreaker, ghost cane, ghost gloves, ghost eyes.

A full six ghost puzzles add up to constitute a complete ghost magician.

At the same time, Chen Xuan can feel that the complete and complete picture of the ghosts not only let him know the true meaning of ghost magicians.

What surprised him even more was that the abilities of all the original puzzles had been enhanced even more.

In other words, it was originally only an A-rank monster, but now its role can reach S-rank.

The ghost eyes that were originally S-rank can even surpass the power of the S-rank itself and become stronger.

In addition, a complete suit must have suit attributes.

And the attribute of the ghost magician is the domain.

"Illusory Ghost Realm! True and false, false is true, false is true, true is false" 607!"

Chen Xuan murmured softly in his mouth, and gently revealed the true power possessed by ghost magicians.

This time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes completely covered with gold emerged from them.

As the rays of light flowed, everything around seemed to be completely disguised in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Completely revealed.

"Hehe! So it is!"

Chen Xuan chuckled, and only then did he realize that the originally long staircase had disappeared.

And himself, from the beginning to the end, stepped on the first step from the first floor to the second floor.

From start to finish, he didn't walk at all.

However, Li Gui's ability affected Chen Xuan, causing him to have a change in his five senses.

This Specter's ability is very unusual, it is all-round deception, and all five senses are affected.

Otherwise, Chen Xuan wouldn't be able to see through.

Well now, his eyes have completely turned into ghost eyes, and they are not ordinary ghost eyes, which can see through everything.

Chen Xuan looked at the steps under his feet and found that this step was completely different from the other colors.

As if there was blood infiltrating it, it looked extremely red.

"Does it seem to be the problem with this step?"

Chen Xuan whispered to himself, I didn't expect this old house to be interesting, and this kind of problem appeared as soon as I entered the door.

This is only the steps of the first floor, there are three floors above, I don't know what kind of strange events will occur.

Just when Chen Xuan was puzzled, suddenly countless blood seeped down from the steps.

This kind of feeling, just like Chen Xuan was in a fantasy before, once he stopped, he would encounter this kind of problem.

It was as if a voice was telling him to rest, sit down, rest forever.

Only now did Chen Xuan know that it was the blood that had permeated above the steps.

This blood has a strange power, as if it can affect people's minds.

"Blood? I just like it."

Chen Xuan whispered to himself, subconsciously using his Blood River Ghost Domain.


The blood that flowed was actually absorbed directly under his feet.

Not absorbed by his body, but absorbed by the entire Blood River Ghost Territory.


The blood is constantly flowing, and the Civic is constantly absorbing.

But that blood itself belongs to Specter's ability, only instinct, not consciousness.

It only knows that it is constantly released to affect the living.

As long as they stay for too long, they will be completely swallowed up by ghost blood and become part of the entire stairs.

At that time, the illusion ability of the steps will be even stronger.

However, who would have thought that these unceasingly flowing ghost blood would encounter an existence that could drink blood better than it.

After drinking it one after another, the color of the entire step began to gradually fade.

I don't know how long it took, until the color was only a little redder than the other steps, and I couldn't even see it without looking closely.

The blood actually stopped flowing and no longer overflowed.

It's not that Li Gui was swallowed up by Chen Xuan, but Li Gui's ability has been weakened to an extreme position.

So much so that the ghostly influence it can now produce is already very weak.

In other words, even if an ordinary person walked in now, he would not fall into any illusion.

"It's just a staircase, what will the second and third floors be?"

Chen Xuan muttered to himself, and then walked upstairs.

This time, with golden ghost eyes, he did not see a new illusion appear.

And successfully came to the second floor.

However, before he could reach out and open the doors of the two rooms, he suddenly frowned.

"Huh? How did this girl go?"

Chen Xuan frowned. He found that after he perfected the Li Gui Jigsaw puzzle, his abilities seemed to be enhanced.

Before, even if he carefully sensed it, he could not accurately sense the position of the ghost head rope.

But just subconsciously, he sensed the position of the ghost head rope and found that the ghost head rope was actually moving.

"Is this girl okay?"

Before Chen Xuan left, he hadn't heard of Chen Ruoqing's recovery.

Is it possible to move now?

With doubts, he subconsciously stopped to continue exploring, turned his head downstairs, and left the old house.

Standing at the door of the old house, Chen Xuan looked in the direction of Xia Du, reached out and took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

This is the phone number Chen Xuan got from Ghost Rider's headquarters, and put it in his hands when he was dealing with the Nightmare Street incident.

When he came back, no one took it back.

In fact, Chen Xuan also knew that the other party left it for him on purpose, in order to be able to contact him when he needed it.

It happened that I could use this phone to dial Chen Ruoqing's number and get in touch to see if she really recovered.

There are other problems.


Chen Xuan's phone number went through and was quickly connected.

But it was just a busy tone, and no one responded.

Chen Xuan frowned suddenly, feeling that things seemed to be trending in a bad direction.

While he was waiting, suddenly, the phone was connected at the last second.

"Hey! Who is it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The voice that came from the phone was indeed Chen Ruoqing's.

It just makes Chen Xuan a little puzzled that the other party's breath seems to be a little disordered.

Moreover, it seems to be running.

"What happened?"

Chen Xuan's voice through the ghost mask is uniquely eerie and hoarse, like a demon walking in hell.

But Chen Ruoqing, who heard this voice, suddenly stopped.

My heart jumped wildly.

"Mr. Gentleman?"

"it's me!"

Chen Xuan nodded, "Are you recovering? And exercising?"

"um, yes!"

Chen Ruoqing nodded and said as she ran, "I have indeed recovered, but I am not exercising, but fleeing for my life. y


Chen Xuan's pupils shrank, his tone suddenly gloomy, "What's going on?"

"An S-level supernatural incident occurred in Xiadu, and the supernatural incident you dealt with in Fengmen Village was very similar to this one.

Moreover, this time the scope is much larger than Fengmen Village, and we are now trapped in the ghost realm.

What's even more frightening is that the ghost tree that was solved by Mr. Gentleman actually came back to life. "


Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with surprise.

"What's the specific situation?"

Chen Ruo ran frantically and shouted, "As long as all living people inhale the smog, they will become graves, and tree roots will grow out of the graves.

These roots are now densely covered in at least one-third of the northeastern part of Xiadu, and the number of casualties is rising at an extremely high number. "

"I and a few captain-level ghost riders have been separated, and we are trying to find a way to escape from the ghost realm."

Chen Xuan didn't get too nervous when he heard this, but said it calmly.

"Remember, what I'm saying now is very important, about whether you will survive or not.

Live until I rush past.

First, the ghost tree in Fengmen Village was not destroyed last time. What we destroyed was just an existence similar to a clone or a ghost slave.

Second, the tomb behind the ghost tree is not the same kind of ghostly ability.

But two completely different Specter abilities.

Third, the smog should be the medium we brought back last time, and it only spread to the entire summer capital.

Fourth, those tree roots are just illusions, not real.

Fifth, if you want to survive, you must find the location of the ghost tree and rush towards the ghost tree.

Instead of running away.

The abilities of the two Specter do not seem to affect each other, but if they really collide, they will suppress each other......

So, the most dangerous place, the safest. "

Chen Xuan spoke very fast, and directly told Chen Ruoqing all the information he got last time.

He had suspected that there was something wrong with the ghost tree before, but he did not expect that it would affect the entire Xiadu so quickly.

"Good I know, gentleman."

Chen Ruoqing said quickly.

"Okay, then hang up and I'll rush over immediately."

Chen Xuan was about to hang up, but Chen Ruoqing suddenly stopped.

"and many more!"

"Anything else?"

"Mr. gentleman, do you remember to owe me an answer?"

"...Well, I'll tell you when we meet."

Chen Xuan knew that Chen Ruoqing was talking about his identity, and it seemed that this girl, Su Xing, had become a little smarter than before.

But this is nothing, originally Chen Ruoqing was not strong enough, and Chen Xuan didn't plan to tell her the truth.

Now, she has mastered the three ghosts such as ghost scissors and ghost hair, and she has special changes.

Tell her it's not a big problem.

The reason why Chen Ruoqing didn't say it directly on the phone was because she guessed that Chen Xuan might not want to reveal her true identity.

And the phone of the Ghost Rider headquarters contains a recording device, if you say too much, you may be suspected.

She guessed it could, but she didn't want to spoil the big brother's plans.


The only thing missing is that Chen Xuan can stand in front of her and tell her something in front of her.

I am a gentleman.

Chen Xuan hung up the phone and looked in the direction of Xia Du.

Chen Ruoqing's position began to be sensed in his mind, and at the same time, he began to mobilize the ability of ghost shoes.

"Girl, wait for me, I'll go over now."

While whispering to himself, Chen Xuan subconsciously activated Ghost Shoes Five.

However, at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed.

"The red headband has disappeared?"

"how is this possible?"

Chen Xuan was completely surprised this time, the red headband itself was a supernatural thing he got from the system.

This has never been the case.

And it was fine just now, how could the breath suddenly disappear?

Could it be that something happened to your sister?


Chen Xuan shook his head, even if there was an accident, the scent of the red headband would not disappear directly.

Then the only explanation is that the other party must have encountered some kind of situation, which blocked his sense of the ghost head rope.

The only thing that can cause this situation is something similar to Ghost Street or Ghost River.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that something has changed in the ghost realm in Xiadu, so that a ghost realm similar to the ghost street has been created.

Without the breath of the ghost head rope, Chen Xuan could not directly appear beside the opponent with his ghost shoes ability.

Because ghost shoes want to appear directly in front of each other, there must be a medium.

Before Chen Xuan completely relied on his own sense of the ghost head rope, he defined this sense as a medium, and then used ghost shoes to appear in front of the other party.

It is equivalent to using three Specter abilities to do all this.

Now in 3.3, the disappearance of one kind of ghost head rope means that the other two abilities cannot be realized.

No way, Chen Xuan had to go back by himself.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Thinking to himself, Chen Xuan's footsteps moved.

Da da!

His figure disappeared at once, and when he reappeared, he was already in the villa area of ​​Dayu Villa.

"Mr. Chen, it took you so long to come back?"

Zhu Pengcheng had been waiting at the villa, and when he saw Chen Xuan appeared, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Block the old house and don't let anyone approach it for the time being. I have something to do. I'll come back when I'm done. [011911108192031331]

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Xuan's weird outfit, Zhu Pengcheng actually felt a sense of trepidation.

But he still said quickly, "Mr. Chen, where are you going? Would you like to send a car?"

"No need."

Chen Xuan took a few steps and suddenly stopped.

"By the way, Mr. Zhu, if you have any close people in Xiadu who can come out, let them come out immediately.

"If it's over, I'm afraid I'll never get out."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Zhu Pengcheng to react, he moved his footsteps and disappeared out of thin air.

(Remarks: Ghost shoes ability, long-distance travel requires a target, short-distance because the footsteps can spread, you can move quickly.)

In fact, just as Chen Xuan guessed, just as he hung up the phone, Chen Ruoqian saw that the entire sheltered ghost realm had undergone drastic changes.

PS: Today, because I went to the water park with my children, I came back very late, so I didn't update it in time. Mengxin will try to update it tomorrow.

And now each chapter is a big chapter, which looks less than before, but actually a little bit more! Please customize it! .

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