: Rivers of blood flow, killing all the traitors

Su Chen’s tone was full of solemnity, which made people feel numb.

No one in the entire Wangyun City dared to speak. They all looked silent and did not dare to take a breath.

This is the sense of oppression brought by the strong.

Those whose cultivation was abolished by Su Chen also reacted at this moment and began to beg incessantly.

“Ancestor, have mercy on us. It’s not that we want to leave the Su family, it’s all because of Su Huayu’s pressure. He told us that we had to take sides, otherwise we would die.” ”

We are also forced to have no choice!”

“Please, ancestor, have mercy on me!”

begged. The voices kept ringing, and their faces were full of despair and begging.

As of now, no one dares to doubt Su Chen’s identity anymore.

The Emperor’s Douzhuan Seven-Star Sword and the Enlightenment Stone all call him master. This identity can only be Su Chen. Who else can let them call him master?

“Oh my God, this ancestor of the Su family is so terrifying!”

“But no, with so many people in the Su family, they will kill them at any time. If they die, the entire Su family will become extremely weak.”

“You don’t understand Su . In the early days of the Supreme Era, only Su Chen was the most powerful person in the Su family, and he was the one who led the Su family.” ”

I seem to have heard of this. Now that the ancestor of the Su family is still alive, as long as He is still here, and the Su family will always be the number one force. It’s not like you haven’t seen his strength. Who is his opponent in Xuantian Realm?”

Discussions continued, and when they looked at Su Chen, they all looked at each other. A frightened look.

Su Chen listened to the endless begging for mercy, his face was extremely cold.

There is no mercy for betraying the Su family.

Su Chen handed the Douzhuan Seven-Star Sword to Su Quan, and then coldly ordered: “From today on, Su Quan, you are the head of the Su family. Three days later, you will be responsible for beheading, and no one can be left alive.”


When Su Quan heard these murderous words, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

In fact, at the beginning, he never thought about killing all of them. He thought that he only needed to execute the leaders like Su Hai and the core forces, and the others could be reabsorbed back into the Su family.

But this ancestor’s methods are very ruthless. Anyone who breaks away from the Su family, regardless of their strength, whether they are direct lineage or collateral lineage, will be killed!

Su Quan felt a little unbearable. There were millions of Su family members, this was really too much.

But after seeing Su Chen’s stern face, he still suppressed his thoughts, and then saluted respectfully: “As you command.”

Wangyun City is the most powerful city in the Xuantian Realm, and things are a little bit different here. There were naturally a lot of people paying attention to the sudden movement, so the Su family’s affairs quickly spread throughout the Xuantian Realm.

Three days later.

In Wangyun City, Su Quan slashed down with his sword, taking away a life every time he swung the sword.

Desperation, crying, and cursing continued.

At the beginning, Su Quan’s mood fluctuated a bit, but after hearing these curses, he gradually became cold.

The Su family rules place great emphasis on one thing, that is, you are not allowed to betray the family, not under any circumstances.

Although these people say they are forced, who can force them to do this kind of thing?

They only took sides because they felt that the Su family was falling apart and there was no benefit at all from staying in the Su family, so for the sake of profit, they chose to take sides.

Since everyone has made this choice, they should bear the consequences.

Su Quan first chopped off people one by one, and then directly chopped off a group of people at once.

Blood spilled and gathered into a river.

There is a river in the middle of Wangyun City. It was originally extremely clear, but now it has turned bright red.

People from Su Quan’s lineage were collecting the bodies nearby.

There were millions of people, and it was impossible for their corpses to remain in Wangyun City.

With so many people, it took Su Quan five days to kill them all.

Everyone in Xuantian Realm was stunned and could not come back to their senses for a long time.

Su Chen’s methods were too harsh and he killed so many people in a few days that they couldn’t help but gasp.

far away.

Su Chen looked at all this with an indifferent expression. He didn’t have much emotional fluctuations regarding the death of these people.

The Su family now is not the Su family back then.

If they die, then just rebuild the Su family.

“However, the same problem can’t happen again in the future.”

Thinking of this, he suddenly said to the sky: “From now on, please help me take care of the Su family and try to avoid the same situation from happening.”

Accompanied by his voice As it fell, the power of heaven flowed through his body, as if it was responding to him.

God’s way!

This is an existence that even the Great Emperor’s extreme realm cannot touch.

In other words, they cannot contact the spirit of heaven, but they can contact the spirit of heaven.

Xuantian Realm also has its own wisdom. Su Chen has communicated with him many times before. Although the words are very concise and concise, he is very sure that the heavenly way of Xuantian Realm has its own spirit.

This spirit controls everything in Xuantian Realm, and he can guide anything in a specific direction.

Unless you reach the ultimate realm of the Great Emperor, you will not be able to survive.

Su Chen had helped Xuantianjie eliminate evil spirits before, so he had a good relationship with Xuantianjie.

As long as Heaven is watching over the Su family, giving those good-hearted Su family members more opportunities to grow, and allowing them to control the Su family, the same problem will naturally not occur.

As for the clan rules, these things are actually not very binding. It mainly depends on who is executing the execution.

Su Chen looked up at the sky, and his calm eyes gradually became turbulent:

“After staying for so many years, it’s almost time to go up.”

In the Xuantian world now, people can only know about him from ancient books. The people they knew at the beginning were either Either dead or ascended.

In about 600,000 years, the items he signed in to obtain have reached the ninth level of the immortal level.

The accumulated cultivation has reached 330 billion years.

The number of immortal crystals has reached the terrifying level of the Ninety-eight Capitals, and there are countless other treasures of heaven and earth.

The abnormality of Su Chen’s system is that the treasures he obtains are all of equal value, and there will be no low-quality items.

Although the system sign-in items will grow very slowly as you go to the back, but one item every day is equivalent to the ninth level of the Immortal Rank. Who can withstand this?

“It’s a pity that I didn’t draw even a Chaos Body.”

“But it doesn’t matter…”

Su Chen murmured. He had countless treasures on his body. Before going to the upper world, he used his Hongmeng Immortal Body to Ascend to the Hongmeng Immortal Body.

Immortal-level treasures are very rare in the immortal world, but they are very common here in Su Chen.

It is very difficult for him to upgrade to the Chaos Body level.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen made a plan for himself.

When the current Su family has grown up and has five powerful emperors of ninth grade or above sitting in charge, he will leave Xuantian Realm.

Thinking of this, Su Chen looked towards the sky again, with expectation in his eyes.

“I don’t know what happened to them up there.”

“That kid Xiao Yan has a terrifying talent. In hundreds of thousands of years, he must have become a strong man in the fairy world, right?”

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